Suppressing Spell

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Suppressing Spell

Post by Hubertus »

Well, I don't like asking for help, but I'm asking for help. I need to cast a very powerful spell to suppress certain things, but I don't have one and I'm not good at making spells. So, I am asking those of you who read this, if you have a powerful suppressing spell, please post it for me. It can be as difficult as imaginable, and I'll find a way to get the ingredients no matter what they are. Thank you for your assistance.
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Post by WitchyLady506 »

First part of a good spell is knowing what it is you're suppressing. For spells to go correctly, especially in something like this they need to be detailed.
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Post by Hubertus »

Very well. Need to suppress emotions, thoughts, memories, and feelings (Which really are emotions)
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Post by KaidaPyralis »

Suppressing is a dangerous game. I'd look more for a releasing/cleansing spell personally.

One of my favourite simple releasing spells, is to write whatever it is you want to release on a sheet of toilet roll, and flush it! Visualise it being drawn away from you and then forget about it.

Works for me :)

)(Apollo the Good)(
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Emotional Healing Spell

Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

Here is an emotional healing spell I found! :) I think it would work much better than suppressing emotion like KaidaPyralis said. Then you risk a buildup of that emotion (like a dam in a river) and it explode later on. So healing is probably a better route.
I took this straight from a website, so don't think I made it up. lol

Emotional Healing Spell:

The point of performing the spell is to remind your heart that the time for healing has and it also helps to make a painful time a little more bearable. Continue the spell for as long as needed. You may want to freshen the balm once a week and if the span of time passes through a full moon,
renew your rose quartz by following the Full Moon Ritual. If months have gone by, you may want to stop and consider what it is that is holding you back from healing. It's good to take time, but life must go on and you must get back to living. You make your own happiness and no one can take that away from you, unless you let them. You have to live your life for you and live it the way that makes you happy, having you heart broken sucks, but it's up to you how long you are going to be miserable.
Rethink these things and redo the spell to remind yourself that now is the time to heal. If you are performing this spell for someone else, you can collect all the items needed and present them with a description of each item, what it is for and what they are supposed to do with them. It is important that they perform the spell, either alone or with you, for the doing is apart of the healing.

Items needed: Fresh Balm leaves, Rose Quartz, Frankincense oil (or incense) and a cup, bottle or flask to hold water.

Find a place where fresh running water is available, such a river or stream.

If you know of a water fall, that would be ideal.

If you only have access to a pond or lake, it will do, but if you have absolutely no access to any of the above, you'll have to use tap water, but distil it by letting it sit overnight.

If it is winter and all is frozen, still go to your spot and gather snow off of the ice to replace water.

Once you're at your spot, sit and listen to the water flow(imagine, if winter), and let your heart ache.

When you feel engulfed in pain, fill your container with water and place the fresh Balm leaves in it.

As you close you container, say:

"This is water is to heal, this herb is to soothe, and I will be happy again."

Take your container home and place it on your alter or surface that you'll be working on.

Set a Rose quartz and a red candle next to your cup of water.

Anoint yourself with Frankincense oil to help you block negativity (or burn incense) each morning for 3 days or until you are healed. Light the Red Candle each morning until you are healed and say:

"Now is the time to be strong and passionate about the things that I love.

I will spend time doing things that make me happy and these things will help me to heal."

Sometimes when you've been hurt, it's hard to remember what makes you happy.

This is the time to make the effort to remember or to find something new.

Place the Rose Quartz in your pocket or wear it somewhere on your body everyday until you are healed and say each morning:

"I will love myself and let others love me, as I need my friends now.

I carry this stone as a reminder that others care about me and I am never alone.

This will help me to heal."

Even if you feel alone, remember that your parents, friends, siblings or pets, even the spirits of your ancestors and loved ones are all apart of you and this makes it so we are never truly alone in this world. Blow out the Candle and take in it's smoke, then carry your stone, wear your oil, (or breathe in incense every morning) until you are healed. The spell calls for a three day span until you are healed, but depending on the severity of your pain, the span may vary.

I really hope that helps sweetie! And good luck :)
)(Apollo the Good)(
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Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

So sorry to double post!

But here is the link for the spell and there are alot of good ones on the site! ... Spell.html

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Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

Sorry but I strongly disagree with what you planning to do! supressing feelings isn't possible, why? because our energy and magic comes from our feelings, using energy (emotions) to supress emotions, is like trying trap a fish into a cage made of water! she where I'm going? I don't know what you probably have gone through so you want to do such thing, but think again, and you can talk to me if you like to talk to someone...anyway its your choice though, I just post my thoughts!
What Goes Around,Comes Around!

Post by obsidianmagick »

yeah suppressing feelings is not healthy it is better to come to terms with it. I personally spend a few days doing nothing but thinking about it no matter how bad it is, after a while you get jaded with it and it no longer bothers you as much.
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Re: Emotional Healing Spell

Post by Earth Ritual »

)(Apollo the Good)( wrote:Here is an emotional healing spell I found! :) I think it would work much better than suppressing emotion like KaidaPyralis said. Then you risk a buildup of that emotion (like a dam in a river) and it explode later on. So healing is probably a better route.
I took this straight from a website, so don't think I made it up. lol

Emotional Healing Spell:

The point of performing the spell is to remind your heart that the time for healing has and it also helps to make a painful time a little more bearable. Continue the spell for as long as needed. You may want to freshen the balm once a week and if the span of time passes through a full moon,
renew your rose quartz by following the Full Moon Ritual. If months have gone by, you may want to stop and consider what it is that is holding you back from healing. It's good to take time, but life must go on and you must get back to living. You make your own happiness and no one can take that away from you, unless you let them. You have to live your life for you and live it the way that makes you happy, having you heart broken sucks, but it's up to you how long you are going to be miserable.
Rethink these things and redo the spell to remind yourself that now is the time to heal. If you are performing this spell for someone else, you can collect all the items needed and present them with a description of each item, what it is for and what they are supposed to do with them. It is important that they perform the spell, either alone or with you, for the doing is apart of the healing.

Items needed: Fresh Balm leaves, Rose Quartz, Frankincense oil (or incense) and a cup, bottle or flask to hold water.

Find a place where fresh running water is available, such a river or stream.

If you know of a water fall, that would be ideal.

If you only have access to a pond or lake, it will do, but if you have absolutely no access to any of the above, you'll have to use tap water, but distil it by letting it sit overnight.

If it is winter and all is frozen, still go to your spot and gather snow off of the ice to replace water.

Once you're at your spot, sit and listen to the water flow(imagine, if winter), and let your heart ache.

When you feel engulfed in pain, fill your container with water and place the fresh Balm leaves in it.

As you close you container, say:

"This is water is to heal, this herb is to soothe, and I will be happy again."

Take your container home and place it on your alter or surface that you'll be working on.

Set a Rose quartz and a red candle next to your cup of water.

Anoint yourself with Frankincense oil to help you block negativity (or burn incense) each morning for 3 days or until you are healed. Light the Red Candle each morning until you are healed and say:

"Now is the time to be strong and passionate about the things that I love.

I will spend time doing things that make me happy and these things will help me to heal."

Sometimes when you've been hurt, it's hard to remember what makes you happy.

This is the time to make the effort to remember or to find something new.

Place the Rose Quartz in your pocket or wear it somewhere on your body everyday until you are healed and say each morning:

"I will love myself and let others love me, as I need my friends now.

I carry this stone as a reminder that others care about me and I am never alone.

This will help me to heal."

Even if you feel alone, remember that your parents, friends, siblings or pets, even the spirits of your ancestors and loved ones are all apart of you and this makes it so we are never truly alone in this world. Blow out the Candle and take in it's smoke, then carry your stone, wear your oil, (or breathe in incense every morning) until you are healed. The spell calls for a three day span until you are healed, but depending on the severity of your pain, the span may vary.

I really hope that helps sweetie! And good luck :)
This is very good Apollo.

I didn't respond because I had no idea what to say.

Thanks for reminding me to focus on healing.

Earth Ritual
You are either for Life or against It. There is no in between.

I used to believe in god above. Now I'm filled with so much love.-Erykah Badu after the invocation of the Goddess

May the love that holds eternity at its fingertips kiss each and everyone one you on the lips. May your words bring worlds that bring hope to a world dying to be reborn.

Post by neptunian »

Hubertus wrote:Well, I don't like asking for help, but I'm asking for help. I need to cast a very powerful spell to suppress certain things, but I don't have one and I'm not good at making spells. So, I am asking those of you who read this, if you have a powerful suppressing spell, please post it for me. It can be as difficult as imaginable, and I'll find a way to get the ingredients no matter what they are. Thank you for your assistance.
Hi Hubertus

I found this post and wanted to chime in, I am not wiccan, I used to practice magic and stopped.

I practice meditation and lived in a meditation retreat center for 3 years full time, part of our practice is spiritual vision.

After practicing using "the sight" for many years I have come to understand the deeper meaning and spiritual significance of emotions and feelings.

In the cosmological model my mediation school uses much of Rudolf Stieners work in referenced.

Rudolf Steiner outlined a model of spiritual evolution of the human life wave.


I will try to break these phases down to very simple outlines, but in essence they are much deeper and profound than anything that can be passed in a forum post.

Pre-Personal was when we lived in tribes, we didn't have a sense of "mine"
my TV, my ipod, everything we did was for the tribe, also the myth of Adam and Eve represented the pre personal age, they where basking in the light of the gods but did not realize it. There are many myths from cultures all over the world describing a similar scenario.

Personal is after we "fell from grace" or where cast out of Eden. We no longer are basking in the light of the gods and due to this we endure much suffering. We became "fallen" and learned how to be selfish and greedy. During this time we do things for ourselves. My TV, my ipod. If we go to far in the personal stage we end up going to the dark side, but the good thing about the personal stage is we develop structure, we are able to do things we could not do during the personal stage. ie: technologies and intellect.

Trans-Personal is where we are meant to go, we realize that our own selfish goals are empty and void of heart, so we turn to the gods, we use the structure we have gained in the personal stage to serve the gods. And facilitate the higher plan for the human life wave.

You can see how in modern society there is an over crystallization of the personal stage, people are killing the earth due to greed and selfish motivations.

The reason I am outlining all this is...

You emotions are an important part of your spiritual development. When you can work through them (genuinely without suppression) you develop structure, and you need structure to evolve.

So simply put, to suppress is to de-volve or un evolve. Its not going to help you in anyway spiritually or mentally.

Heres a simple example of what I mean.

Suppose your a young child and your mother tells you "don't touch the iron", the iron is hot and she does not want you to burn yourself.

But being a child you touch it anyway. It hurts, it scares you, the pain is intense. This leaves an emotional trauma, a wound... But, you also learned that the iron is hot, you learned this through your own experience. And you will NEVER touch it again.

Now suppose I came along and used a spell to remove this trauma, well you would forget the whole thing, the wound would be gone, but you would also burn your self again because I have removed the very trauma that brought you knowledge.

This a simplistic outline but, its very powerful because it illustrates a lot about the human condition.

Take a more complex example. As a child you run around and be silly and get up to all sorts of mischief. Your parents tell you to be quiet and behave. They might yell at you and scold you, but eventually you learn how to behave.

Now you know how to behave because you have been taught, it may have hurt to be yelled at or scolded as a child, but because it hurt, you remember it.

Now you can go and get a job and you know how to behave, you don't say inappropriate things and run around and be silly.

Imagine if I removed all the painful memory's of being scolded? You would loose the structure that helps you know how to behave properly.

So don't suppress anything, your doing yourself a dis-service and your also hurting your own spiritual evolution.

What did these painful events teach you? what is there to learn in these events that can make you stronger?

Maybe that's where the saying "if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger" comes from.

There are many techniques to help you resolve painful emotions and emotional patterns that allow opening and acceptance and also help you see the real learning behind these events.

There are specific techniques I can recommend if you like.

Much Love and Light
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