Understaning Our 4 Elements

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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Understaning Our 4 Elements

Post by Seaspirit »

Greetings All....

I'm very happy to share the following information.

I have been seeking to understand more on the meanings and the characteristics of the Elements.

I have found these websites to very useful. I am continuing my learning on the subject so will post more websites that I find helpful.

Blessed Be



http://www.wicca-spells.net/stories-and ... ments.html
In Light is birthed discovery.....in discovery is birthed the journey of power.
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