Spiritual Exercises With Crystals

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Spiritual Exercises With Crystals

Post by wiccangirl188 »

Okay, I know some people are very find of crystals, so I wanted to make a post about what we can do with our crystals. Here goes:

Exercise 1

Hold your crystal in your nondominant hand, with the tip facing upward. Imagine either white or rainbow-hued colors radiating from the crystal. This is also another effective way to cleanse a crystal.

Exercise 2

Look deep into the crystal. Please note that this only works with clear quartz, and other clear crystals. Focus on the impurities, and let your mind drift. This method can be used for scrying. YOu can try to do this with non-clear crystals, but I have found that it works with ones that are clear.

Exercise 3

Hold the crystal in the palm of your dominant hand, and send thoughts of what you want the crystal to do(ex. love, luck, healing). Please don't put too much force into the thoughts, as that makes it harder for the crystal to process the thoughts. I find it easier to listen to music while I do this, or watch TV. I know I heard of this exercise somewhere else on this forum, so I'm disclaiming mine right here and now. This exercise does not belong to me.
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