
For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
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Post by Fayah'sAngel »

Sorry if this gets a bit long winded.
Right i moved into my flat just over a year ago Feb09 i moved in, straight of i felt like something wasn't quite right about it, me and my partner were the first people to live here and to date i have found no records of what was previously here.
Within a couple of days i gave birth to my first child everything seemed to be okay but i could still sense a presence, over the past year my partner has been possesed by the spirit about 3-4 times, whilst possesed he/the spirit would say things like "i belong here, i like you im going to stay right here" at one point we had about 30 flies turn up later that day my partner was possesed again the spirit asked if i liked the flies because he brought him, also i became confused one time and didnt realise my partner was possesed i asked what he was doing and who he was because he was acting strange and a bad vibration rushed through my body, creepy stuff.

I banished the spirit but it said it would return, ive salted and saged, i also protect myself every night but just latley my partner has randomly just started saying something bad is going to happen. Theres definatley still something in the flat i feel it watching me, sometimes i get scared of the mirrors. when i go to bed at night i cant physically look into the bottom of my room and have to sleep with the light in the corridor on (something ive never done before), the feeling i get now is that there is more then one spirit here, i wont go anywhere dark and have to have atleast one light on at all times

Please help i dont know what to do

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Post by Fayah'sAngel »

*he broght them

Sorry about that lol Typo :(
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Post by WitchyLady506 »

You are going to have to go a step beyond simple saging and such. You are going to have to raise enough energy to create what i like to call a shielding bomb. I think of it as being purple and dark blue energy that develops as a bubble in your solar plexus and just grows and grows and then "blows up" with a force, throwing all negativity and spirits out and seals off the area, like my apartment that I'm in. I would do that and then go around anointing the walls, doors, floors, ceilings and windows with a protective oil against spirits. You will have to look one up as you need one you feel will do the job. When you anoint the walls and such you need to make protective and banishing symbols/sigils. To get this done in a good amount of time, ask for others to come help you. Hold a small ceremony before hand just to understand what's going on and raise the right vibrations.

I would also do something for your partner as he seems to be a vessel for this spirit. Normally when a spirit posses a person, there is something about the person that the spirit feeds of off, but the person's will has to be weak in some way that allows the spirit in. If the spirit does show up in your partner, you need to tell it that you don't like it or it's gifts and you and yours are not going to have it. I would also keep a banishing oil on hand to pop on his third eye just in case he does get possessed again. You might even think about making him a charm or something to wear at all times.

Also you can conjure up some protectors for you and yours, or call on your guardians to kick up the reserve and help protect you. However, you must stop being scared. When you're scared you give the spirit power. Remember that you don't want it there, that it's threatening you and yours and you need to call on your inner "bitch" so to say to help get rid of it and show it your stronger than it is.
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Post by Y0m »

Good advice from above. But above all else, do not fear, and do not hate.

Such emotions emmit vibrations which will only make this spirit happier to be with you.
Fight back with love and strength. Focus on what really matters in your life... your child. Also face the spirit instead of cowering. When your partner says something bad will happen it is simply the spirit trying to arouse fear, so tell him/her to shut up. Don't listen to the taunts.

Your partner should take salt baths and both of you should practice meditation and yoga which will help you feel better in general and will raise your vibration.

My two cents,
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Post by Fayah'sAngel »

I've got rid once i can do it again right and this time get rid for good, we dont need this and we aren't going to live with this no longer, thanks for the tips guys will definatley be putting all tips into use.

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Post by moonlit »

If you let the spirit know you are freaked out by it it's going to feed off that and it's going to build more confidance in its self. Let it know that you are the boss!

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