the rambling of a teen

Teenagers are a special bunch with concerns different than adults. Teens can chat with each other here and learn from one another.
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Post by 5moons »

Then girls come up and put foot to ass to make us feel like we should have shut the hell up when we had the chance.
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Post by Solus »


Ok Amy (Everybody knows now) and I were having a conversation and I just brought up casually that I had skipped year two at school and she said "oh" and I said "yeah I should only be in year 10 but still." and then she asked how old I was and I told her the truth that I was 16 and she was really taken a back by it and... AHHHHHH!!!! STUPID STUPID GIRL!!!! STUPID ME AND STUPID WORLD!!! MAKE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL THEN THROUGH ME BACK TO WENCE YOU CAME!!!! grr.... Hence my current need of Tea and meditation... Tea and meditation solves EVERYTHING!!!!

That and Chocolate and soppy movies

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Post by Solus »

MERC!!!!! My mother of ALL days when I'm already High strung and depressed in the morning when I'm also Tired and irratable desides that its a good time to discuss how I am "Wasting my money" by getting things from Spellbox. GRRRR... I believe this is what we call... BAD SHTUFF!!!

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Post by willow_witch »

dont stress about Amy, seriously... anyway i thought she stayed back a year..... maybe i'm wrong.... oh well!!! but no stress :P:P my mum went through that thing too, just tell her that while it might seem like you are 'wasting' you money, that too you your making a valuble purchase inwhich you feel strongly... and hope it confuses her enought to drop the subject........ how was you meditation anyway???? im at school in a free :P... and im SOOOO tired!! sorry i didnt end up calling you back, mum sent me to my room (how is it im 16 and i STILL get sent to my room!!!!)

anyway, stress less :P:P:P

and while im on the 'ranting' board.... it was soooo sweet!!! my boy came to my school play thingo, to suprise me!!!!!!!! i looked really werid coz i have stage makeup and stuff on, but he came and said i still looked great:D:D:D:D:D:D

*blessed be*
~Merry meet, Merry part, til we Merry meet again~

Post by RobinInnle »

Don't get me started about stage makeup. I once got it on my robes and It was expensive to get it off. Anyway that is not why I'm replying. I know that this "discussion" was hard on you (and confusing) Solus but a good relationship, whether it be one of friendship, love or brother/sisterhood, is one that has strife, that spark. Well thats my 10p worth. Oh and too much tea is bad. Very bad. Or did you already know that ( :lol: ).

Parents will always question what you spend your money on, even if you make the best bargin possible. So, Solus, go out with your pay and go nuts. Spend it on.....
Stuff?? :?

Now here's my Rant:
This sunday is "band" camp so I miss out on a musical rehersal. On Palm Sunday (20/3) I don't think mum will let me make it to the 10 til 5 rehersal.
End Rant.


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Post by Solus »

Damnit I just realised I have to learn all my lines by tomorrow... EEP!!! Oh holy tree mangroves! I'm going to have to record them all onto CD and just listen to them in my sleep!

anyway... I'm also going to complain about afew other things... Last night I get extremely upset because I had to be torn between two things... Ok I enjoy my acting and I got a lead role in the school Musical but it just got bad... I've learnt both songs I have to sing and fifty percent of the lines but NOW guess what?! I just find out that the girl I have a kissing scene with is responsible for my girlfriend leaving the school we've partnered up with... or somewhat responsible anyway. What I was told from Amy was that she was chased by that girl down the hall of the school with a metal ruler being whacked on her head. GAH! Now she had a bad day yesterday already and it was our first date which I really enjoyed because we just hugged and ate chocolate and talked (My last girlfriend only wanted to Kiss all the time and that was annoying... I like talking I guess but when you get put on hold continuasly to lock tonsels... I dunno I'm a strange guy aren't I? I enjoy kissing and all that but not all the time)

Anyway so she had a bad day because she failed two SACs and she remembered at like ten she had to complete something for her VET that she'd put off for too long (Sutble reminder of myself) and couldn't possibly do in one night... But yeah... Grr... WHY CAN'T PEOPLE BE NICE WHEN THEY ARE YOUNG!? I was Bullied and so was Amy and alot of other people I know to a state where it just isn't funny (not that it ever is) but I mean now I really just want to give up the stupid role because she was so upset last night.

Solus is Alone in Latin
Solus is Light and Knowledge in Gaelic

Post by RobinInnle »

At least you have your music. My score went missing. :cry:
I was the cause for the anti-bullying at my primary school. A Big Thnx to all the losers who caused my depression (and sucidal tendencys(sp??)). But I'm over that now. Solus, this person may have changed (or she could just be a jerk). Amy was upset. That's understandable. But nothing is worth giving up on, expeacly(sp??) after all the work you have put in. You could reck the performance though by taking your role seriouly and fire the charactor! :twisted:


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Post by willow_witch »

she'll get over it... dont throw away the best role for her!

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Post by Starwitch »

I don't know if I would want to kiss someone that bullied someone I love. But it kind of depends on how serious you are with Amy too. It certainly doesn't have to mean anything if you kiss her. Maybe Amy will understand that. Or then again, maybe she'll feel betrayed that you are kissing the girl who bullied her. I know I would probably feel betrayed in a situation like that.

You are right that most kids are NOT nice. I can't believe how bad bullying is these days. One of the reasons I don't like having young teens on the forum is because I know how awful they can be. They make fun of other kids, bully them, ignore them, shoot the school up, act smart to their parents and disrespect parents and teachers. Kids aren't at all how they used to be in the good old days. We used to respect our parents and do what we were told (most of us). Now kids get everything they want from the time they are born and then they feel entitled to have anything they want, not caring whether or not their parents can afford it or whether it's good for them. They walk all over their parents and take them for granted. It amazes me how many kids sit around playing video games all day long. And how did they get that? Their parents bought it, of course. I can't stand the constant noise that comes out of those dumb machines. Luckily, no one in my family has one. I wouldn't buy one for my kid (step-kid). Her mother let her choose for her birthday whether she wanted a video game player or to redecorate her bedroom. She chose the bedroom, thank god. I would hate to see her addicted to video games at 8 years old! I wouldn't have even offered her a video game if I were her mom. She's active and fit now, but a video game addiction can quickly turn an active kid into a fat and lazy one. We had to play outside when we kids. It was a lot of fun. Now, kids can't play outside because of all the murderers and child molesters running around. You have to watch your kid every second if they are outside, which is a pain. Plus, they'd rather be inside watching cable TV and playing video games anyway. Think about all these factors when you decide whether or not to have kids - it's not like the "blessing" that parents make it out to be. Parents are not always honest when they talk about raising children. I don't doubt that they love their children, but I do think they are very often lying when they say that they LOVE raising their kids. They are probably lying to themselves too though. Society expects you to say things like that, and if you say anything to the contrary people think you're a monster and a kid-hater. But I have read plenty of books that tell the real story - how parents really feel. I wish all teenagers had to read these books so they would think twice before having sex without birth control. They have no idea what they're getting into when they have kids. Dr. Phil had a survey where 40% of the parents said that if they knew then what they know NOW (about raising kids) they would not have had them at all. My brother and sister-in-law tell my other sister all the horrors of raising kids (they have two young ones). They are very honest about it. They love their kids to death, but they admit that they would have waited longer to have them, or maybe not have them at all, if they had known how hard it was and how much it messes up your life. Some people are really cut out to be parents and they love everything about it, but most people are not and they don't realize it until it's too late. You can't give kids back once you have them. You can't "try it out" and decide you don't want to do it anymore. You are stuck with them, and probably stuck for around 25 years, especially with the "entitlement syndrome" kids have these days. It's a huge trend now for full-grown adult kids to move back in with their parents because they can't support themselves. So don't get the wrong impression and think that you're done when they are 18. I was living with my mom on and off until I was 28! And lots of people do it. And I wasn't paying rent either. I was just being a leech, like so many grown kids.

Moral of the Story - Do a lot of research before you decide whether or not to have kids. Read the books that are available like "I'm Okay - You're a Brat", "The Mask of Motherhood", and many more. Here is a list of some good ones if anyone cares:
Amazon Child-free Books

Sorry for the rambling. I know this is a bit off-topic. I'm hoping to educate teenagers on this issue while they are still young, BEFORE they have made a mistake they cannot take back. (Sorry to all the parents who are offended by this kind of talk. I'm not a child-hater, just so you know.)


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