Electra Solaris's Dream Journal

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Electra Solaris's Dream Journal

Post by electrastarling »

Jan. 9, 2017

I fell asleep to a chakra meditation and had the most vivid experience in my sleep.

In my dream, I was sitting at a table with a woman, who was speaking the chakra meditation to me. I was sobbing. Sobbing, and sobbing, and sobbing. Crying so hard, I could feel it in my physical body. I think I was sobbing audibly outside of the dream, in the real world. It felt like deep, grievous emotional pain. I woke up completely out of sorts and had a hard time readjusting and shaking off the heaviness I had experienced. It stuck with me for the rest of the day and the day after, too.

Is it possible that I had some kind of heart chakra energy release while I was sleeping? I've been extremely tense and sore since then, coupled with a constant headache. This was about 3 days ago.
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Re: Electra Solaris's Dream Journal

Post by Firebird »

I suspect that you may have issues of some sort to work through here.
The heart area is waking up due to your recent spiritual quest, it's not terribly uncommon, so don't distress. Sorry bout the headace, How are you feeling today?
Bb, Firebird
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Re: Electra Solaris's Dream Journal

Post by electrastarling »

firebirdflys wrote:I suspect that you may have issues of some sort to work through here.
The heart area is waking up due to your recent spiritual quest, it's not terribly uncommon, so don't distress. Sorry bout the headace, How are you feeling today?
Bb, Firebird
Hi! Sorry I haven't check the form until now.

I feel a lot better today. The headache is gone. And yes, I have major emotional trauma that I am working through right now. I do talk therapy and the work I'm doing in energy medicine is helping a lot. The EFT and TFT is working wonders!

Re: Electra Solaris's Dream Journal

Post by electrastarling »

Last night's dream:

The specifics are hazy now, I should have written this upon waking, but I had a dream within a dream.

There were a lot of people around, I was at some sort of party or gathering. There was music playing. I can't recall much else.

Then I have the false awakening, where I am lying in bed and looking at some sort of device I had that was able to record what I had just dreamed about. It had recorded the music. I took mental note of this and fell back asleep, back into the original dream.

It continues on a bit, I can't recall the details, and then I woke up for real.

So strange, to go from one dream into another, and then back into the original dream. Does any of this have any sort of spiritual meaning to it?
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Re: Electra Solaris's Dream Journal

Post by Bychan Wulf »

Yeah, dream within a dream is making my brain blow up. Never sure what was real and not lol
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