Can you unblock chakras?

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Pixie 89
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Can you unblock chakras?

Post by Pixie 89 »

Is there such a spell that can unblock chakra?
Yours truly,
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Re: Question?

Post by djoya »

Pixie 89 wrote:Is there such a spell that can unblock chakra?
I do not know of any spells to unblock chakras but have found these techniques helpful.

Visualize them in meditation and psychically cleanse them. Find someplace you can be alone for a while, dim the lights and get comfortable on a chair or laying on the floor. Go into a meditative state, breathing in and out steadily. Begin focusing on your adrenal chakra. Envision it opening like a flower, or slowly opening and growing into a spinning disk.

Visualize the white lights of the universe from your spiritual source pouring into it, cleansing the chakra, loosening the blockages. Envision the light of the universe strengthening and clarifying the color, and let it set the chakra spinning in motion again at a steady, clock-wise pace.

Once all your chakras are looking healthy, and you are ready to end the meditation, start at the pineal and close them one by one. You can envision this by seeing them shrink or fold in on themselves, sinking back into your self. This is important, as it will keep them protected from negativity so they don't become blocked again.

Pixie 89
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Post by Pixie 89 »

I have another question to ask, okay. Can blocked chakra unblock its self without doing any meditation?
Yours truly,
Pixie 89
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Post by Pixie 89 »

Pixie 89 wrote:I have another question to ask, okay. Can blocked chakra unblock its self without doing any meditation? Or is meditation the way to go?
Yours truly,
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Post by djoya »

Pixie 89 wrote:I have another question to ask, okay. Can blocked chakra unblock its self without doing any meditation?

If someone cleared there home, had a pure and healthy diet, cleansing bath with Baking soda and salt, and removal of emotional blockages....I suppose your chakras would clear this way without meditation. That or you could seek the assistance of a professional...(Hands on, Reiki, Accupuncture) to help balance your chakras. There are crystals that also assist in balancing of chakras....and smudging with sage is also helpful!

Pixie 89
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Post by Pixie 89 »

djoya wrote:
Pixie 89 wrote:I have another question to ask, okay. Can blocked chakra unblock its self without doing any meditation?

If someone cleared there home, had a pure and healthy diet, cleansing bath with Baking soda and salt, and removal of emotional blockages....I suppose your chakras would clear this way without meditation. That or you could seek the assistance of a professional...(Hands on, Reiki, Accupuncture) to help balance your chakras. There are crystals that also assist in balancing of chakras....and smudging with sage is also helpful!


Well, I've read online that there are good, healthy foods that you can eat that helps our chakras..Whats the best crystal to use, to help open up the chakras? What does the baking soda and salt, do that helps remove all thoes emotional blockages, that you said..?
Yours truly,
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Post by Y0m »

Eating meat really does hold you back you know.
I have only been vegitarian for a few months, but
I feel so FREE :)

Anyway, sea salt is needed by your body,
You know I really can't tell you HOW it works,
But it does... trust me salt baths can also help FREE your chakras ;)

Chakra work is cool,
moderation and balance of your life is the key.
Not eating too much or too little,
staying away from bad foods,
not sleeping too much or too little,
MEDITATION < I know I keep saying it
but combined with the above
you won't need anything else.
Be concious of your breathing
and align yourself with your soul.

Find a technique that works for you.
I can help you if needed.


p.s. oh and quartz is a good all around crystal to help you balance.
clear it with salt water and charge it in the middle of the day by the sun.
Then hold it in you hand when you meditate.
All I know is I love you.
That's about all I can do.
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Post by djoya »

Pixie 89 wrote:Whats the best crystal to use, to help open up the chakras? What does the baking soda and salt, do that helps remove all thoes emotional blockages, that you said..?
Sea Salt aids in cleansing pores and detoxifying the body, and assists in rejuvenation of cells. Baking Soda neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration.

There are many crystals that aid in balancing of the chakras. The stones that are helpful with each chakra are usually associated with the chakra by color.

Your base chakra's associated color is red so stones such as Ruby, Garnet and Jasper placed on and or around this area would be very benificial.
Heart~ Pink and or Green~ Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Kunzite, Malachite, Bloodstone, Peridot, Moss Agate.
Second Chakra~ Orange~Carnelian,Orange Calcite, Citrine, Topaz, Copper.
Solar Plex~Yellow~Amber, Rutilated Quartz, Tiger's Eye,Iron Pyrites.
Throat~Blue~Turqouse, Blue lace Agate, Celestine, Aquamarine.
Third Eye~Indigo~Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Kyanite, Azurite.
Crown~Violet and White~Amethyst, Fluorite, Iolite, Clear Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Moonstone, Selenite.

Black Stones are generally used to anchor and ground~Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian, Haematite.

*It is important to remember to clear and clean your stones and crystals to keep them charged*

Another way to clear your chakras is Aromatherapy! I personally love essential oils. I find diffusing them in the house balancing.

Root~Patchuli, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Vetiver.
Second~Rose, Rosemary, Ylang-ylang, Juniper, Sandalwood, Jasmine.
Solar plexus~ Juniper, Lavender, Bergamot, Rosemary, Vetiver.
Heart~Cedarwood, Rose, Sandalwood.
Throat~Lavender, Patchuli.
Third eye~Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary, Spearmint.
Crown~Jasmin, Frankincense.

Affirmations and mantras are also very helpful in aligning chakras. Meditation in alliance with any or all of the above suggested methods will bring you much success.

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Post by djoya »

The way to go is what works best for you...however, if you are interested in pursing meditation y0m is a wealth of knowledge on the subject and I am sure that he is always more than willing to share his techniques with any inquiring minds.
I personally find that meditation with the assistance of other helpful cleansing methods works best for me....but you do not need water, crystals, oils or any physical object to can do it any place at anytime..all you need is you. :)


Post by AppleScruffs »

Pixie 89 wrote:I have another question to ask, okay. Can blocked chakra unblock its self without doing any meditation?
a blocked chakra can unblock itself without meditation. from my experience, our chakra's become jammed up because we build walls around ourselves which block the flow of energy. these may be things that happened to us early in life, or something as simple as heartbreak or everyday stress (physically or emotionally).

the best way to unblock is through meditation, but it can be unblocked by simply releaving stress in your life and becoming a happier person. it is an emotional rollercoaster so be prepared for tears, but hiding behind emotions is common for humans. if you can turn around and look at what is going on from an outside perspective, answers will arrive and your chakras will open. it takes time, there is no quick fix no matter what spells, potions, rituals, or meditation you use, but it will happen. feel it, will it, dont be afraid of it no matter how much it hurts or how good it feels.
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