Get the most from your herbs: Almond

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Get the most from your herbs: Almond

Post by Ravencry »

The oil that witches mainly use for a carrier oil is almond. But did you know that almond can be used for more than just oil blends?

Use the plain oil to anoint candles for love magick. Anoint ritual wands with the oil for a beautiful sheen. The wood makes excellent love magick wands and using the oil to anoint it makes the magick twice as strong!
The fruit of the almond can be used strong love magick also. Add to pies, cakes, and muffins for an extra kick.

Add to your offering cakes to show love and reverence for the Divine. After baking the offering cakes, place your hands over the batch and say: ‘Goddess great, Lord green, I create the cakes in reverence and love for you! May they be blessed as I share them with your children! Let them nourish your children, and let the Divine love enter them! So mote it be!’

Almond is an excelent herb to use for Handfastings and other rituals of Loving Union. Place a leaf in opposite shoes, so that they face each other. This will ensure that the couple handfasting will always walk their paths side by side.
Add whole nut to a sachet with other loving herbs such as rosemary and red rose. Add borage and tigers eye for courage, for a sachet that gives you the strength not to chicken out on your big day. Say onto the sachet: ‘God(dess, depending on your gender), give me courage this day, as I devote my life and love to (name of person), Please hold my hand all the way, and stand by my side as I say these vows! So mote it be!’

Do you have a friend that needs a little more help staying sober, (this is only if they are doing what they need to do to be sober, whether its classes, with therapy, or by their own strength of will.) Almond is said to help overcome dependency on alcohol. Have them hold onto a whole, shelled almond, and when they feel triggered and like they want to drink, have them recite: ‘I have the courage to be the change, I have the strength to resist the urge, I can just say no. So mote it be!’

The fruit, leaves and wood of the almond can be used for strong, quick money magick. Place any part one of these in a green sachet and tie with gold string, and hide in the purse, or in the cash register. Say: ‘ Lend me your magick, O Almond great, bring me money, and don’t be late!’

Almonds can be placed in your pocket to lead you to treasure. Just grasp the almond in your pocket and say: ‘Almond good, almond dear, lead me to treasures near!’
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