Awakening to Abilities

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Awakening to Abilities

Post by psycholette »

I am 24 years old and I recently started wondering if I could be a witch. I think it probably runs in my family, but my family is unaware??

I have always thought that I have some extra mental ability and that if I knew how to exercise my mind it could get stronger. My mom has some of the same "symptoms" that I do sometimes. I have deja vu all the time. Sometimes when I think about calling my mom or gma they call or when i call them they say " I was just thinking about calling you". I have a pretty strong "instinct" sometimes but for some reason I rarely listen to it and it usually was right (negative things happen). I also feel like I read people's mind sometimes, but it is not very clear.

I do not believe in christianity and haven't for some time. I guess you could say that I had a christian upbringing, I did go to church for a period of time, but it was on my own without my family. My grandma has always preached but I have hardly seen her go to church.

I am feeling lost and I think maybe someone here will be able to help me or give me some kind of direction or advice.

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Awakening to abilities

Post by Kassandra »

A good day for psychics
Hi. It seems your abilities are awakening more, which I know can be very disorienting. But this is probably the best time in history to be awakened and free to explore your psychic abilities. While it's not very popular with the Christian religion you were raised with (which is highly ironic since so many clear examples of paranormal phenomena are described in the Bible), it is out of the closet and quite "mainstream" now more than ever before. Watch the many shows and read books about psychic ability to learn all you can. Then focus on the resources that really resonate with you, and study those more intently. Keep your physical health up as much as possible, as that directly affects your mental and spiritual health, and overall sense of "balance."

Psychic ability tends to get stronger as we get older, not weaker. So, I don't know a softer way to put this but, you're going to have to get used to it from now on. It helps to think positively about your abilities, rather than negatively. For example, predicting things that will happen, or "precognition," might be useful to help you change the outcome of things that might happen in your life. And perhaps on a limited basis, you could help others change the outcome of the events in their lives as well, with your abilities. But promise yourself you won't try too hard with that, since people need to learn their lessons on their own time, in their own way; learn to let go of your visions when you have to, otherwise you'll fall victim to The Cassandra Complex.

In this thread reviewing episodes of A&E's "Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal" show, I explore aspects of precognition (see my last post at the bottom of the thread, regarding the episode titled, "Terror in the Night")

Anyway, you're in good company here, and I hope we are able to help you feel less lost, or even "found" in some ways. :) Post any questions in the appropriate forums on this website, and you'll find you will meet others who also have psychic ability. Also, do searches of past posts made here, by clicking into and using the "Search This Site" post in my forum. It's really interesting to read peoples' experiences and suggestions, as posted here over the years. You're really not alone.

Witch versus psychic
By the way, because you have psychic ability, it doesn't mean you're "becoming" a witch. It's not the same thing. A witch is someone who practices witchcraft, though a witch could have psychic ability (and many do), or not. Many families practice forms of witchcraft that become traditions they "pass down" by educating their younger generations. But practicing witchcraft is a conscious decision, not a genetic trait. So being a witch would not "run in a family," like blue eyes or brown hair would, though some members may choose to practice it.

Psychic ability, however, does seem to have a genetic predisposition linked to it. And many psychics do not have anything to do with witchcraft, whatsoever. So psychic ability is not a prerequisite for practicing spells, rituals, divination and other activities involved in witchcraft. In other words, you don't necessarily have to have any pronounced psychic ability to practice these things. So unless you're actually practicing witchcraft yourself, you're not a witch. You're just someone with psychic ability, and no one's going to burn you at the stake for it. :wink: (but if you are interested in witchcraft, this is a good website to find those resources too shopping, lol).

You call the shots
Regarding your Christianity, spirituality is an ongoing journey, not a final destination (wow, was that corny or what -but it's true). Many of us embrace a religion for what we glean from it, then outgrow it and move on. And it's not uncommon for people to blend different aspects of different religions into their spiritual practices, because spirituality is not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. If you do pursue witchcraft, or study to increase your psychic abilities, don't feel you have to choose one thing over another. Explore it all. You define yourself at the end of the day, no one else does, though people will readily impose their beliefs on you, and you have to have the mental stamina to ignore them. For instance, you could still honor certain aspects of your Christian upbringing, while still pursuing other things (there are "Christian witches," for example). So you define your spiritual walk. Don't let anyone else do that for you.

Anyway, learn to embrace your ability and you'll enjoy, rather than fear, the experience of it when it arises. And you may be able to help someone else with it along the way, should you choose to do so.

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