
For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by defuseability »

So, my grandfather passed away about a month ago. And yesterday was my cousins sweet sixteen. So, she was cleaning up and found something in her room. She picked it up and it was a birthday card from my grandfather last year. It said Happy Birthday Jackie hope you have a good time. And the $50 was still in it. It would have been one thing to just find the card... but the money still in it.

Also, my aunt was going through a purse she hadnt used in a very long time. She was trying to decide whether or not to go food shopping. Well, she was taking things out and something fell to the ground. It was the grocery store card my grandfather had given her 5 years ago... creepy...
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thats good aint it???

when the gates to the other realm opens...............sum1 tries to help you people with things to make you sense that they are still around and wants to help you and love you people.......u should be happy afterall :)

Post by ViruzWicca »

My condolences, I think these are little signs of appreciation to the people around the dead one, where you might find something for your own left by your grand father the while ago, and perhaps something personal.

When my cousin died in 2008, age 13 from muscle disease, she had been carried in a white coffin and i could tell she was near me because my cellphone was vibrating during the whole ceremony. I checked up my cell after and there was nothing: no call, no text, no alert, no ringer. blank.

And then I went back to my aunt's house and it is as if my cousin had left me something, in her bedroom. Because on her bed there was the complete seasons of buffy and she wanted me to have them.

It is a gift when dead people give you things, and it even gets me emotional talking about it ;)
[Guardian Wolf]
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Post by [Guardian Wolf] »

I lost a friend back about the time I first joined the forum. He was a great guy, and many decades older then me. He was trained in Voodoo other arts by my grandmother (who passed many years ago), so he tried to teach me many different things about it.

The morning after his death, I found a chest that was full of my grandmother's things in the closet of the place I was living at the time. I have no idea how it got there or why it was there. It just was.
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Post by icebunny »

My grandfather passed away on my 14th birthday. I'm convinced he did it on purpose so I'd never forget him. His pictures, jokes, personal items and presence have not left myself and my mother since his death.

Your grandfather loves you all very much.

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