The Ninth Gate

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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The Ninth Gate

Post by Imalorki »

The lecture part when you first meet the weird guy made me mad. Said something about Witch=Satanism. I was so irritated. But the movie was good though it dragged on. I just wish they would have the seperater bar on it.

Your thoughts?
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Post by Imiko »

It angers me to the max when people use our symbols and religions and say it's Satanism. And this is why I cannot stand it when movies and such do that. I mean, could the people who made it actually DO SO FREAKING RESEARCH ON THE MATTER?!?!?! Not just look it up on Google and find one of those wanna be 'dark magick' witch sites. Yup. It's infuriating.
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Post by Imalorki »

in my english class(senior) we are doing the Crucible...when me and my witch sister (soon to be sister in law) got excited(so we could get rid of misconceptions) these guys started to say things...I got so mad and offended.

But yeah...If people are going to insult things,ridicule, what have you...they should research at least the basics so they don't sound stupid with false information. lol I researched just reading the bible and it has so many plot holes that I nearly tossed the thing in the trash...but it was a gift of my friend so I had to behave...
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Post by Imiko »

Witchy_Psychic_Kitty wrote:in my english class(senior) we are doing the Crucible...when me and my witch sister (soon to be sister in law) got excited(so we could get rid of misconceptions) these guys started to say things...I got so mad and offended.

But yeah...If people are going to insult things,ridicule, what have you...they should research at least the basics so they don't sound stupid with false information. lol I researched just reading the bible and it has so many plot holes that I nearly tossed the thing in the trash...but it was a gift of my friend so I had to behave...
HAH! Man, I'd just throw it out anyways, or give it back when they gave it too me saying 'No thanks. I'm fine'. I'm not too big on the whole.... Cristian Society. I just don't think that they should treat other religions like shit all the time. Well, If their 'God' doesn't hate, assume, or cast out without a second glance, why should they? Hypocrites, if you ask me. However, that is my OPINION and not a fact. Nothing mean meant towards them....

Ever since the people at school tried to preach to me that their religion is right and mine is wrong I've been a little.....sketchy, when it comes to the Christian Religion. >.< I also have other reasons, but I'll keep those to myself.
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Post by Imalorki »

That is why I don't really like christians...the majority of them I've met had that same thing...that I'm a heathen, that I'm wrong and that they must SAVE MEEEEEE....grrr
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Post by SMushroom »

i have never finsihed it :/

i rented it cuzz of johnny depp :D lol
it was ok at first then i just got bored.
i dont think i'm gonna watch the rest.
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Post by sylphaxiom »

I thought that was actually a really good movie. Yea I hate it when people get things messed up and don't do their research or just assume we are devil worshipers but it has been the primary school of thought for several decades and is endorsed by many religions. So when I am watching a movie I usually try to put aside the fact that they are ignorant and enjoy the film for what it is.

Also I know what you mean by the disapproval of Christianity. I will say that I used to be a very devout Christian and probably know the bible just as well (maybe I cant tell you what verse something is in but I do know it) as most Christians do and there are alot of loop holes in it and there are alot of things that make no sense what so ever. But the main thing is that the bible in itself is actually a very good tool for the teachings of morality. The stories are good teaching tools in my opinion. I will admit that well over half (probably more like 80%) of Christians are hypocrites and pervert the bible into something they think is right. They are very much wrong, but it isn't really their fault. They just don't know any better since that is all they were taught. "Witches worship the devil" "the pentacle is a sign of satan" "anyone who believes in witchcraft is evil" all that shit would be things they have heard and take for granted. They don't do their research...they just follow. But that is what the majority of the human race does is just blindly follow. We shouldn't hate them for being ignorant, we should pitty them and try to teach them the real way things are and what we really believe in. Don't stoop to their level and blindly hate them just because they are ignorant. Do your own research and know their religion bettter than they do. That is how you can teach them right. When you can show them where they are wrong and know what they are supposed to know and believe in, then you can finally show them the light and the truth about us. I know Christianity better even than the craft but I no longer have any faith in the religion. I may hate what Christians have become and mostly what the organization of the religion has become but I know they are just ignorant and deserve out pitty. If you want more info then just PM me and I would be more than happy to enlighten you on the subject.
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Post by Lily Cantodea »

I only saw the Ninth Gate because Johnny Depp was in it. He could play in a movie about the life cycle of a gnat and I'd go see it. Not one of his best movies, not by a long shot, but I watch it if there's nothing else on TV.

About the Crucible: I did it my junior year in high school and loved it - it's one of my favorite non-musical plays. I wasn't offended by it. At all. It just further proved to me how closed-minded and ignorant people can be.
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