Reading a Book Through Psychometry

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Reading a Book Through Psychometry

Post by Kassandra »


Below is a video about children who, through psychometry "read" books much the way psychics "read" facts about people simply by touching their personal items --car keys, hairbrush, whatnot. The educators are using fancy words like "quantum speed reading," "undulatory speed reading," "diencephalons" ...I guess it makes this sound more exciting (and perhaps more attractive to investors who have money for funding research projects--? :? ).

But I want to make this point: This is just psychometry, and it has been practiced since, like, forever! (see this related post: ... ml#p185611). Psychometry is nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary we didn't already know that we could do as humans. OK, I got that off my chest, I'm good.

Anyway, there are many practical applications for psychometry. For example, psychics who work with police departments help solve cases by using their psychometry skills. They'll sense the actions that occurred at a particular location just by reading the "residual energy" that crime left, its vibrations, the energy of the victim, of the alleged criminal, and of other details. Also, psychics may hold an object that belonged to the alleged criminal or to the victim, and get clues fro reading that. The information received by the reader comes through any number of extra-sensory routes/abilities --images (clairvoyance), bodily sensations (clairsentience), smells (clairolfaction), sounds (clairaudience), precognition, or just getting "thoughts" about facts related to the crime (claircognition).
To me, this ability is not just "the future" as claimed by the narrator in this video. Psychometry has always
been a regular human psychic ability, among many. If you have someone sitting in a classroom practicing
every day, of course they're going to get better and better at it like these kids...but that's true for any
activity. You could read a book through psychometry yourself! Read the directions below and give
it a try.


You can do this yourself! Try "reading" a book this way. Below are two sets of instructions: one for if you're doing this exercise alone, and then the "OR" is for if you have a friend helping you (which I found a lot easier to do, than attempting it alone). If you find you didn't "connect" to the book, get another book and try it again, or if you're just tired, try this exercise on another day when you're well-rested. Fatigue tends to compromise psychic ability.

Go to a bookstore or library, and using your peripheral vision only, while walking through an aisle arbitrarily pick up a book without looking directly at its cover


Have your friend select a book for you (preferably one he or she is already familiar with, so he'll be able to confirm your observations quickly when you're done with your "reading").

Go to a quiet spot in the bookstore or library if possible (easier to concentrate).
Breathe deeply, focus, relax.
Without looking at it, "read" the book. Here's a couple of ways: one way might be to flip through the pages while holding the book to one side, barely within your peripheral vision (therefore not looking directly at the book).
Another way may be to hold the book up to your forehead (at the 3rd eye) with your eyes closed, and fan the pages.
Just laying your hand on the book is enough to get a read.
I like the first method, but use the one that works for you ...even discover your own method.

Try to be patient and not rush, as you're using a muscle you're not used to using directly like this. So time yourself and make yourself stay at it for at least take 5 minutes or more.

Now here's where you flip all your extra-sensory switches to ON, and just totally open up....
*Do you hear any sounds in your head? (clairaudience)
*Do you see any images in your mind's eye? (clairvoyance)
*Do you feel any sudden sensations in your body? (clairsentience)
(ex: feel pain, if so, where? feel submerged in water? feel
squooshed in a crowded place? etc.)
*Do you smell anything, the smell registering directly in your head more so than first coming through your nose? (clairolfaction)
*Do you taste anything, like a type of food, tobacco, etc? (clairgustance)

Say exactly what you are sensing out loud, whether you are doing this alone, or with a friend. It's important to verbalize your sensations so they don't stay locked in your head. Saying it out loud makes you use the part of your brain you use for speech, and therefore lays the memory of the details on additional neural "pathways," making them easier to remember later. Disclose anything, no matter how offbeat and random it sounds. Every detail counts.

When you feel you've gathered sufficient information, write down your observations in the notebook, even the oddest, strangest details. Don't leave anything out. If you got nothing, write that down too.


If you're doing this with friend, have the friend take notes on what you're saying out loud as you "read" the book.

End the exercise by comparing the book's info to the notes you took, looking over the book's back cover, browsing through the table of contents, skimming the chapters, etc. (This is where it's quicker and easier doing this with someone else, esp if they're already familiar with the book).


If this is a book your friend is already familiar with, have your friend tell you how close to the mark you came with your details.

Note: Once when I tried this exercise, I barely got any info about the content of the book itself entire read was about the writer's personal life! The person who was helping me with the exercise knew the author personally, so he was able to corroborate the facts. Now that I think about it, I may have been headtapping into my friend's thoughts, rather than "reading" the book. So be sure to check the info about the author's personal life ...a biographical blurb might be written on the back cover, or somewhere on the inside cover.

How'd you do?
Feel free to share your results here.
I have found this exercise enhances one's psychic sensitivities all around.
Plus, it's just really fun!

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Post by Pixie 89 »

Wow this sounds a bit interesting, I think I might try this.

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Post by Kassandra »

Cool. It's fun. Good luck.
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Post by Pixie 89 »

One question:
Have you tried this?
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First time I realized I could do psychometry

Post by Kassandra »


First Attempt

Yes. My first attempts were around the house, informally. I had someone find and hand me a book. I didn't look at it in any way, not even in my peripheral vision, but turned my head the other way as I held it. I breathed deeply, relaxed, yet focused my mind. I held my hands over it, fanned the pages, etc., trying to get a "read." I found myself imagining that the book itself had an actual "aura," its own energy field, that I could "look" directly into its aura, and see images, hear sounds, etc. (maybe I should add those details to the directions below).

Anyway, after a few seconds, these were my impressions (which I spoke out loud to my assistant):

1. "A strange guy, with weird thoughts" - I could actually "see" the man's thoughts, which were quite well-thought out, but kind of "dark" in a way. They even felt kind of diabolical, lol.

2. "Big thoughts, that 'glowed' " with a kind of power, which in my translation indicates someone who regularly shares those thought with a lot of people in some capacity (a teacher, a writer, etc.)

3. "Writing tips" - which seemed really odd at that moment, but I went with it. And finally,

4. "The color yellow"

I now know that I'd done the right thing with just going with things, though they didn't seem to make sense at the time. It's important with readings that you not over-think the impressions you get, not try to interpret them initially. Just go with the first thing you perceive as it is, and the significance will reveal itself later.

Anyway, I looked at the book in my hands. It was On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King ("guy with weird thoughts"), with a predominantly pale yellow jacket cover. He is the author of many suspense and/or horror books that were so popular, like Carrie, Cujo, The Tommyknockers, etc., that they were turned into successful films. At one time, his writing work had a lot of pull in Hollywood (" 'big' thoughts that 'glowed' with a kind of power"). In this memoire, he shares the lessons he learned as a struggling writer, and gives advice (the "writing tips") to those who aspire to be writers themselves.

I had never attempted psychometry of any sort before that, yet I got these details right on the money. I was really stoked! "Let's do it again!" I exclaimed like a little kid.

Stephen King - On Writing - book cover.jpg
Stephen King - On Writing - book cover.jpg (6.39 KiB) Viewed 2456 times

Second Attempt

So, my "assistant" found another book and handed it to me. Again, I didn't look at it. This time, I "saw"

1. Little "dictionary entries," not long prose, but sentences "broken up" and organized, some formed long paragraphs, others only one-sentence long.

2. "Pithy sayings, philosophizing," and I made that talking hand-puppet gesture when someone talks a lot, as I said,"Geez, the author of this book just goes on, and on, and on, blah, blah, blah. He likes philosophysing and hearing himself talk." I felt the author's sense of self-importance, and it kind of irritated me, honestly.

3. An 'orator' of some sort," and I saw in my mind's eye an image of a Greek or Roman sculpture of a man with his arm outstretched, addressing a crowd. Finally, I sensed

4. A strong emotional value attached to the content of the book for some reason. Then, I saw an image of my "assistant" lovingly clutching the book close to his chest (which I thought was odd, since in reality, it was I who was actually holding the book at that moment). I laughed as I told him, "It seems to me the content of this book has great meaning to you, personally. But for some reason, it actually irritates me. Hmmm."

The suspense was killing me!


The book I was holding in my hand was The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius: A Practical Guide for Living in an Irrational World. He was a Roman emperor and stoic philosopher ("goes on, and on, and on..."). This book is the most well-known of his writings, and above is the sculpture of him in Rome, Italy, astride a horse with his arm outstretched ("Greek or Roman sculpture of a man with his arm outstretched"). The book is broken up into numbered verses ("pithy sayings...philosophizing") like the Christian Bible...and sounds just as preachy to me ("it kind of irritated me"). My assistant, however, told me it is one of his all-time favorite books, that he reads it often for "spiritual guidance" (the image of him "lovingly clutching the book closely to his chest").

The Moral of the Story

The moral of the story, I believe, is that what is called, "quantum speed reading" in the video above (and on this related website) is really just psychometry, a very old practice in humanity. The website describes this elaborate "training" required to do it, which to me is bullsh--. I believe anyone could do this with simple focus, concentration, and consistent practice. And that's a criticism I have about "New Age"-type stuff. I find that folks of that ilk tend to give old phenomena new names, then they make money off of peoples' ignorance by peddling their books, seminars and workshops. It really makes me puke when they say their "new" information was "channeled" from some entity (for example, the guy in the introduction of the video above, Lee Carroll, claims all his revelations were information were "channeled" from some space man named, "Kryon"). They will even open whole "learning institutes" on this bogus information, and make a killing.

Whatever. Don't believe the hype, lol. Just be yourself, and enjoy!

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Post by Pixie 89 »

Wow thats really cool! :D
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Post by Y0m »

This looks like an awesome exercise to hone one's psychic abilities. Thank you very much for sharing this. I will practice this as I have a natural tendency to read minds and foretell things of the future sometimes.
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YOm practicing psychometry

Post by Kassandra »

Y0m wrote:This looks like an awesome exercise to hone one's psychic abilities. Thank you very much for sharing this. I will practice this as I have a natural tendency to read minds and foretell things of the future sometimes.
Oh,well this will be a piece of cake for you, then. Yeah, I posted this like a year ago, and no one's tried it yet (?). It's too bad though, because it's a fun exercise. Do share your results, I'd love to hear them.

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Post by Y0m »

Well it reminds me of the time I went to the bookstore, and I asked spirit to guide me to the perfect book that would help me grow at that time.

After going through a couple I eventually came to this book called "Real Magic" and at the time I was saying to myself 'this is a horrible title, and so probably a horrible book'

But my heart felt as if it was literally trying to jump out of my chest onto the book. Wow, what a good choice I ended up making by listening to my heart. :)

Anyway, generally I seem to know when books are garbage. I have read many books, but I can pick up "vibes" from literally everything easier and easier each day.

Just share'n,
Y0m the light warrior
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Post by icebunny »

Sounds like a very fun exercise for psychic awareness, even for someone who isn't a novice.

Post by tayah »

im going to try this the next time i go to the library it sounds fun
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