Strangest Dream

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Strangest Dream

Post by Chatters »

My god, sometimes my dreams just get stranger and more bizarre.

The dream started with arriving at a hotel with my Mam, when we arrived we were amazed how large the room was. There was a huge bed and a large sofa near the window. We could see the sea out of the window, the window was also quite large. Across one wall there was a large book case with cupboards at the bottom half. All the shelves on the bookcase was completely full of ornaments and statues that were really beautiful so we spent some time admiring them.

After a short time, I noticed what seemed to be the eyes moving on the statues and ornaments, but when I tried to look closer I thought it must of been my imagination. I said to my Mam did you see that. She was quiet and was staring at one of the ornaments, she said something like lets just keep an eye on them.

Later we went to sleep and I started to sleep walk, I walked over to a beer pump which had appeared on the wall next the shelf, it was a little high up so I had to reach up for it, I couldn't quite reach, I could only tap the pump leaver and small streams of beer came out, which were very golden and bright in colour. This woke me up. I felt shocked to be somewhere else in the room, I was about to go back to bed when I could hear what sounded like whispering and noises coming from the the book shelf so I turned to have a look. The ornaments and statues appeared to be looking at me. I felt uneasy and a bit frightened but also felt quite bold and that I shouldn't be afraid.

It was then that one of the ornaments stood and started to talk to me, he was very happy, jumping around and quite giddy. He had a bow and arrow, and red hair. I can't remember everything he said to me in the dream, but I do remember that he kept trying to get me to come up on to the shelf. I felt tempted too but also felt that I shouldn't, something was stopping me.

While the man ornament was talking, I noticed another small statue in the corner. This statue was a women with dark hair and she had a kind of dark long head dress on. To me she felt very powerful, also very deep and dark. She didn't say anything, stayed still, but the energy that came from her felt very different from the silence. On the other hand the ornament that I mentioned was charming, full of colour and seemed very young. However despite this I had a strong feeling that it was him that I should not trust, but that I could trust the brooding dark and silent statue. Throughout other parts of the dream I kept noticing this statue.

The next part of the dream I was waking up and my Mam was awake, I told her about the dream and she didn't seem surprised, after looking at the statues, we decided to go for breakfast. The dream then become a bit stranger. We were walking down lots of stairs and arrived at the corridor that led to the breakfast room. The corridor was full of women working and dressed in Victorian type pheasant clothes, for example full dress such as full skirts and a pinafore. They all kind of looked like washer women, some were scrubbing the floors, there was also lots of barrels everywhere and slops on the floor, I mean piles of slop, we had to try and navigate around the slops and not stand in it. I said I think I have gone off my breakfast now. I found this funny because I realised I was dreaming and I was hungry.

When we arrived in the breakfast room. The room was full of people I knew from work, my students that I support with their daily care and living skills. I didn't seem to mind this, despite the fact that I was on holiday. I was very happy to see them and went around saying hello and hugging some of the students that I work with. At one side of the room there was a huge long counter with a lot of people working behind the counter and I went around there to help myself as if I was at work!

While i was behind the counter one of the students tried to attack me with a sword (in real life this student is going to be moving onto the house that I work on. He will be moving in this September. The student can be a bit violent at times. So do you think I might be feeling a little bit nervous about this......... but the sword is a bit of an overkill don't you think. Anyway I had to battle with him a little bit, like in the movies where the weapon ends up being held up in the air by both people. I and a few other people managed to remove the sword with a little bit of help from me, by this time I was lucid dreaming so I changed it from being stabbed with the sword to escaping.

As I was walking away another member of staff noticed that I had been peed on by one of the other students, this had happened because the back of the counter was quite crowded. I didn't seem to mind and just said, for the love of god I'm not even at work!!!

I woke up thinking what the ............. but feeling that this dream meant something quite important. I also had the impression that the statue in the dream may have represented Hecate. I have had other dreams where I felt that a Women in my dream was Hecate. Don't really know a lot about her as she is one goddess that I have not read a lot about. But I had the strong feeling that the statue represented a dark goddess, very powerful and magical and also a strong protector.

I was not completely sure what to make of the ending of the dream other then I and the goddess may have found this quite funny. I also had a sense of simply mixing up with was going on in my real life, and wondering what's going to be happening this September, as every year is different in my job. We have new students starting and lots of other changes.

Sorry this a bit long isn't it. If you manage to read it, I would be very interested to see what people make of this.

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