Litha Celebration

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Litha Celebration

Post by JackRabbitSlims »

We decided to celebrate Litha early this year. :) we did it tonight

Since I couldn't find a ritual that I felt suited our needs, I wrote my own opening, rituals, song, and closing prayer.

I had my fiance, my best friend amalia, and casey's brother vincent participate.

We started by setting up a literal circle around our altar and chair. Then I blessed everyone with fresh rain water as they entered the circle.

We discussed the importance and meaning behind the midsummer sabbat. :)

Then we made what I call "mugwort energy sachets".

we took a piece of paper and wrote 3 things or habits we would like to leave behind. Then we wrote 3 things that we wanted to bring into our life.

We filled them with dead rose leaves to represent the negative, old habits. Then fresh cut mugwort to represent our new hopes.

Then we threw them into a bonfire we made as we called out our new goals.


Then we sang a god/ goddess song I made, and played my large drum along with it.

In closing we did a prayer to the god, goddess, and the 4 elements, asking each of their strengths to be represented in each of us. :)

We made a cake and had sangria (since I'm not able to drink or smoke.)

It was really great! My first actual celebration! My fiance loved it. I can't wait till lughnassada!

What are you guys gonna do? :)
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Post by White*wolf »

I like being surrounded by nature and I love going to the beach. Hopefully I'll get to go to the beach this weekend. If I don't there is always next week. I probably will do something else for Litha, like give some offerings to the Gods/Goddesses. Happy and Blessed Litha everyone.
-Jessica [aka Whitewolf]
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Post by astral »

I like that ritual very much - it's very doable. I find those are usually the most powerful for me.

seeking wisdom on a new path

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Post by Syndica »

I am going to the bush, it's so pretty but there's bikers and joggers lets scare them with ritual! lol :lol: Just joking :P I would find a nice spot with no prying eye that shall see my celeberation. I have my gown all picked out heh it's purple and black with my whitchy shoes i have the dress is from the period of 1400s. I made the dress and corset using my sewing maching. I did the boneing my self it's hard but very annoying sewing on gems. :D

blessed be

Post by WiccanBoy94 »

I'm going to celebrate Litha in Mid-June and conjure faries...because it's midsummer and I love a midsummer night's dream
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