A pendulum experience with lost truck keys

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A pendulum experience with lost truck keys

Post by [cherokeewind] »

I want to share an experience with using a pendulum...My Dad lost his truck keys in the snow, at least that is what he thought. It had other keys and some things he needed on the keyring. He was just sure it was lost while cleaning up edges of the driveway with a snow shovel. I asked my pendulum if the keys were lost along the driveway. Answer was no. That part of the driveway (longest part) was in crushed Limestone, so no reinforcement rods to confuse a metal detector. So, wasted a lot of time trying to search with my metal detector. I told my Mom the keys were not out there. I asked questions with the pendulum about different places in the house. I got it narrowed down to about a 8 x 10 foot section of the garage. It turned out there was an offset in the wall, which placed a coat closet (outer walls of it) and doorway to the house within that section of garage. Guess what? The keys turned out to be in a pocket of his cover-alls which were in that closet.

You can recover lost objects much faster by asking your pendulum questions.
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Post by [Obsidian] »

I'm curious, how did your parents. respond to the pendulum working on this?

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Post by jcrowfoot »

That is awesome! I should bring out my pendulum the next time I loose something!
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

I didn't tell anyone, so my parents don't know about it. I usually don't discus my readings with other people, except on a forum like EUM. Besides, my parents have the faith healing type Christian beliefs which don't ackowledge other religions. I just keep quiet about my beliefs, as many others do here on the forum.

jcrowfoot, yes you might want to try some things like that using a pendulum. One time I was testing out several charged pendulums, to see which spell worked best for finding metals. I first attached a small magnet to a string with Scotch tape. Then kept the magnet/string in a pocket.

The dowsing went like this...holding one of the charged pendulums in the hand which I normally do readings with. My other hand was used to point with...the idea is to hold the pendulum and point your finger to sense or detect an object from a distance. This is similar to the way L-rods are used in dowsing. Now, here you need a newer home to practice in, 2 x 4 studs in the wall covered with sheets of drywall, painted or thin-coat plaster. This was where I used to live, so the nails in the drywall were covered with thin-coat plaster.

Of all the charged pendulums, two turned out to be good for dowsing nails in the wall. I would move my finger around while pointing, when the pendulum started swinging...I tried it from different angles and directions. Pinpointing the spot on the wall using my pointing finger, then got out the magnet/string. I used the magnet to check for a drywall nail.

The two pendulums that worked, always worked each time locating the nail. The magnet would stick exactly where I was pointing. The others were all charged with some type of wealth spell. Almost any charged pendulum will find nails except any that have money or prosperity spells on (unless Red was used for the color). Wealth attracting energy isn't very sensitive to worthless little nails they tend to pick up on things like tree roots and various other objects not too important.

Charging a pendulum...East is good for questions, if you work mostly through the mind. West is good for questions or feelings, especially if you are a very intuitive person. The pendulum which detected nails the best was an experimental charging using energies of the South and the color red. I later cleansed it to remove the spell, because it worked more for iron detection. I would recommend spells of the East or West for charging pendulums.

The pendulum used to find the lost keys was charged in a Native style ceremony, using the color Green and to the West. Grizzly Bear was the animal helper in this ceremony. I like it for a general purpose use. But this time in finding the truck keys, only asked questions. If I had used finger dowsing with the pendulum, it would have found them sooner, saving much time.
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Post by Kolohe »

Wow, that was great! Now my obsessive brain may really get to experimenting though. the neighbors will wonder why that odd girl is out digging holes in the yard and pulling siding off the house.

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Post by [cherokeewind] »

Yeah, I have a metal detector and once tried it along with dowsing in the ground outside. I used the pendulum plus finger pointing to locate something mysterious in the ground. I moved in from different directions. Had the spot well located. So, turned on the metal detector and immediately began beeping. In metal detecting, people keep some kind of probe to stick in the ground sometimes. It really depends if you live where soft top soil exists. I stuck a probe down about 1-2 inches and hit metal. I dug, there was what must have once been a cardboard box, of galvanized deck nails. You know, the style of nail that has the spiral design. They turn some when driven into wood, don't pull out so easy either. If you can find a container of lost nails, why not a cache of lost coins?
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Post by Arcane »

Very cool. How long have you been working with pendulums and what got you started? I'd seen them advertised on some pagan websites but never knew what they were for. I've tried metal detecting but my Dad's better at it than I am. Everytime I turn the thing on its starts beeping like mad but when I dig around I never find anything.
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

My first wicca course included pendulum use. I became interested in metal detecting, looking at treasure magazines soon after that... because they used to have articles about dowsing. Back then some treasure hunters made L-rods out of bent coat hangers. I have to count the years now, maybe...oh my gosh!!! I better count again, I'd say 20 1/2 years. It's almost like turning 21 again...maybe should celebrate.
I've tried metal detecting but my Dad's better at it than I am. Everytime I turn the thing on its starts beeping like mad but when I dig around I never find anything.
I've had that problem with coins or small bits of junk. Take along a piece of plastic and remove any dirt from the digging (put on plastic). You check with the metal detector as digging. If the hole doesn't give a beep any more, check the dirt on the plastic. Round coils on the detector can be a problem in locating shallow targets. The oval type (elliptical) have a long narrow detection pattern allowing pinpointing by cross-direction sweeps. I've had coins on plastic in the dirt that took me a long time to find. Coins get tarnished and dirty, even mineralized with a lime coating. You just can't see them in the dirt. I'd spread the dirt out over the plastic, finally take my metal detector to find it.

Oh, pop cans used to have pull-tabs which came off and people would throw them on the ground. Some public parks once had and private lawns a pull-tab count for every square foot (it seems like). Many places now are fairly cleaned out from people metal detecting.
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Post by [EarthWitch] »

WOW! That was great! I have a pendulum, but am still trying to figure it out, or it is trying to figure out me! hehe
...not all who wander are lost... (tolkein)

I am the daughter of Earth and Water
and the nursling of the sky-
I pass through the pores of the oceans and shores
I change, but I never die.
Lady Midnight

Very nice!

Post by Lady Midnight »

Bright Blessings! That was very good! But from what you have told me about your parents, I have no doubt you knet this to yourself! LOL My pendulums are like dear, sweet old friends! Living things really!!! eep up the good work my old friend! Love and Blessed Be!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

My pendulum baby died. :cry:

It was an Emerald, while not gem quality, it was still very nice. She broke in *half* and has jangly energies that won't heal. I don't know what to do.

I feel kind of like a traitor getting a new one... but the others I made (with beads and silver wire) don't really want to talk to me these days(!) Dunno what's going on.

Maybe I just need to ignore this portion of energy work for a while.

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