Spiritual answers

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Spiritual answers

Post by MoonLightCoven »

so im a big fan of any means of divination from tarots ,pendulum to palmistry and i had been reading my horoscope and it kept telling me that after trying so many times to achieve ur goal it will be all revealed soon and i am guessing its either trying to find my spirit guide or either my past life two of the most important goals to me! is this a sign to make me finally for fill my??

an deep in the back of my mind i question is this real or just a way to live in la la land ? like have u ever actually saw ur spirit guide???

and also the belief in faeries and nightmare alps ... even thou i have heard hissing in my room once but i hid under the covers

i mean ive been doin witchcraft since september and i love it i love doing spells it makes me feel powerful and they always end up working out and its amazing but its not that i dont believe in all of it (i am waiting to go to the summerlands!!!) but its just that deep part in the back off my mind that question it u know ??
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Re: Spiritual answers

Post by Kassandra »


leosuriano wrote:like have u ever actually saw ur spirit guide???
It's my understanding, based on what I have experienced, that we have many spirit guides not just one, depending on what we're doing in life. If you're practicing dance, you'll have dance-related spirit guides, and so on. Often, our dead loved ones are around us, and try to suggest useful courses of action for us to take, or point us to resources that are helpful to us. I have seen both of these kinds of spirit guides in my life (in my mind's eye, not physically).

I find that if you stay focused on your life, here and now, and don't focus on "looking" for spirit guides, they will come to you. Actually, they're all around you at any given time (that realm is non-local), but they're not going to just pop up for you to see them, like they are for entertainment. Focus on your life, on achieving your goals, and they will help you from where they are right now. Like this video says, they drop clues of their presence that will be unmistakable to you.

leosuriano wrote:is this a sign to make me finally for fill my??
Before I attempt to answer this one, I need clarification on what you're asking here. Please reword the question more clearly, if you would. Thanks.

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Re: Spiritual answers

Post by MoonLightCoven »

Kassandra wrote:.

leosuriano wrote:like have u ever actually saw ur spirit guide???
It's my understanding, based on what I have experienced, that we have many spirit guides not just one, depending on what we're doing in life. If you're practicing dance, you'll have dance-related spirit guides, and so on. Often, our dead loved ones are around us, and try to suggest useful courses of action for us to take, or point us to resources that are helpful to us. I have seen both of these kinds of spirit guides in my life (in my mind's eye, not physically).

leosuriano wrote:is this a sign to make me finally for fill my??
Before I attempt to answer this one, I need clarification on what you're asking here. Please reword the question more clearly, if you would. Thanks.

ok so what about like any mythical creature like ive read stories of people being near a ring of mushrooms and they started to see twinkling lights and they started to appear as fairies or stories of people waking up to a nightmare alp in their room i mean ive seen those old paintings of the alps sitting on womens chest and it makes me think :how could they have made this up? the internet isnt around so they arent going to get very publisized so i think its not a publicity stunt??? : i love wiccan/witchcraft im just the type of person that likes seeing things physically will that ever happen???? cause i do want to continue this even after i have kids i want to pass it on to them and from them to their kids.

and on a extra side note yesterday i made a 2 charm bags one with rose quartz and GREEN AVENTURINE that one i saw actually work a girl came up to me and asked me my name and i never seen her in my life i mean she was ok i felt like she had a crush on me lol but she was a short ok looking person but not my type (is that wrong????) and my other charm bag had agate in it some plume pink and blue ones and i was probably the happiest ive been ever at school and my emotions werent all over the place cause im moody when im hungry and hormones and all but idk this was a little story i wanted to tell bein the only witch i kno besides my friend who lives in jersey (i moved from there to south carolina) i have all these cool stories all balled up in my mind waiting to tell someone !!

blessed be :flyingwitch:
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Re: Spiritual answers

Post by Hunter »

Correct me if im wrong but you dont want to just see things in your "mind's eye" you want to physically see them? All I will say is practise. What you want to achieve takes years and years to achieve, some are born with it, some never achieve that "ability".. if you want to see somthing truely amazing study astral projection and when your finally able to do it youll be able to see a whole new world that you haven't before.
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Re: Spiritual answers

Post by Kassandra »



Well, I have heard of beings materializing to a level that we would consider "real," or "physical." But, that hasn't happened to me, though. I consider that a good thing, honestly. But, I have certainly interacted with presences of many beings, pleasant and unpleasant --comes with the territory of being alive.

As to whether you will ever see them physically yourself one day, I don't know what you will or will not see one day; you'll just have to wait and see (no pun intended). There are some beings you may wish that you hadn't seen, when and if you do see them. I think a lot of those beings you mentioned that are portrayed in art, do exist.

Congratulations that your charm bags are working well. Feel free to share any of your "cool stories," maybe others will share theirs, too. I know what that's like, wanting to tell someone your stories, as incredulous as they may seem. It is nice to have a place to do that.

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Re: Spiritual answers

Post by MoonLightCoven »

Kassandra wrote:.


Well, I have heard of beings materializing to a level that we would consider "real," or "physical." But, that hasn't happened to me, though. I consider that a good thing, honestly. But, I have certainly interacted with presences of many beings, pleasant and unpleasant --comes with the territory of being alive.

Congratulations that your charm bags are working well. Feel free to share any of your "cool stories," maybe others will share theirs, too. I know what that's like, wanting to tell someone your stories, as incredulous as they may seem. It is nice to have a place to do that.


well the most physical thing I've seen if u want to read it . Its called "I'm sure its not sleep paralysis" in the dream and sleep section u should check it out before u reply but yes I mean little things like faeries not demons but I would like to see peoples auras cause my friends mom does cleansings and her friend is I think she said was a witch or is I'm not sure but she said that she could see peoples auras shining off people
but the charm bags still working idk must be a blessing:D
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