people with animal empath experience?

Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.
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people with animal empath experience?

Post by sshanti »

Does anyone have experience with or is an animal empath? I have been reading about it and would also like to hear your stories
Have you hugged your cat today?
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

I am an empath, and never really thought about it for animals... which is funny because i share more of a connection with animals than humans...

I know i definately share an empathic connection with my pet snake and cat.

My snake, Cairo, i can always tell when he's in a bad mood (and when i should leave him alone lol).... Voodoo and i (Voodoo is my cat) are pretty much soul mates... we talk to eachother, i can always sense when he's not feeling well or is a little down, and vica versa... I know exactly what he is saying when he's meowing at me lol.

I've never really thought about it for other animals.
Stephanie Mae
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Post by Stephanie Mae »

Twisted_Pixie wrote:
I know i definately share an empathic connection with my pet snake and cat.
I am jealous....I have always wanted a snake. You know there are not any wild snakes in Ireland. I have lived in Ireland 3 months out of every year since I was born and have never seen one.

They say St. Patrick drove them to the sea.

On topic- I always know how my great dane feels. When he appeared on my door step for the first time, I knew he was in pain because his tail was broken and I hadn't even looked him over yet.

I am really close with my horses Ferdaid and Awena as well.
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Post by Purple_wind »

I'm not an empath but I can hear the thoughts of my cat. She's crazy... They know alot more than you'd think. I figure I can hear her because I'm the daughter of Bast.

I can also hear trees ever since I ran my energy through one to talk to it about taking a twig off of it to make a wand. They're all connected somehow. They're all very wise too. They know about the war in 2012 too..(If you don't know what I'm talking about go to the topic about 2012 and UFO's and click on the subtopic I wrote about it.)

I become really connected with things I run my energy through, even things like braclets and necklaces. Sometimes I do it on accident when I'm practicing magick...I wonder what I am. I've asked people and they don't know.
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

Stephanie Mae wrote:
Twisted_Pixie wrote:
They say St. Patrick drove them to the sea.
I've also heard this, but i also heard that him driving the snakes out of Ireland had a hidden meaning.... meaning he drove all the pagans (mainly druids) out of Ireland... Hence why i dont celebrate St Patricks Day lol
Stephanie Mae
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Post by Stephanie Mae »

Ha ha. Yes, St. Patrick's Day in the U.S. has really just turned into one more excuse to drink too much, with a lot of green while making an ass of yourself. It does have a hidden meaning, or side speak.
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Post by icebunny »

Yes, I have had a lot of empathic experiences with different animals over the years. Not every single animal, but certain ones seemed more drawn to me than others. I have had conversations with some animals, and others have nothing to say to me.

Oddly enough, it never seems to me to be a species thing. I personally like cats the best for their conversational skills....they seem to be able to hold onto an idea and develop it better than a lot of animals.
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