Tarot Readings Online?

For discussion and questions about the tarot.

Tarot Readings Online?

Post by doll »

I have heard that you can do Tarot readings online. I am not sure if it works correctly..but i would like to find someone who is very well experienced in reading others, If it is possible to do online and free.
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Re: Tarot Readings Online?

Post by shadowx »

There are those who believe the cards can be read remotely, look in the "Tarot readings by members" forum (i cant remember the exact name now...) and make a new topic there with your question and perhaps details like your name.
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Re: Tarot Readings Online?

Post by Asch »

Heh, I've seen Tarot and Rune readings on ebay, apparently you pay $1 or so and they email you a reading. Kinda skeeves me out tbh.
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Re: Tarot Readings Online?

Post by Lost_Demise »

Hey there are people that make you pay 50 dollars or more for readings face to face~
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Re: Tarot Readings Online?

Post by roseonfire »

Personally, I've given many face to face readings and have recently started to give online readings as well, which, yes, feedback has been nothing but positive for the online readings and I've given 4 so far, 3 by pm. But for any of my readings, be they face to face or online, I have not ever charged even one cent. I'm a trad. witch but I HAVE read Gardner's work and I do agree with him on a few areas. One of them being that you should not charge for services of the Craft.
As to other remote readings, on of my friend's mom is Gina Kruzel the Tarot Queen, as her title proclaims. She is very successful as a reader and I have never found anything but good reputation from online searches. She provides her services over the phone, except at the festivals at the camp grounds where they live, although it's how she makes a living so if you want a free reading then I would suggest checking out the aforementioned thread, Free Readings By Members, which seems like a great idea anyway unless you're weird and like giving people money.
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