Help with a something...i think it's a demon?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.

Help with a something...i think it's a demon?

Post by Firenymph »

ok so since i was little i have had huge things happen to me and my mom told me i talked to people all the time that were just not there and it runs throught my family to have dreams of past present future but the problem is mine is worse then any of there's but a couple of years ago my mom decided to start doing spells though she had no idea what she was doing and so she stopped and thought she had "shut the door" sort of speak. however i had started getting into it which was way worse then anything she ever did she did some love spells to make her boyfriend be with her. i on the other hand found a summon demon spell and well i never read it out loud but i guess you got to believe in it enough to make it happen but it just mind be me. well bad things started happening things that could not be explained by anything at all. everywhere i went something would happen my uncle started getting dreams of fire and hell my mom couldn't sleep due to her bed shaking violently but the dreams i was having were just...little skeleton creatures under my house in cages telling me to let them out. lava pouring out of the ground all around my house and in almost every dream a man with black hair was there.
the point of this is that my mom made me burn my book and everything died down but not totally when i wasnt at home whatever it was would co crazy and destroy my room throwing everything all over the place. well i moved away from home and dont even live in the same state now i just went back and visited. a few weeks ago my mom called said that she thought she heard me calling her name. it kind of freaked me out but now the dreams are coming back. and i'm depressed even though my life seems great i'm so miserable i dont know what is going on but its not of this world i know that. i just need advice. :?
Stephanie Mae
Posts: 330
Joined: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:19 pm

Post by Stephanie Mae »

Steep mallow leaves and their stems in vegetable oil, strain into a bottle and rub the ointment onto your forehead to cast out a demon.

Ask Danu to bestow her protection upon you. Danu is the Irish Celtic Mother Goddess of Blessings and Protection. You could call on whichever goddess is associated with your beliefs.

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