Can this happen?

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Can this happen?

Post by Fie »

So i was browsing around on youtube and I came across some Shamanic Drumming/ Healing music. I listened to it and decided to close my eyes and let go of my thoughts and see what happened. in tune with the beat of the drum and the sound of the flute/pipe? I felt like I was running on four feet through a forest, then there was a Smooth Green snake infront of me, then a creature swimming through the water and became a sea dragon, then a large black horse, then a cobra and then a wolf again.

I was wondering what it is I saw? I made sure when I was listening to try not to just picture things and think of animals, these are the animals that I saw (i was particularly surprised by the water dragon and the cobra) I wasn't meditating before I listened to the music, but the second the music started I just felt so, alive, would be the word I'd use. The big horse I saw was stepping and dancing in a way to the music and I swore I could feel it's energy and when I was hunting and running through the forest I felt like I was there.

I've always gone into a slightly 'zoned out' state when listening to music but this time I actually saw only animals. Are they spirit animals? Or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

The song was "We Are One People", I had my eyes closed while listening, and today in my car on my way home from work I felt a sudden need to say "And when we heard the beat of the drum, we felt alive." And I got shivers and all the hair on my arms and neck stood up and then just did again when I re-thought the words.
[i][color=spirit]It may be that no life is found,
Which only to one engine bound
Falls off, but cycles always round.
ALFRED TENNYSON, The Two Voices[/i][/color]

Can you hear the coyotes yipping?
They are having a good time.
Teasing the shadows.

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Post by Release.the.bats »

It is possible that these are your spirit guides.
I'd do a meditation or ask them to come to you in your dreams.
The dreams might take a few days to show up, but it is easier to know whether your conscious mind is creating them.
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