coincidence or connection?????

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coincidence or connection?????

Post by sheherazade »

if a period of time arises that an old (not too old,but healing)obsession comes back to bite you on the tush..
even tho you cannot get the truth from anyone, you (on your own & innocently enough)stumble over some current news(be careful what you search for you just might find it)that might mean that past hostilities/thoughts...w/ you in the midst of the drama...might have occured while you were obsessing. start acting obsessed & retarded about someone you don't see anymore.
you go out of your way to run into them tho you don't want to & its highly unlikely...
you are ask other people questions but they won't answer & it just adds to the mystery.
then TA DA!
current newpaper photo & info(altho it tells little)
WHY while i was obsessing?
coinncidence or connection.?
did what i wrote even make sense?
will all these occurences at the same time ultimately mean something?
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Post by hedge* »

Sheherazade sweetie I'm not too sure what you're trying to say, maybe I'm having a senior moment! :?

I for one do not believe in coincidences, I think these events that happen in our lives happen for a reason, some higher power trying to nudge us in the right direction we need to take to fufill our life goals. Whatever they may be.
If you wanna chat hun you know how to get hold of me.

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Post by sheherazade »

no hedge you aren't having a senior moment,i'm having a psychotic one.
really...i haven't been doing great & dreadged up some old memories.
i had been wondering why & then i was surprised to be given a clue.
i haven't done any real magick in a while,nor have i had the emotional energy to do any healing magick.
but i do not discount the spiritual intervention i have done & had done for me in the past.
no matter what i think or tell myself to i have an odd feeling my drama has not finished playing itself out yet.
& i sometimes wonder if that's just me wishing.
thanks for responding.
i'll be back on my meds soon & normal again.
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Post by Wolf* »

....I barely understood any of that..........

"And a godlike man--a man who is pure force--inaccessible to any compromise--is called a hero."
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Post by sheherazade »

THAT means i'm in really bad shape.
you know how madmen rave?
i'll be better in a few days.
by the way...i picked up my pendulum & i haven't quite lost my touch.whenever i'm right on it astounds me.

Post by missy »

Whoa! I' ve had moments like that too ... All i can say is try to take it easy things will get better in time ((((HUGS))) to you.


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