What kind of spell I can do to my father?

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Post by Syndica »

i agree with faith on this one. u need to stop having a big ego, u need to realize what it means to be a true witch. i think u should read more.

blessed be
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Post by NightRose »

Okay, personally I'm not Wiccan. I don't think that to be a "real witch" you have to avoid negative or manipulative spells. Personally, I'm uncomfortable doing it most of the time myself, but I don't think if you do them your magic will be taken away.

I don't know what your relationship is with your dad or what the issue at hand here is. What I do know is that you seem to be quick to the defensive and quick to look to magic as the answer to all your problems. I understand life is tough, but magic isn't the cure-all. Accompanied with the fact that your recent spells have gone wrong, I think it's time that you take a little while off from casting spells and try to deal with things like anyone else would.

I've seen more and more people (usually younger people) turn to magic because they have a hard life and they think it's going to fix all their problems. It's not. Magic is a fickle Mistress that does for you what it thinks is best, not always what you want, and it's really easy to have a spell go awry, as you well know.

I think the problems a lot of people here have with you is that the only time you post on here is when you need a spell and are in a horrible place. We would like to see you post on spells you've done that turned out well, on new techniques or spells that you have developed that could help others. You have to make an effort to learn and grow, not just sit there, ask for a spell, do it, ask for how to fix it, do that, ask for another spell. What are you learning if we give you all the answers? We can give you the tools to grow, but you have to learn to grow on your own.

If you're really angry with your dad, and you really have to do something, I think you should consider doing a spell that will bring his karma back to him. If he is really as bad as you say he is, he should receive what the universe thinks he deserves. If he's not as bad as you think he is, well, then, the universe will give him what he deserves anyways. And no, I won't give you a spell for that. If you'd like some ideas on where to start, I will give you those, but I won't write the spell for you.
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Post by Witch13 »

Who said if you do "bad" spells you magic will be taken away??
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Post by Earth Ritual »

Greek Witch I invite you to consider a formal initiation into both manhood and another formal initiation into your natural magic. In the old days we were born to a mother and father but in the village we had many mothers and many fathers. When we stepped through the portal to our adulthood and our destiny we discovered both the universe and ourselves as the mother-father god we have always been looking for. If you are interested in more PM me. NO SHAME!
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Post by Greymalkin »

Greek Witch, usually I fond myself belittling people like you on other forums but for some reason I don't want to do that with you.


Because you remind me of me a few years ago. I was fat, considered myself "ugly" and blamed everything on everyone else.
The moment I realised I could do something about all that my life changed.
Please don't ask me how to do that. There's no secret formula, it's just something you have to find for yourself.

As for the spells - PEOPLE!!! - please don't writing down the "rules of being a good witch".
There is no such thing.

I do negative spells, I manipulate people, I take things from others and I do all I can that would be considered "dark" by you fluffy bunny types.
And guess what? I'm still a Witch just as much as the rest of you.

Greek Witch, I'll leave you with something I said to someone else on this forum a while ago -

If you have to ask how to do a spell, you really shouldn't be doing them.

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Post by WolfWitch »

Okay, Just a few things here. Green_Witch,please read down this till the end as I think your answer lies within.

First and foremost. You are NOT pathetic. You are lost and in search of an answer. It galls me that so many here, were judgment should be the LAST thing dished out, it was the first thing you received. Who cares how the last spell you tried to do came out. It's a lesson and you should take from it what lessons are there to learn and go on.

You asked a legitimate question in your first post whether anyone noticed it or not. It deserves an answer.

As a priest in my order, a concerned brother in the faith and a 36 year old pagan that's been knocked around a bit over the years I have a bit of insight that might just help.

You asked for a dominance spell for your dad. Your hearts in the right place but the route you take isn't. A domination spell will come back on you in ways you don't want. I've seen it in person. Instead, I suggest what's called an "eyes open" spell.

You want him to see with clear eyes what it is you have to show him. You want his minds eye unclouded so that he sees the truth and accepts it.

Research into this. I think it will give you the results you seek without the karmic beat down afterwords. Judika Isles describes a couple of very easily worked spells in this vein. I'm not sure to what aspect of the divine you offer praise to but if you are open to it, I suggest before Odin as he is father of insight and true seeing in the Asatru faiths.

Above all, research and be sure of your intent and goal before you cast. I will not preach karma but I strongly advise walking into any call to the Gods/ Goddesses for aid to be done so with knowledge, conviction and certainty.

Blessed be little lost brother.

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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Firstly WolfWitch,thanks that is exactly what I needed as a spell,plus I feel much better because Syndica gave me an idea,I had this clear quartz which it says that absorbs negativity,I carried it with me all day,and guess what?I was more positive,and positive stuff started to happening to me!now I don't know how to cleanse the negativity off my crystal,but seriously,I can see clearly now...and I won't do a manipulative spell,I prefer the "eye open" spell as you suggested WolfWitch!

***PS Its Greek_Witch not Green_Witch hahaha****
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Re: hey...

Post by WolfWitch »

Greek_Witch wrote:Firstly WolfWitch,thanks that is exactly what I needed as a spell,plus I feel much better because Syndica gave me an idea,I had this clear quartz which it says that absorbs negativity,I carried it with me all day,and guess what?I was more positive,and positive stuff started to happening to me!now I don't know how to cleanse the negativity off my crystal,but seriously,I can see clearly now...and I won't do a manipulative spell,I prefer the "eye open" spell as you suggested WolfWitch!

***PS Its Greek_Witch not Green_Witch hahaha****
Yeah, I saw my type o after I posted. It's almost 1 am here so I'm kinda wore down around the edges.

Remember (Something GreyMalkin touched on.) Energy isn't positive or negative on it's own. It just is. The positivity or negativity is given by the users intent. You make it what you wish. White or black magic, it's up to you. You just have to ask yourself if you are willing to accept the outcome.

Blessed Be, I'm glad things are working better for you. Call on me if you feel the need.
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Post by Earth Ritual »

Place the crystal in salt, preferably seasalt for 10 min or leave it in the sun for a day to cleanse. Take three salt baths on three consecutive days using a cup of sea or kosher salt to cleanse the overall field. Stay in the bath at least 10 min but no longer than 20. Remember that beauty is a way of being. That is why we say such and such is a really beautiful person or such and such is a terrible person. The gift is that we get to say what we want to be and in the moment of our declaration (which is a spell) reality shifts forever or until we choose otherwise.
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I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Thanks I really needed that info! I will do it tonight!
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Post by Syndica »

hi greek sweety,

i know i preach to much about being a good witch, i was worried for u my friend. i am glad u got the crystal it will help u. also a black candle helps drive out negative engery. :D

blessed be :D
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Post by Starwitch Stone »

What is wrong with you people? We've clearly got some very judgmental members here.

Please refrain from calling other members "stupid". I've been emailing with Greek Witch and I really don't think he's at all stupid. I think he feels hurt that his father has abandoned him and his brother and he has started a new family with another woman. I can't blame GreekWitch for feeling rejected and alone and wanting his father to feel the pain that he feels.

GreekWitch, here is a spell that is designed to make someone see the error of their ways:
http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/s ... errors.htm

Like I told you in the email I sent you, it's the rare father who is able to really understand and relate to his children in a positive way. Most fathers believe they are the greatest father that ever lived, when in truth they are doing very little to help raise their children or contribute to their emotional well-being. Your father is probably much more interested in having sex with his new wife than he is in hanging around with his kids from a former marriage. He probably feels like if he spends a lot of time with you and your brother, his wife will get pissed off and stop having sex with him. And since sex is one of the most important things in a man's life, that would be a terrible disaster for him.

He also probably feels guilty when he sees you (for not seeing you more often or helping you financially) so he just avoids seeing you at all so he doesn't have to think about it. He may also dislike spending money on you and your brother when he visits. If he feels like you always need something from him, he will begin to feel used, like he's not getting back as much as he's giving. That doesn't mean that it's true, it's just his perspective. Most people tend to believe that they are giving a LOT and getting back very little in return. It's typically not the reality of the situation but that's how they feel.

Visit Everything Under the Moon for Love Spells, Money Spells, & Wicca Spells.
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Post by Syndica »

i agree i was one of them, i assumed to much, i was thinking before this post greek needs to be heard.

blessed be :D
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Post by Witch13 »

Personally i dont regret what i said. Its my opinion after all. Not only Greek but everyone should study a bit before doing some serious spell, should you be a mechanic you wouldnt go messing with peoples cars without knowing would you?
I am not saying i am some wise witch or anything, but i think i am good enough to say a few things.
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you should

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Witch13 you should regret some stuff you said, not the whole point of your message but some "nice" words such as "pathetic" which I'm sure even you wouldn't say to your car mechanic or anyone else, because there is always a good way and a bad way to say stuff to people, and you choosed the bad way with me, which I don't mind anymore, I just don't hear! that will be my new line, I will focus on my path and I don't care what you or anyone else says about it, because you might be advanced at your path, I don't doubt that, but in my path you aren't, ok? and please don't turn this to another war, I'm just saying. the end.
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