What are Your Paranormal Experiences? Part II of II

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I have paranormal experiences regularly, and:

I try to suppress it. I feel like a freak! I wish it would go away.
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I want to expand my abilities, and learn to use them more.
They are accepted and supported in my family.
They are not accepted in my family, and I can not discuss them at all.
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What are Your Paranormal Experiences? Part II of II

Post by Kassandra »

If you do experience paranormal things regularly, how has it been perceived by others around you, and by you?


Post by deltachange »

I would love to develop my powers, but my mom and dad are disbelieving. I think that I am supposed to because I keep having dreams about telepathy and telekinesis, and every dream I am getting stronger, and then I am getting stronger in the real world. I see auras without trying, and I am starting to pick up on others thoughts. It is scary, but my family ignores it and I don't have anywhere to turn. Until I found this place.
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Post by Kassandra »

deltachange, Glad you found this website! It's a tough situation when you have abilities, but they're not accepted by your family. But the cool thing is you have access to a lot of people and information here, so you don't have to feel alone.

You might check out James Van Praagh's book, Looking Beyond: A Teen's Guide to the Spiritual World as a good place to start.

Also, see Travis Sander's posts on this website about Grounding, Shielding and Centering and practice these things daily, as well as meditation. In fact, try to check out the show he was once featured on, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal on the A&E channel. It's about kids (some with "disbelieving" parents and friends) who have various psychic abilities.

Embrace your abilities. You were born with them, and they will always be a part of you, regardless of who does or doesn't believe you have them.

P.S.: Someone, somewhere in your family has psychic ability too! As quiet as it's kept, psychic ability runs in families, like any other genetic trait.

Post by Hallucinant »

I would love to develop my powers. I'm lucky to have parents who support me and believe my stories. I also have a friend I can discuss a lot with, but sometimes it's a pity she doesn't fully understand what I'm saying because she never experienced it. It makes her more curious, though.

Unfortunately I haven't met other people who are as accepting as they are. Most 'friends' ran away hen they heard about it. I have one other friend who knows and he's okay with it, just as long as I don't discuss it too often with him.

I know my dad's an empath, but as far as I know, no other family members have any abilities.

Post by Mairte »

I cant remember when weird things DIDNT happen.
I have a big family and these occurences have been met with mixed reactions.
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Post by Kassandra »

Mairte, what an interesting atmosphere that must have been to grow up in. You probably have a lot of good stories! What was the "weirdest" occurrence you remember growing up?

And did anyone become a professional reader in some capacity?
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Post by Kassandra »

Half Jack, yes, you are one of the lucky few to have been fortunate enough to have been born into a family that somehow sidestepped the huge gulf of religious censorship, superstition, complacency and general ignorance ....and to embrace the natural abilities we're all born with! Wish that'd been my case, but anyways....

How does your dad deal with his empathy? Does he use it somehow, or does he just experience it.

What are the powers that you have, that you'd like to develop?

If you are over 18, I suggest you check out meetup.com and do a search for metaphysical groups to attend, so you could make friends with others in your area, who are also interested in developing their abilities.

Post by Mairte »

Oh, it was DEFINITELY interesting growing up in the household I did.
One of the weirdest things that ever happened to me in my parents house was a little over a year ago. My sister had been killed in an accident and this was the weekend after. Myself, oldest son and youngest daughter were sitting upstairs talking, no one else was at home. Twice we heard someone downstairs, and twice when my son went down to look, there was no one. The third time he yelled out my sisters name and said we were upstairs if she wanted to talk. All three of us very distinctly heard heavy footsteps down the hall and to the bottom of the stairs. At this point I was thinking "Crap!" because I thought he/she/it was going to start up the stairs. It didnt, but this experience is certainly something I will never forget. After it happened, I felt bad because if it WAS my sister I would have wanted at least her presence.

Post by Hallucinant »

I'm very lucky indeed, although sometimes it causes lots of troubles too. We're all three (me and my parents) very sensitive persons, so when we get a small fight, things usually turn out bad and we get sick for days, heh. xD Also, we had to deal with depression several times, but I'm glas we got through it.

My dad came from a family that didn't believe and support him and his empathy. He never really did anything with it, he just experiences it and sometimes helps out when he feels like he has to.

I'm an empath too and I have some several other abilities I cannot name. Sometimes I just /know/ things. For example, I go to a concert and I just know him and him will be there too and that we'll meet. Sometimes I know when we get in the car, we'll bump into someone. I know when someone will be ill. It's little odd.
I seem to attract people or entities in need too, who refuse to leave before I helped them. Sometimes they don't even notice themselves they were someone lured to me. :?
I can't control it yet. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and powerless and I'd like to learn to deal with it all better.

I'm not 18 yet (but already 17, haha ) but that site looks nice. There are even some gatherings in my neighbourhood, but not a lot of my interest. Pity. :/

I've been there

Post by doghorse »

I'm probably the oldest person here (I'm 49...you can call me Grandma!) Anyway, when I was a kid my parents discounted my abilities too. They were nice to me about it, but always just passed it off as a bad dream and/or a vivid imagination. Eventually I grew out of it, but then as I got older it all started to come back. When I was a kid it scared the Hell out of me, now I'm fine with it and when I experience things it doesn't scare me. I think its great that its easier to find support now thanks to sites like this and more open minds so that you can develop and not stifle your experiences. I feel really lucky that its coming back to me and has been happening more and more in the last decade or so.
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Post by Kassandra »

Thanks for sharing that thought. Glad it's all coming back to you, and more importantly, that you're at peace with yourself, and your abilities. I read from your "what am I?" post that you are highly empathic, and have some mediumship ability as well, and a special connection with animals. The spirit people who visit you in your dreams probably do so due to your high sensitivity. In other words, it would freak you out if they appeared in full force during the daytime. So, they communicate with you in your sleep, when you're more right-brained, and your left brain is literally asleep and can't overanalyze their presence. It's a protection for you.

Also, one thing in that post that really stands out, especially to us empathic folks, is: "I recharge by being alone or with animals." The key word here is recharge. Empaths, and there are many, many of us (many of whom don't know they are empathic, which, take it from me, really sucks) have to recharge. The sensory overload of both the physical and spiritual worlds literally drain us until we're like used coppertop batteries, til we got nothin' left. Some become suicidal if they don't learn to recharge. Learning psychic hygiene to shield, ground and center regularly is crucial as well. Empathicness is a beautiful, beautiful gift.....yet, a double-edged sword.

Whether by being alone, or around animals, or in nature, or swimming in sea water (an excellent "recharger" and auric cleanser), or playing a musical instrument, or by doing whatever else personally floats your boat, by all means take time to recharge if you are, or suspect that you are empathic.
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Post by Chaos Shaman »

I did not vote. I am a skeptic who pushes the limit.

Thank you Kassandra

Post by doghorse »


I loved your thoughts and feedback. I am an empath and do become easily overwhelmed by people. Another thing that is difficult is my empathy with animals. I see alot of roadkill here in WYoming and that can be upsetting. Even worse than roadkill are animals that aren't treated well. I try to compensate for that by donating to the local shelter, and treating my own pets like loved children (which they are) and all my future pets will be rescues. I'm very open to mediumship and I think that is one reason they come to me. They know its okay. Sometimes the experiences are not good, but mostly they are nice. I do need to learn how to tell the occasional dark entity to go away (I find myself saying Hail Mary's in my sleep even though I've never been catholic-I think I was a priest once). Thanks again!

Post by Nick »

I don't know what my "abilities" should be classified as, but I have had certain 'abilities' ever since I can remember, and I am 33 now. I guess that I'm just sensitive to certain things.

I can see auras. My own aura is usually violet, sometimes more intense, sometimes less. It depends upon how I feel (tired, energetic, etc.) and how "connected" with the Spirit I am. When I was a child, I thought that it was normal for everyone to see auras, that most people could tell a good guy from a bad guy, but when I realized that most people couldn't see it, I asked my mother about it and described her's in detail, she freaked. She still doesn't like me mentioning it. My favorite activity is to walk in the woods and just bask in the glow of the trees and other woodland creatures. It renews my spiritual energy.

When I was a boy, I realized that I could tell non-living things to do simple things in how they relate to the elements, and if I believed, then it would obey. Because I knew how it worked, how could I not believe? My mother thought it was coincidence when she first saw this when I told the annoying, squeaky car windshield blade to shut up during a rain shower, and it immediately did so. When I did it again on the way home, she sort of freaked then also. On hot days, I can ask the wind to blow, and a gentle breeze will usually blow for a few seconds. Of course a simple prayer to the Spirit works as well with a cooler, longer lasting breeze usually. This was common for me to do when I used to maintain cemeteries during the summer. I find cemeteries to be the most peaceful, relaxing places I know of. That probably sounds weird, though. Many people refuse to set foot in one.

I have death dreams. Usually the night before someone I know is going to die, I dream of it. I used to work in a nursing home, and this was not uncommon. I've also had death dreams of dogs, cats, etc, so it's not only of other humans. This is the main reason, I stopped working at the nursing home. I couldn't take so many death dreams.

I sense where people have died unexpectedly in pain, e.g. like a car crash. Hauntings or the physical imprint of a life taken too soon. My blood goes cold, the circulation in my hands stops. For a moment, it's like I'm lost and can't sense anything except the feel of a tortured scream in my soul. There are some places I will go out of my way to avoid so I won't have to drive by a particular house or go on a certain road. The closer i am to the exact spot, the worse it becomes. This is the one 'curse' that I wish I didn't have.

I can immediately tell if a deceitful soul is in a room, and I try to avoid them as much as possible.

Unfortunately, I have the type of presence where I cannot sneak into a room. If I quietly enter a large room with 20 people in it all looking the other way, within seconds, 19 of them will turn their heads toward me.

I can often sense what close familiar people are going to ask me, and will tell them what they want to know before they even speak.

When I was younger, I did terrible in school. I wasn't hyper or slow. I just asked the wrong questions. When I was aware of inconsistencies, I wanted explanations the teachers didn't want to give. So even though I failed lots of classes, I could often be found studying in the library for hours after school. They weren't teaching me the right things.

I was brought up in a Christian environment, but refused to go to church after I was 12. People in position were filled with deceit, the priest didn't seem to have a clue about the circle when he walked around the sanctuary with the censor. There were broken lines, oddly overlapping lines, which made me uncomfortable to be around, to say the least. And they refused to teach the 3 things that Christ taught: peace, love, and tolerance, especially with people with my 'abilities'. So I found a better way to serve the Spirit, while doing my best to harm none.

Sorry if this is too much info.

Blessed be,
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Post by Kassandra »

Nick wrote:So I found a better way to serve the Spirit, while doing my best to harm none.
And really, that pretty much summarizes the extent of all we can do, in the end.

Thanks for sharing your story. No, I don't think it's too much information. It helps others who are going through similar things, and there are many, so it's quite helpful. It sounds like you've arrived at a certain peace with your abilities in your spiritual walk, so that's good to hear also. You know and accept the shortcomings around you, as well as your own, and you've learned to find solace in the natural environment, which is very effective.

From what you describe, it sounds like you have telekinesis (ability to affect the physical environment around you with your thoughts -this is the basis of the work of people like Dr. Masaru Emoto, who try to show that we affect our environments, and each other, with our thoughts), clairvoyance (seeing auras, etc.), clairsentience/empathicness ("feeling" liars around you, and feeling the "heaviness" of certain locations you're in), claircognizance/precognition (death dreams), and clairaudience or telepathy (hearing what people say before they say it).

I regularly experience all of these (except telekinesis), some more than others. In fact, most of the "hits" I receive are so subtle I tend to shrug them off, unless a hit is really noticeable or has to do with a loved one, etc., ...somehow it has to really get my attention, otherwise I'll just ignore it. Once in a while I also experience synaesthesia where perceptual information gets "crossed." Like, I'll "see" a sound as a color, or "smell" an emotion/character trait --yes, you really can "smell" fear on a person. In fact, "smelling" psychic information is called, clairolfaction/clairgustance. Last but not least, from time to time I see dead people (mediumship). Again, I do not experience all these things at once on any given day! lol! I would go completely batty if I did. I have merely registered it in my self-awareness that I may experience these things from time to time, some more than others (synaesthesia is rare, so is clairolfaction), and then I forget about it.

I take classes whenever I have the opportunity to, in order to better understand these abilities. And I moderate this message board, as well as teach simple development classes where I live, so that I could help people understand their abilities ...because if I could assist people in knowing what's going on with them, maybe they won't have to figure it out when they're half way through their adult lives (which was my experience, and has felt like a curse at times). Or if they are half way through their lives already, or beyond, they'll know what's going on with them and know they're not alone with it. It's only those times I feel like it all hasn't been for nothing, and thus not really a curse after all.

There is so much fear and at the same time an uncalled-for mystique associated with them, but these are natural abilities that all of us have to greater or lesser degrees. People like you have them to a greater, more pronounced degree, but occurrences of these abilities are quickly becoming more frequent in the general population. Often these abilities are met with reactions similar to your mom's reaction about your ability to see her aura, where she "doesn't like" you "mentioning it" (denial). Sometimes there's straight out hostility ("Satan is giving you those powers, and you're evil") Conversely, sometimes they are eagerly sought after due to a false sense of power people fantasize about possessing (usually loners who have a difficult time relating to people) for material gain, ego-glory, or both.

Your experience with school is also very common. People with abilities like this get bored quickly with the world's antiquated "educational" systems because their abilities are not getting addressed along with reading, writing and arithmetic. So they feel like they're receiving "half" an education, if that. The result is they just shut down. It's not because they're stupid; it's because they're subjected to an educational system rife with fear, superstition and ignorance --not good characteristics of an "educational" system. The pervasive effect of fear-based, misguided religion, as you have experienced it, has a lot to do with things being this way.

Hopefully the educational systems of the world will somehow catch up with the new population, and will address all the amazing, beautiful facets of who and what we humans truly are.


Thanks again for sharing your story, Nick.
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