Instances of a PART of the soul staying behind as a ghost?

Discussion of Reincarnation, Afterlife, Life-Between-Lives (LBL)...

Instances of a PART of the soul staying behind as a ghost?

Post by Jezzy »

My question to anyone who knows about this sort of thing is: have you ever heard of some bit of a person's soul staying behind and causing a haunting while the rest of them reincarnates? Especially after a traumatic death or suicide? Is it a common occurrence? And if this were possible, should one try to retrieve/reincorporate their "lost bit"?

My reasons for asking this still sound insane to me , but I know there are a lot of open minds and insightful people here.

Back story: A few months ago I decided to try out a recorded past life regression exercise. I went into it with a skeptical mindset and the intent to rummage around my subconscious, and work on visualizations. The first two times going through the exercise I experienced vague impressions of scenes, a few auditory hallucinations (crickets, live chamber music), but it was nothing that made me believe this might not be the only life I've lived.
----- The third time, however, produced very interesting results. I very clearly pictured myself in an orange-feeling 1930s hotel room with the numbers "310" on the entry door. I was drawn to the window, which I then climbed out of. I thought about whether it would be best to fall forward or give a little jump, settled on a jump, then took a leap off the roof. Suddenly, things got INCREDIBLY vivid, as if happening in real time. Towards the end of the fall I felt a sense of acceptance, but before that I was mentally screaming out "I don't want to die!" over and over. I "pulled out" before impact, and then exited the exercise.
---- I immediately googled "jumped out window 1930s room 310", and found that there was a lodge in Oregon whose resident ghost jumped to her death in 1937 from the window of room 310. There are a load of correspondences between this place and my experience, and it really gives me pause. I've ruled out cryptoamnesia since the lodge has never been featured on a ghost show, and because this is the type of ghost story I've never been interested in (girl finds out her new husband is cheating on her, jumps out window, haunts hotel room. Yawn.)

Anyway, the implications disturb me because the stories don't indicate that this is a "stuck on repeat" residual type of haunting. Any light anyone could shed on this bizarre situation would be very welcomed!

Post by Toriach »


I've not heard of a situation like the one you describe before. However because of a situation that I was personally involved in, I can tell you that a soul splintering is possible.

In brief I was living in a very old house that had been remodeled extensively over the years. In the living room closet I noticed a presence, and was startled to discover the ghost of a scared young boy. Not long after this I felt a presence in the upstairs of the house. This was a more mature spiritual presence. I was in an upstairs room meditating, and the ghost made contact, it showed me the world through it's perceptions, and made known that it wanted to move on but did not know how to.

Doing some thinking I noticed that the space occupied by the one ghost was about as far as it was possible to get from the closet and still be in the house. Spending some time with each ghost I came to realize that the upstairs ghost was a true ghost. The downstairs ghost was a remnant of that person when they had been a child and had been shut up in that little space by their brothers as a prank. It had so terrified him that he avoided that closet for the rest of his life. When he died his soul was drawn not only to his boyhood home, but to the piece of himself he had left behind.

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