why do people judge

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)(Apollo the Good)(
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Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

I agree with Pink-Pixie and others :) I think it is simply the fear of the unknown that really scares people. But also, I agree with others of you who point out the "christian brainwashing". My father (who i no longer interact with due to family troubles) has been a preacher my entire life. Our house was VERY devoted to learning the ways of "God". I never knew WHY we were supposed to think differently about those who were gay or pagan or any other group not like us, but we were just taught to think that way. I never questioned it (and now i am both of those things :) ) Anyway, Godsmack i agree with your post about Love and Understanding being the antidote to the hatred and judgement. Yom (one of my favorite posters on this forum! :) ) always says that Knowledge is an important tool and that would also come in handy for their case in order to learn that we are not evil people. We are all One and we must learn to coexist peacefully.
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Post by Kaimira »

hi apollo,

I try not to judge other reilgions and be come the thing i would hate is being judgemental. I have a friend from Iraq who thought i was going to judge her because of the terrorists and their reiligion, i told no why would i do that? everyone has to be proud of what you are and what you believe. She asked about me being a wiccan, i told her about the god and the goddess, and the spirit of casting magic. I said when we cast the magic it's nature magic and feeling free in free bliss. She told me about her rajab and what it means, it means when she wears it it means a sign pureity and when young girls that period, they must where rajab. I find it so interesting of different faiths. I think you become stronger learning about different faiths because knowledge is power.

blessed be
The shinning light is the way to path of creation
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