How can someone be a Christian Witch?

Discussion for and about Christian witches and pagans. How do you merge your two belief systems? Please be kind to Christian witches. I have come to believe that it is a very valid belief system.
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Post by Atehequa »

Christian Witches, Christian Wiccans, Christian Pagans.

There's a lot of them on many of the Pagan Forums and have their own cyber communities devoted to such a blending.

All through the short history of Christianity’s spread, such conditions bespeak of a community either in transition or a guileful agenda. Over the last 2000 years or so such a blending is naught but a method of conversion. Perhaps a more lengthy, smooth and peaceful transition, but a transition none the less.

Similar trappings, same sacred days and familiar festivals, but with different names, worshipping a different god and singing different songs.

Post by SpiritMuse »

I really enjoyed reading through this thread. I am struggling now trying to understand where I am spiritually and this thread has helped me immensely. For that, I thank you.

To Atehequa--- What is the name of the animal in your avatar? We have been seeing something similiar around but in pure white. We are stumped as to what it is. We thought we were just seeing things so we didn't tell anyone but then a neighbor told us about this unidentified animal and we were shocked. lol. Now we are trying to find out what it could be. ty xxxx


Post by Atehequa »

It is what the Shawnee call Atehequa.

A Fisher.

Post by SpiritMuse »

Atehequa wrote:It is what the Shawnee call Atehequa.

A Fisher.
ok, it is a fisher cat. hum... they don't get as big as the one we are seeing. I believe what we saw was at least 50 pounds or so.

We wonder if it was a spiritual animal and not physical. It was seen near a place where an evil spirit was residing, or so we are told, in a vacant home across the road from us. Supposedly the house was exorcised or blessed or something and the spirit cast out. Don't know if that is true, it's just what we were told from another neighbor.

I never saw or felt the evil entity. I was asked to go over there to see if I could see/feel anything and I could not. I only saw a shadow but it may have been a bird that flew across the window.

Anyway, we are still trying to figure out what this animal is/was.

thank you for your response :)

Post by Atehequa »

Hum... you're probably not seeing a Fisher who by the way is not a cat. Maybe you're just thinking it's white and bigger than a Fisher.

To be frank, I have to look upon the Christians as enemies and detrimental of all Pagan people and their way of life. As mentioned earlier I feel any such attempts of those proclaiming to be 'Blendies' are just a ploy to dilute and diminish Spiritual Paths of others who do not share their same beliefs.

If I've offended anyone who feels the need to walk hand in hand with those who in the past have tortured, killed or exiled others because they don't accept or practice Christianity, oh well I either owe you an apology or probably nothing at all. That goes for any administrator, moderator or member of any site claiming to be Pagan, but in a sly manner attempting to slip in Christianity.

Post by TheBlackDahlia »

Atehequa wrote:To be frank, I have to look upon the Christians as enemies and detrimental of all Pagan people and their way of life. As mentioned earlier I feel any such attempts of those proclaiming to be 'Blendies' are just a ploy to dilute and diminish Spiritual Paths of others who do not share their same beliefs.

If I've offended anyone who feels the need to walk hand in hand with those who in the past have tortured, killed or exiled others because they don't accept or practice Christianity, oh well I either owe you an apology or probably nothing at all. That goes for any administrator, moderator or member of any site claiming to be Pagan, but in a sly manner attempting to slip in Christianity.
Pardon me if I'm reading your tone wrong, but this seems pretty combatant. How is my personal beliefs, kept to myself unless someone asks me about it, harming you, Pagans, or their ways of life? If I was going around preaching that mine is the only correct belief, yeah, I could see that, but I nor anyone else here that I have read has said that at all.

Yes, Christianity in it's roots has a bloody past, but it isn't alone, and to openly scorn an entire belief because of the actions of some in it's past is in my opinion irresponsible and closed minded.

I'm sorry that you feel that we're 'harming' Paganism or other forms of spirituality, but unless you give a reason for that, it's not so much sharing a belief as it is looking for a fight, in my opinion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though. If I -have- misread you, I do humbly apologize. It's just a frustrating thing to come from a life where a lot of us, Christian, Pagan, Purple or blue are closetted to a degree or otherwise scorned, to come to a place that is otherwise very welcoming and open to all walks and experiences, and for someone to villainize people in a thread who have been very open and honest in sharing with the marketplace of ideas.
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Post by WitchyLady506 »

But Christianity has nothing but acts of witchcraft in it. From the invoking of Jesus(asking him in to your heart), the evocation of God every Sunday and prayer in general. Every holiday, every religious service has witchcraft, it's just that they've been lied to about it. Their ignorance is a burden to others, but hating them or viewing them as the enemy doesn't solve anything. The only thing it does is make a larger divide and the world a worse place.
They say only Silver Bullets kill the beast inside.....

Post by Atehequa »

TheBlackDahlia wrote:
Atehequa wrote:To be frank, I have to look upon the Christians as enemies and detrimental of all Pagan people and their way of life. As mentioned earlier I feel any such attempts of those proclaiming to be 'Blendies' are just a ploy to dilute and diminish Spiritual Paths of others who do not share their same beliefs.

If I've offended anyone who feels the need to walk hand in hand with those who in the past have tortured, killed or exiled others because they don't accept or practice Christianity, oh well I either owe you an apology or probably nothing at all. That goes for any administrator, moderator or member of any site claiming to be Pagan, but in a sly manner attempting to slip in Christianity.
Pardon me if I'm reading your tone wrong, but this seems pretty combatant. How is my personal beliefs, kept to myself unless someone asks me about it, harming you, Pagans, or their ways of life? If I was going around preaching that mine is the only correct belief, yeah, I could see that, but I nor anyone else here that I have read has said that at all.

Yes, Christianity in it's roots has a bloody past, but it isn't alone, and to openly scorn an entire belief because of the actions of some in it's past is in my opinion irresponsible and closed minded.

I'm sorry that you feel that we're 'harming' Paganism or other forms of spirituality, but unless you give a reason for that, it's not so much sharing a belief as it is looking for a fight, in my opinion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though. If I -have- misread you, I do humbly apologize. It's just a frustrating thing to come from a life where a lot of us, Christian, Pagan, Purple or blue are closetted to a degree or otherwise scorned, to come to a place that is otherwise very welcoming and open to all walks and experiences, and for someone to villainize people in a thread who have been very open and honest in sharing with the marketplace of ideas.
"alot of US Christians, Pagans, purple or blue"

us ? Join in with those butchers if you like. Remember, unless one has accepted Jesus and Jehovah as deities, the Christians believe you are with Satan and are going to hell. There is no middle ground as far as they're concerned.

Why yes I am combatant when it comes to the Christian butchers and anyone willing to take sides with those who walk hand in hand with them.

Sorry I'm no impressionable youngster who those type would consider easy to sway and convert. I guess being a thinking older person who has never been Christian and never will makes me a threat to such devious missionary operations so please spare me the psy-ops.

And for the younger Pagans or those who are searching - It's today's laws that keeps these 'loving Christians' from torturing and killing you just like in the days when the Christian Church held sway over, and controlled governments. It's those same laws that protect Christians from others.

What I loath even more than Christians are the ones who claim to be Pagans just to attract converts or spread - 'The Good News'

flame, your deception is weak and some of us can see right through it, so stuff that in your make-believe Iowa garden.

pffffft on that.

Post by Atehequa »

Since I'm not the kind of person who feels the need to kiss-up to 'management' just to be a part of something or be accepted allows me a a better grasp of the truth and not what somebody's agenda.

Oh how cult leaders and brainwashers hate that. Don't you realize there are those who are smart enough to take notice to the methods of operation of such ? Tavistock ?

That's right Tavistock. I would suggest anyone searching and depending on such venues for guidance look up Tavistock Institute as they want to get their talons into all venues of free speech and thinking.

While your looking look up Jason Lucas and Elaine Belisha as well.

Elaine and her friends are heavily into such brainwashing and psy-ops. Her seemingly Pagan Forum was the first of such I ever visited -

Alien Check it out and see what a demonic cess pool it has become. Elaine Belisha is a Tavistock goon.

Don't be fooled by these fake Pagans. Of course they'll go on to demonize me or any other truth teller as that is their method of operation.

Post by TheBlackDahlia »

Atehequa wrote:
TheBlackDahlia wrote:
Atehequa wrote:To be frank, I have to look upon the Christians as enemies and detrimental of all Pagan people and their way of life. As mentioned earlier I feel any such attempts of those proclaiming to be 'Blendies' are just a ploy to dilute and diminish Spiritual Paths of others who do not share their same beliefs.

If I've offended anyone who feels the need to walk hand in hand with those who in the past have tortured, killed or exiled others because they don't accept or practice Christianity, oh well I either owe you an apology or probably nothing at all. That goes for any administrator, moderator or member of any site claiming to be Pagan, but in a sly manner attempting to slip in Christianity.
Pardon me if I'm reading your tone wrong, but this seems pretty combatant. How is my personal beliefs, kept to myself unless someone asks me about it, harming you, Pagans, or their ways of life? If I was going around preaching that mine is the only correct belief, yeah, I could see that, but I nor anyone else here that I have read has said that at all.

Yes, Christianity in it's roots has a bloody past, but it isn't alone, and to openly scorn an entire belief because of the actions of some in it's past is in my opinion irresponsible and closed minded.

I'm sorry that you feel that we're 'harming' Paganism or other forms of spirituality, but unless you give a reason for that, it's not so much sharing a belief as it is looking for a fight, in my opinion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though. If I -have- misread you, I do humbly apologize. It's just a frustrating thing to come from a life where a lot of us, Christian, Pagan, Purple or blue are closetted to a degree or otherwise scorned, to come to a place that is otherwise very welcoming and open to all walks and experiences, and for someone to villainize people in a thread who have been very open and honest in sharing with the marketplace of ideas.
"alot of US Christians, Pagans, purple or blue"

us ? Join in with those butchers if you like. Remember, unless one has accepted Jesus and Jehovah as deities, the Christians believe you are with Satan and are going to hell. There is no middle ground as far as they're concerned.

Why yes I am combatant when it comes to the Christian butchers and anyone willing to take sides with those who walk hand in hand with them.

Sorry I'm no impressionable youngster who those type would consider easy to sway and convert. I guess being a thinking older person who has never been Christian and never will makes me a threat to such devious missionary operations so please spare me the psy-ops.

And for the younger Pagans or those who are searching - It's today's laws that keeps these 'loving Christians' from torturing and killing you just like in the days when the Christian Church held sway over, and controlled governments. It's those same laws that protect Christians from others.

What I loath even more than Christians are the ones who claim to be Pagans just to attract converts or spread - 'The Good News'

flame, your deception is weak and some of us can see right through it, so stuff that in your make-believe Iowa garden.

pffffft on that.
I would very kindly ask that you not misquote me or try to make my words into something they're not. By 'us', I was referring to people on this website, regardless of their beliefs. Most people here has at some point in their life had to hide their beliefs because of fear for scorn or backlash of a sort.

No one here, in this thread at least from what I've read, has tried to convert you.

As for your claim that the only thing keeping anyone who believes in Christianity from killing and torturing others is the law? Through that logic, I suppose if anyone's family descended from Roman times, that they themselves are clearly going to kill and try to take other peoples lands if it weren't for that pesky law-- and Germans surely are going to go off and find some Jews to round up.

The acts of a few should NOT be held over the head of the descendants. There are always going to be extremists in any group, and to despise everyone who shares that group title because of those extremists is irresponsible, in my opinion.

You can believe whatever you like, and you don't have to like Christians or Christian witches, but if you don't, why come into this forum and this thread?

I smell a troll.
Fallen Angel
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Post by Fallen Angel »

I can honestly tell you it is possible to be both.

I'm a "non-practicing" Chirstian. And i'm curious about other religon's. Particulary Wiccan, since "we" are so against it. :/

I beileve in the Chirstian faith, but i also agree with some beilefs if the Wiccan faith.

Sorry if that's confusing, all i'm saying it is completely possible.
~Alie!! :3

Re: How can someone be a Christian Witch?

Post by melinda »

Christianity was born in an age of witchcraft, when it spread in the Roman empire most people actually thought the sect had particular witchcraft practises, it was viewed somehow like the Francmsonerie before it was outlawed. If there was no problem then I can't see why there would be a problem now, as for the 'problem' of monotheism, they provided the answer to that themselves.
It's common knowledge that they demonised many of the ancient gods, but most people don't give a thought to the fact that, in the same way they've turned the ancient festivals into chritian holy days they've included the most benevolent gods and godesses into their own pantheons as saints.
A common example is St Brigid in Ireland.
Oh, and TheBlackDahlia? That's a pretty heavy grudge, when was it originated? The crusades? Or the Inquisition?

Re: How can someone be a Christian Witch?

Post by Victoria »

i am a christin and wanna be a wiccan/pagan but i dont know if i can be a christin and a wiccan/pagan HELP ME
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Re: How can someone be a Christian Witch?

Post by Truthseeker »

Quick reply here- there is a site . Google 'christianwitchcourse' .There is a whole site for it and also a year and a day course you can take online (free) to study. I started it a couple of months ago. It is really great. Feel free to pm me if you need to.

Re: How can someone be a Christian Witch?

Post by Constance »

MoonStone wrote:If anyone out there is a practicing Christian Witch, how do you do it?

From what I understand, the Bible teaches "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live" (meaning all witches and practitioners of the Old Religion should be put to death)...and also I believe a great deal of the manner in which the Bible became the preferred religion of the time, replacing witchcraft, aka "The Old Religion", was to make certain that witchcraft and witches were completely shunned therein... Given all this, following one path tells you to, in fact, despise and totally disapprove of the other... which makes this is a very contradictory belief system! Please share how you, as a Christian Witch or just someone who knows, deal with this internal controversy and contradiction.

...Anything I don't know is something I want to know.
Thank you for your candor- I promise not to judge.

~Blessed Be~
I practice some of techniques from Christian Witchcraft. It works well. Most of rituals and spells are aimed to do HEX removal, cleansing of aura, healing. In some cases it can work very well, but in some it will not. To know why you need to be Christian. I am not talking now about Catholic christians, it is absolutly different. I am talking about Eastern Christianity.
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