Connecting with my spirit guide

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Connecting with my spirit guide

Post by SpiritsBeforeMe »

I'm really interested in trying to connect with my spirit guide and I was wondering if you had a technique to offer?
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Contacting spirit guides, meditation methods

Post by Kassandra »

I'm not one to take much stock in what I read or what people tell me, unless I experience it for myself. That counts a lot more to me. The following observations about spirit guides, and the meditation process, are based on my perceptions of my experiences with both, and aren't written in stone anywhere, that I know of at least:

They are your advisory counsel, but you're still the boss
You will have many spirit guides in your life. They can be likened to "cabinet members," similar to the president's advisors pictured below. You are the ultimate decision maker of your life, the Commander-in-Chief of your destiny. Your spirit guides do not do your work for you, nor make your decisions for you. But you can choose to make your decisions after reflection upon their "input," their recommendations, which they offer you based on their areas of specialization. Or you can choose to totally ignore them, as many of us do --it's your choice, Free Will and all that.
OK, I know this is off-topic, but does the current Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanual (seated at center), totally give anybody else the creeps, or is it just me?

You may or may not be aware of their presence, but they will guide you nevertheless because it's an element of their life purpose to do so, their divine "assignment," if you will. If you don't recognize them officially they'll still operate in the impersonal method of supplying you with sudden inspirations that seem to just "come to you." In any event, their presence in your life will be based primarily on two factors that produce a kind of "resonance" between your spirit, and those of the guides you attract into your life:
1. your personal life path/purpose, including your abilities and interests
2. their personal abilities and interests

They will come and they will go
Depending on what's going on with your life, spirit guides will come and go. They could be ancestors or they could be of any race, any age, connected with a particular religion, not connected to any religion, or not even human, as in energy beings from different dimensions, angels, or animal guides and totems. So you will never know all your spirit guides, your "cabinet members," all at once. You may have spirit guides that offer career advice, but when you change careers or retire, they fade away, and may or may not be replaced by another. You may have one that helps you mother/father a child (those are often grandparents or other blood relatives who have passed on), and then steps back once the child moves out to start his or her own life independent of you. The same applies to those that advise you about romantic relationships, or assist you with health issues, or enjoy your hobbies alongside you (those are the really fun spirit guides), etc. As you transition from one scenario to another in your life, so will your guides often change. New ones appear, old ones fade away. Then again, old ones reappear to touch bases with you, help you remember where you've come from, how you've grown, remind you of where you said you wanted to go, etc.

And there are one or two who will stay with you throughout your life, as constant companions. These are often soul mates with whom you've lived previous lives, but not always.

Mindfulness is a good way to contact spirit guides, but in my opinion...

Spirit guides speak with you constantly through a number of means: significant synchronicities that happen, "signs" of their presence represented by recurring symbols you find or see, the content of conversations you overhear between people, a book or article title you read that strikes a chord, a TV show, the ad words displayed on the side of a truck, vivid visions that "flash" in your mind during the day, or significant dreams you have at night, song lyrics you can't get out of your head ....millions of ways!

The point is to listen, watch, and be an aware being during the days and nights of your life. Don't waste your life living like a zombie, mindlessly going about the day, wasting hours of your life on video games and TV, when you could be pursuing your life purpose. Practice "mindfulness." Be aware of things around you. Spirits don't suddenly appear before you with words of sagely wisdom, like Morgan Freeman dressed in a white suit, at least that hasn't been my experience (though sometimes they do make their proximity near you known). But the majority of time, it's within the little things that your guides speak to you.

American actor, Morgan Freeman, played so many
"sagely" roles in movies, and has done voice-overs
for countless cable documentaries featuring the
authoritative tone of his deep voice, that at one point
he was jokingly referred to as "the voice of God."
Regarding the publicity photo above, he was actually
cast as God in a movie co-starring comedian Jim Carey,
called "Bruce Almighty"

...meditation is the best way to contact spirit guides

Nevertheless, despite our attempts at mindfulness, we are very busy beings. We are busy trying to balance the material world immediately around us, with cultivating our inner spiritual lives, because we are responsible for both. So we spend a lot of time thinking about obtaining and maintaining material possessions (including the care and upkeep of our bodies), preserving our ever-hungry egos, or meeting our obligations to people around us (family, friends, employers, etc.) ...understandably, this all gets very distracting. Who could listen to spirit guides with all that chatter going on?

Meditation involves stilling the mind, separating it from all these necessary outer-world concerns, so that it could take a moment to focus on its inner-world concerns, the inner-world being the realm in which our spirit guides dwell, and from where their messages to us come. To connect to that world, it helps to meditate. I have found that it's useless to expect answers to come in totality, or even right away, no matter how urgent I think an issue is. Spirit guides like to make you figure things out. Answers may come piece meal, over a span of hours, days, weeks, months, even years (depending on the question). It helps to restrain the human need for instant gratification, to know it all, right now. Our relationships with spirit guides are lifelong. So what's the rush? There are many, many "schools" (techniques) of meditation. Everyone will say his or her way is the best way. I've learned several methods of meditation, but personally, I don't prefer one over another. For instance

A Gump-y overview of meditation techniques
(this is gonna sound like the Forrest Gump movie "...fried shrimp, boiled shrimp, shrimp scampi....," but...):

--You could try a ritual or spell listed on this website or elsewhere, or not
--You could listen to a "guided meditation" cd or mp3 (and there are tons of those available), where a voice leads you through the meditation, or not (guided med cds are great for when you are too brain dead to think, but too tired to fall asleep on your own)
--You could meditate with music, or without
--You could read a passage from a holy scripture of your choice and contemplate its meaning during your meditation, or not
--You could leave your body astrally, then return at the end of your meditation, or just stay in your body
--You could use mala or rosary, with each bead being a prayer, or not
--You could could employ japa (chanting the name of your chosen god, to infuse your vibration with its vibrational energy) or not
--You could only focus on the subtle qualities of your breath as you breathe in and out, as in Vipassana meditation, or not
--You could chant, like the Nicheren Shoshu Buddhists chant "Namyoho-renge kyo" and the Lotus Sutra scriptures, or say nothing
--You could lay down to meditate (the yogic savasana, or "corpse pose," is good for this, though I tend to fall asleep, so it doesn't work well for me personally, but many folks swear by it), or just sit comfortably, or stand, or walk, or run
--You could do a "walking meditation" within a labyrinth (see video below), or just mindfully walk along a beach, through a park, around the block in your neighborhood, on a forest hiking trail, etc.
--You could practice tai chi or qi gong as a "moving meditation." This is great because it gives the noisy, analytical left-brain something to do (the movements), while the right-brain meditates in peace.

"...let's see, and then there's garlic shrimp, shrimp stew, Cajun shrimp, shrimp pasta...")
The practice of walking the labyrinth as a meditation, like the majority
of practices and holidays now dubbed Christian, is really of ancient pagan origins.
Try not to "hyper-frontal lobe," or over-think your meditation session, as "Mary" did
(see @2min 48sec). She couldn't dial down the "monkey chatter" in her brain
enough to enjoy the experience of the meditation.

Tailor meditations to your needs
All of these methods help you achieve an altered state of consciousness, which makes it easier for you to clearly contact and commune with your spirit guides. I employ different methods according to my needs at a given moment. I may incorporate a "moving meditation" into my activity as I'm, say, washing the dishes, or driving a car (not really advisable, but...), or sitting in the bath tub (an excellent time to meditate), etc. Conversely, I may be more formal and light candles and incense, sit on a meditation cushion, and meditate sometimes for an hour, sometimes much longer. Depends on what I've got going on in life, and what my needs are in the meditation. Either way, by incorporating meditation into my day one way or another, it becomes a pleasant part of my lifestyle, rather than a rigid, formal practice, which I would find unpleasant.

Regardless of the method you use, some key things that may help you get the most out of meditating to contact your spirit guides include:

1. Breathe deeply and slowly, and relax your body
2. Take at least five minutes or more for meditation
3. Meditate somewhere not distracting, if possible (sometimes it's not)
4. Trust what you see, feel and hear during your meditation
5. Write down the messages you receive during meditation in a journal


Thank You :)

Post by SpiritsBeforeMe »

I can't stress enough how much you've truly helped me.
I'm right now going to try these wonderful techniques, that you've obviously taken a lot of time with to write down.
Hopefully I'll be successful and I'll update you (if you want) of how I do :)
Thanks again. Thanks so much :)
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Post by Kassandra »

You're welcome. Glad it helps.

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spirit guide post by moderator NightRose

Post by Kassandra »

...And here's a helpful post by NightRose about spirit guides: The Spirit Guide Question, where she describes different types of spirit guides, and methods of getting in contact with them.

Of note in that post is toward the end, where she lists signs to look out for that indicate you have probably contacted an unhelpful spirit. If that's the case, discontinue all communication with it. This is an issue EUTM member "newcrusader" wrote about having to deal with in the past. See: Automatic writing - bad experiences with an unhelpful spirit (he or she ended up in a psychiatric ward over it!). So if the guide's advice seems untoward in anyway, don't follow it. This is known as exercising discernment in your communications with spirits. Bottom line, the three main red flags to look out for include:

1. the spirit is trying to fluff you up and inflate your ego in some way
2. the spirit is trying to isolate you from people around you in some way
3. the spirit is trying to get you to do something that doesn't make sense to you, and is inappropriate

Helpful spirit guides don't do any of that. They respect and work within the constructs of the space, time and culture you're currently living in.

That is a really important point I forgot to mention in my post above.

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