what is your faith?

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.

what faith were you raised with?

No faith
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Post by Melindrose »

Raised Christian, gone to an amalgamation of most religious beliefs.

Post by Amy »

I was raised Christian. For the past 3 years I have been trying to decide what I believe for myself.... Not just what I was "taught". I still believe in some of my Christian beliefs, but I haven't fully decided on everything. I am still learning about Witchcraft, Wicca, and other forms of the Craft. I was raised it was all "wrong". Obviously I don't believe that anymore. My husband follows the Buddhism ways, and I agree with most of what he believes.

Honestly, I'm very open-minded and right now I am learning that I believe several different things from different religions.
[Guardian Wolf]
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Post by [Guardian Wolf] »

I was raised Roman Catholic but I practice an off shoot of Voodoo.

Post by ravenblackwolf »

i am a christian witch. i get both from my mother and her side of the family. i believe that that all gods are one. we are all united. jesus is the son of a compassionate god a loving and forgiving god. and we should strive to be christ like. no matter what your path put your heart and soul into your belief.

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Post by theSeeker »

While I was raised Christian and basically lived a Contemporary Christian life as an adult for twenty years (up until three years ago) I had always considered my self to be Spiritual - that which lies beyond a book and four walls.

I believe the Holy Bible was meant to be a learning manual for how we should treat each other and not that of how the world has made it... love and acceptance of all.

My Spiritual Growth comes from with in - that which I hear as I listen with my heart and soul.

It's complicated

Post by Neir »

I would say that my religion is Creativistic Protagonism.

I believe that the ultimate divine experience is the creation of artwork, be it sculpture, painting, music, or other. Many things can be art, it just depends on how the creator feels about it. If he puts his all into its conception, then it is art, and that artist has just released a large amount of constructive, creative energy into the world, making the world slightly better overall.

This is why I try to be purely productive and artistic with my uses of magic. Even the simple act of practicing my magic is constructive, as it leads toward more potent healing and more powerful blessings and so on.

To get a feel for my beliefs read this summary on my deviant art page: http://neir-der-einzige.deviantart.com/ ... -144995880

I use "God" as my word to describe the entity or entities that embody the overwhelming creative force in this universe, not specifically as the Christian concept.

Ginger Faith!
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Post by Ginger Faith! »

Hmm, grown in a Musim/Christain field.
But, i broke off from that a couple years ago. I got tired of praying on my knees.

Blessed Be,

Post by Dearg-due »

I was raised protestant christian. Ran into a GIANT "christianity is not for you" wall when I was 18, flailed about spiritually till I was 23 when I found Wicca. Now I'm a happily practicing witch.
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Post by Syndica »


i was raised as a jehovah witness, my mom and my self where booted and then banned from being a JW. u know jw's think their hot stuff and they only of their own reglion and how everyone else is wrong.

here's a story for u, i was 13 and i at my beset friends farm and they had hourses and motor bikes. so it's summer and i am racing with my friends and i hit a sandy patch and i lost traction i fliped over sections before hitting a tree. i had some interal bleeding and my grand mother no blood transfusions, i went agaist her religion and have the treatment done. it scared me what JW is. the people there when i felt in the room when i was 12 gave me a feeling that they all the same and full narstic behavior.

i am a wiccan and a witch, being a wiccan honnors this path i lead to be a wiccan. wicca is not shoved in peoples faces. which i like some other religion faiths.

blessed be :D
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Post by Godsmack »

I grew up in with a family who was half Jehovah's Witness. The other half was another form of Christianity (I believe it was Apostolic). I used to identify myself as a Wiccan, but now I'm not so sure. I think I just consider myself spiritual, now. I have been questioning many things within my life, mostly my faith, and a few other things. There is no such thing as a wrong faith; they are all right and connect to divinity in one way or the other. I have the freedom to choose what works for me, rather than having to bind myself to the certain rules of a religion.
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Post by WolfWitch »

The only way I can answer this is that it is mine. It is a slowly evolving amalgam of Wicca, Buddhism, Taoism, and personal gnosis derived from my own inward reflection and meditation but ultimately based in a single premise.
The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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Post by akumaxkami »

I was raised agnostic and discovered paganism for myself.
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Post by Y0m »

My faith is in giving love.
All I know is I love you.
That's about all I can do.
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Post by Zili »

shaman- native american spirituality

What faith I'm I...

Post by edgewalker »

I was not raised in any traditonal religion. As I was growing up there were only occassional references made to God. I would hear thank God as a phrase, or thanks to the powers that be. Most of my relatvies where of Appalachian ancestory. Culturally they were Scot/Irish,Welsh and German. My dear grandmother shared with me that basically they believed in God and in what they could learn from the land and the sky. I have not really found a label for what and how I beleive spiritually. I would have to say the influences of my childhood would be folk, and experiences throughout my life as Christian influences and whatever feels right to my spirit. I always felt within myself there is a God/Spirit and have continued to seek a connection with this Spirit.

edgewalker smileydance
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