There is something creepy in my hallway

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There is something creepy in my hallway

Post by Blazewind »

first of all, I am sorry that i likely I posting this in the wrong place. I have no clue what forum to put this in. Mods, feeel free to move this if I did indeed goof up on the placement of it.
Anyway... I am more and more convicned that there is something in my apartment. It seems to be in the hallway by the bathroom, and in my bedroom, which is right across the hall. It is a very odd feeling energy. I don't know if it would be caused by a spirit. I have dealt wirth several spirits in my time, and I have never had this feeling from one before.
The trouble seems to happen at night, when the apartment is dark, and I have gone to bed. I might get out of bed for and get up in the dark place,a nd as I leave the room to ge into the bathroom, I will feel the energy. It gives me the feelign of someone standing behind me, abouth to sneak up and scare me. I should mention that I am a very jumpy person, and have almost flipped over backward out of a chair once when a person actually did that to me. Knowing how jumpy I am, you can well imagine how unnerving it is to feel like someone will scare the heck out of me any second, and yet know that know one is behind me. It is wierd that this only happes in the night really.
Does anyone happen to have any clue what this could be, or more importantly, how I can get rid of it?

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The Judge
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Post by The Judge »

This has happened to me before too. (I'm just as jumpy but only when i'm alone.) The only thing i came up with was to try and calm the energy but it only helps for a short time and it seems to come back stronger each time with me. It may be that i was inexperienced with such things but it helped me calm down a bit anyway.
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

Yes there older houses. I live in a fairly new one, so don't have the problem now. I once stayed in a house where the one coat closet seemed to always have a spirit in it. If you stepped into the closet, not only feel, but see in your mind about how old and the clothes he was wearing.

This is a long shot, maybe a possibility. Something I've never experienced myself, but have read astral ghosts or you could say spirits of the living. Seems from what you said, this is at night. Perhaps, if someone (who has seen you) is thinking about, as they drift off to sleep at nights.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

Try cleansing your house with Sage. It just might work. If you want to get rid of it. I did it just recently, and now my apartment feels better to live in.
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Post by [EarthWitch] »

I agree. A good cleansing is called for!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

If the normal cleansing doesn't work, I would put a plaque in the area. Protective stones, or symbols etched onto a board. You can also draw symbols on the back of a picture hanging on the wall. Here are some symbols.

There's also the Sa symbol of ancient Egypt.
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Post by MVTirado »

This astral ghost thing is very interesting, I'm going to have to look into that for an unrelated matter!

But as for the hallway... I have one of those too. Oddly enough, it feels like other parts of the house used to feel when we first moved in. I don't know if it's residual energy lingering around because I haven't given it a good cleaning like the rest of the house, or if whatever was up here moved to the basement and hallway. :lol:

Now, I don't know if I did a great cleaning job the last time, or if I've just gotten used to whatever is in this house for the most part. But I smudged a lot and whatever it was still didn't want to just stay away. And so, I moved up to sage and salt water... but the difference I really noticed (in the main part of the house) was actually after I finally decided to follow the advice of a medicine elder and just talked to whatever was hanging around (while I was cleaning, though). NOT being scared as I tossed the salt water around seemed to make a ton of difference. :lol:

This place also felt a lot better after I cleaned the walls and such with water and ammonia, and sprinkled sea salt on the floor, let it set for a little while, and swept it up.

Now only if I could stop being lazy and spiritually clean my hallway and basement too. :)

This is kind of weird, and I'm going to google this, because ... I can actually distinguish between a feeling of sometimes being "watched" (and not necessarily something behind me) and that creepy feeling in my hallway. I always thought I had a relative or something checking in on me, but sometimes it does make me a little uneasy... though not creeped out.

Post by magiqboi »

This is how I would go about it.
I specialize in Energy Manipulation.
Absorb the Spirit/Wierd Energy
and reshape and reform it in your body and release it and your problem should be solved. I would suggest releasing it outside.

Post by Ithilgore »

Merry meet all

Corridors and halls are well known spiritual hangout places, many ghost films involve haunted corridors and halls for good reason. The corridor is a sort of half way place, its not a place in its own right, no one goes to visit a corridor, they just pass through it. I think that its this journey aspect of a corridor that attracts spirits. In a similar way Hecate is atracted to cross roads and the spirit connection she finds there.

When I worked a college a while ago, when I left the lecture room, I had to walk along a sunlit corridor, with windows along one side. If I was own my own, I could sense spirits of all sorts in the corridor.

Merry part and brightest blessings
Ithilgore (Philip) :D
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Post by mysticfyrefly »

I've had this happen a few times in old houses that I had just moved into and not too long ago a house where I work nightshift makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck huh ... In one house where I had very very nasty negative energy I lit a candle in every room of the house lit incense (sage probably works best) and basically prayed for any negative energy to go away and only positive energy to remain. I knew very little about cleansing back then but it kept it at bay some. It could be also that whatever it is since you are new and basically you have moved into what it considers its house it could just be checking you out and may not mean you really any harm but its hard to say.
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Post by AkanaAnash »

Carpet in the hallway?

Salt the you were sprinkling "carpet fresh"

leave for a day or so

incense is good too
"The Prince Of Darkness is a gentleman"
W. Shakespeare

Post by Eartheartdragonfly »

I experienced this also.

StRaNgE visitant

Long story short..I kindly asked/told the earthbound spirit to go to the soft light.

Post by Fluffy »

Sage it, baby. I too had a dark icky energy appear in the hallway, next to the bathroom, across from my bedroom, just like you! I could feel it, big time. So could my friend who is more psychic than I am. It got to the point that I refused to even walk down the hall at night and would sleep elsewhere in the house. Then I bought the sage and smudged. It went away. Then it came back. I smudged again, this time with more oomph. I was very vocal, told it to go, it wasn't welcome in the house, it had to go, etc. It went away and hasn't returned.

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