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Post by Airlight »

I hope (and I mean hope) it does not turn out to be like daybreakers, that is a screwed up movie, but a lot better than sparkling vampires.

People who portrayed these dead vampires...were actually living, breathing there isn't much to go by.
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Post by shadowx »

It was cheesy but good IMHO, and it had what the other vampire films (which generally fail) didnt, originality. Sorta...

Anyway... so we have come to the conclusion that real life vampires are dead creatures? (even though thats impossible)
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Post by JBRaven »

this thread has become a beast. Logic vs. Fantasy. Logic can never win, fantasy is endless.
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Post by Xal »

shadowx wrote:I meant daybreakers... DOH!

But meh.

the problem i have is that you said vampires are dead and have no blood. How is it then that their body is animated? The soul itself cannot animate the body, for if it could then we would all be immortal (for the soul is immortal) but the body needs the brain to control it, and the brain needs the soul to command the brain, thus to be dead would imply that the brain is dead, thus the body cannot live hence the spirit has no reason to stay around. The body is empty.

The soul alone cannot animate the body nor keep it from rotting.
This is true in a 3rd dimension sort of way but not necessarily in higher dimensions. I guess the only way I would see a vampire existing is through the 4th dimension or astral plane. The question is could a being like that manifest itself in the 3rd dimension while retaining it's "vampiric"qualities?
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Post by shadowx »

I can quite believe this is possible on another plane where things are vastly different. In my understanding the astral planes are not a place of physical bodies so in theory you could make your spirit into any form, including that of a vampire.

But i would find it hard to believe than an astral creature would be able to manifest itself here as anything more than a very brief image.
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Post by Hexima »

shadowx wrote:Indeed, i too believe there are psychic vampires, that is entirely possible, there are also people who drink blood, however neither of them are "undead" like Airlight has suggested. I can assure you of that...!
hi there,

i know there is a few mental conditions and medical conditions that the person thinks that they are a vampire. in reality the blood vampire drinks small mounts of blood. if u drink one pint of blood u could become sick or die from what i was told.
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Post by shadowx »

that sounds about right to me, the human body isnt designed to feed from blood, and since vampires are humans that have "turned" neither is a vampires body made for drinking blood.
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Post by Xal »

shadowx wrote:I can quite believe this is possible on another plane where things are vastly different. In my understanding the astral planes are not a place of physical bodies so in theory you could make your spirit into any form, including that of a vampire.

But i would find it hard to believe than an astral creature would be able to manifest itself here as anything more than a very brief image.
I guess the thing is not to think of the astral plane as a different place, rather an overlapping place on a different frequency. Everything that exist there exist here in some sense. The question however is how? Things from higher dimensions can manifest themselves in lower ones, as is the right of evolution, however the question that I have is when higher beings manifest into this existence how much do they have to play by the rules of this existence? If entirely which would make sense, that would mean being here would require vast amounts of energy comparatively. Which would explain the relatively low number of experiences in completely wakeful states of people in general.

Ramble, ramble, ramble.
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Post by shadowx »

I think that is indeed the case xal, that higher energy beings need to use a lot of energy to manifest here, or conversely they have to fire the energy off to lower their own state slightly.

My grandad (who isnt pagan or witchy in any sense, however he does believe in spirits and reads a fair few books) once told me about a spiritualist medium who was told by spirits that to take over the voice of a medium and use it as their own they have to use some sort of paste which they apply to themselves, possibly their face/throat area which brings their vibrations down to a level where they enter our dimension and we can hear them.

I am not sure how true this is, but i find it interesting that in the astral or other dimensions things arent as wise, and know all as we may like to think, that even there they still rely on some form of technology, be that the technology of energy, to do things.
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Post by Hexima »

hi, :D

that is really weird, i don't know much about this topic but it is interesting, who knows maybe there is alternate dimensions, i was wondering if actually spirits can pass through different dimensions?

I had spirits come to me before and asked for my help, they want help to the light that they seek. my problem is i see spirits all over and there's no turn off switch. :(
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Post by Xal »

shadowx wrote:I think that is indeed the case xal, that higher energy beings need to use a lot of energy to manifest here, or conversely they have to fire the energy off to lower their own state slightly.

My grandad (who isnt pagan or witchy in any sense, however he does believe in spirits and reads a fair few books) once told me about a spiritualist medium who was told by spirits that to take over the voice of a medium and use it as their own they have to use some sort of paste which they apply to themselves, possibly their face/throat area which brings their vibrations down to a level where they enter our dimension and we can hear them.

I am not sure how true this is, but i find it interesting that in the astral or other dimensions things arent as wise, and know all as we may like to think, that even there they still rely on some form of technology, be that the technology of energy, to do things.
I wouldn't be surprised if that is true. The thing is we all receive info in a way we understand, so even though the thought of paste sounds odd it maybe just the idea used to convey some sort of binding. Which is why I always shake my head when someone says X thing told them Y and they try to take it with the most literal meaning.

In terms of spiritual knowledge it is believed that enlightenment and such comes from the 5th dimension so there could be 4th dimensional beings running around still having abilities but without complete knowledge. There is an interesting theory once you get into the whole aliens aspect of spirituality which I was unaware till recently. The idea that some negative E.T.s are 4th dimensional entities. Some even believe that is what demons are.
Hexima wrote:hi, :D

that is really weird, i don't know much about this topic but it is interesting, who knows maybe there is alternate dimensions, i was wondering if actually spirits can pass through different dimensions?

I had spirits come to me before and asked for my help, they want help to the light that they seek. my problem is i see spirits all over and there's no turn off switch. :(
That sounds like your describing ghost?
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Post by Hexima »

hi there,

a ghost can do that? :shock:
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Post by Xal »

Hexima wrote:hi there,

a ghost can do that? :shock:
Sure. When a person dies they are released to almost full potential meaning that they will (in most cases) unknowingly create their reality in a very direct way. This is where those re-occurring themes about ghost come from in regards to not realizing they are dead or creating their own hell, etc, etc.

Also on the less ethical side of things, many people who use spirits for "dark" for a lack of a better word or manipulative purposes, are really harnessing recently deceased people who are confused by their situation. I don't know if the people who are doing this are aware of what exactly they are doing which can lead to further misinterpretation of spiritual events.
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Post by Hexima »

hi xal,

u know that's very interesting that they could do that. sometimes i see ghosts appear out of no where and diseaper with in seconds. i guess they could create their own person hell. who knows. :?
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