3 Nights in Hell

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
[Guardian Wolf]
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3 Nights in Hell

Post by [Guardian Wolf] »

So I got called off to do some stuff back down “home” in Oak Grove, Louisiana. Back in October, one of the area’s most influential priests died from natural causes. He was a good man, and one of the ones who taught me everything that I know. I will not give you his name do to privacy concerns, but he had published over 20 books on different things and held a doctorate in theology. He was well respected, and a friend.

One of thing turned over to his family was a house. This house was probably radiating energies. It was used as storage. Every time an item that was supposedly haunted, cursed or whatever was found, it was locked away in this house. Rituals were performed in the basement, religious research took place and I think we even did a couple séances there. One of the first big projects I was involved in was putting charms all around the house to hold these energies in.

This time, I was given the job to “deal” with these items. There were a lot of them, and nearly every room was packed full. My first instinct was to throw lighter fluid over the floors and light the f*cking thing on fire. I had heard stories over the shit that was in there, and I didn’t want to deal with them. This stuff gives the priestess who usually serves as my partner the willies, and she doesn’t scare that easy.

I made the mistake of sleeping there for three nights. Since I realized that 90 percent of ghost stories are false, I decided that it was probably safe. The first night, I woke up unable to move. I could hear the floors creak like someone was walking around, and there was this heavy smell of cigar smoke in the air (usually there isn’t any smell at all). There was also whispering. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

The next day I did a cleansing ritual. I also found tons of junk that was beyond salvaging, things that antique and collector item traders told me were worthless, and burned them in the back yard. I smashed up and burned several pieces of unsalvageable furniture, trash that was thrown under the deck and other junk. I then performed a second cleansing ritual and decided that the best thing to do was charm the door to my bedroom with the most powerful Hoodoo/Voodoo magic I could think of.

The second night, as soon as I turned off the light got worst. I fell asleep listening to whispers and footsteps (I’m a pretty calm person and not easy to scare). I was again woken, this time a man and woman stood above me. The man was in a red smoking jacket, the woman in a purple evening gown. I sat up, and watched as they walked off through the closed door. At this point, I was shook up – not scared, shook up – scared was night number three.

I eventually fell asleep and woke up about noon the next day. I spent a lot of time inside. The whole day as I was packing things up, I felt as if I was being watched. There were noises around the house I couldn’t explain and smells. I could pick out several different smells that just shouldn’t have been there. The first was cigar smoke, the second lavender and the third was jasmine. At one point, I thought I saw someone, but after looking around no one was there.

The third night was the worst. I turned off the light, and laid down. After a few minutes, I was in that phase where you’re not awake, but you aren’t asleep either. It was sort of like that “daze”. I heard “CRACK, CRACK, THUMP, THUMP”. I jumped out of bed.


At this point I pulled my knife out. If someone was getting hurt, I wasn’t going to be the last. I got up, walked into the hallway and in the darkness I saw the figure of what I swore was a kid on top of the stairs. All of a sudden, it turned into the figure of a robed man.


At this point, I knew I had to get out of the house. I reached over on the bookshelf and grabbed my wallet, cel phone and car keys. I knew that the only way out was through the figure. I rushed the figure, and as I got to the spot where he was, I felt this cold chill on my arms and down my legs. I don’t know what happened next, but the next thing I remember was that I was outside, running to my car.

I returned the next morning. I decided to get all the upstairs over with so it would just be finished. There was a large room. it was like a recreation room that we had turned into a store room for herbs and different things. There was an old school wardrobe. In that wardrobe was a red smoking jacket and a purple dress. I cleansed the objects, and because I could tell they were old I threw them in my suitcase. I brought them home, and there hasn’t been an incident with them.

I started sleeping at my grandfather’s, in a guest house I built two summers ago, and at a priestess’ house. I decided to only be in there during the day. From then on I was only forced to deal with the “regular” creepiness, except I had one further “odd” experience.

I had been working in the house for two weeks, and I was clearing out the attic. At this point, I had recruited another priest and some of our most diehard followers to help me. We moved this mattress out of the attic. It was wrapped in a white cotton cloth, and as we pretty much dropped it down on the grass, the cloth came off. I swear of the guys about had a heart attack. On one side of the mattress was a giant blood stain. We called the local police, who were going to take it to the crime lab just in case.

That was probably the worste experiance I ever had.
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what good are your knowledge of magic if u aint able to shelter yourself from the disturbances that are caused by such energies????

You should have done a strong protection spell for yourself,instead of that cleaning ritual.You tried to force certain prevailing energies out of their inhabiting place and hence you forced them to play with you.Had I been in your place I would have gone for a protection spell and bound a covenant with the Archangels.......even spirits would not dare to step some places.I hope your body is not haunted now and you are sleeping in peace !!!!!
[Guardian Wolf]
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Location: North Carolina

Post by [Guardian Wolf] »

I did charm and try to protect the room I was sleeping in after the whole cleansing thing. It seemed like a good idea at the time, plus I don't believe that the arch angels protect us. I believe that the Lwa (spirits) do.
Stephanie Mae
Posts: 330
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Post by Stephanie Mae »

SILVERCROSS wrote: You should have done a strong protection spell for yourself,instead of that cleaning ritual.
Cleansing rituals are usually the first step to rid yourself of negative energy or spirits. From my experience, protection rituals tend to aggravate the spirits and provoke them even farther. You should always start with cleansing. You can not protect yourself without first cleansing yourself or an area of anything negative.

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