RE teacher troubles

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RE teacher troubles

Post by SunshineChild »

I 'm 14 and I go to a Catholic school. I'm still in the broom closet. In my RE lesson, my RE teacher(and majority of the class) was laughing at paganism, wicca and witchcraft. She said not to trust a witch. I felt like crying. What can I do to try and prevent her from doing this again?
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Post by Traumwandlerin »

Really nothing. Just accept that she is ignorant in her ways, stay calm and ignore this. The majority of the class probably just acted this way cause they didn't know any better and the teacher won't change anymore.
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Post by JBRaven »

Lead by example. Be an upstanding citizen, hold yourself to a high standard. All of these people will see that you are an amazing person and that is what matters.
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Post by Kaimira »

good call raven,

be proud of what you are, and listen to nothing what she tells you. if your a witch stand up with pride. don't speak to that woman again just ingore her. besides she's posion.
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Post by love beats all (; »

I feel for you, I really do. Even though I live in a very rural and Christian area, anyone who I'd even start to care about what they thought are actually open minded and more than anything intrigued by the thought of paganism (our world history books taught that those of the British Isles were very intelligent and held much astronomical knowledge). During the conversation I'd probably defend the religion a bit, but I entirely understand people who wouldn't. Today I took the PSATs and under religious affiliation there was no checkbox for Wicca, Paganism, or Neo-paganism. But there WAS a box for Santeria xD But as other people have said, be proud and only wish enlightenment on those who laugh and mock. Blessed Be )O(
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Post by Seaspirit »

I would tell her that the same can be said about Catholicism.

Or you could tell her that one of your good older friends is a witch and you find her speculations offensive. Or that you find her comments and 'opinion' ethnocentric in nature.
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Post by Kaimira »

i agree with you there seaspirit. people in general are stupid, what they know scares them to bits that's why freak out if they find out that your wiccan.
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Post by arpgme »

I don't think there's much you can do. You are going to a Catholic school and this is their values - to ridicule anyone who is not like them. You are in their territory, you are not in a public school you are in a Catholic school so the best you can do is stay quiet and anticipate leaving that horrible place.

You'll be out of there soon. On graduation day, you can come out of the broom closet because you will be done with them and you'll have that freedom. Until then, you are living under your parent's roof and you are in the Christian territory so there's nothing to do but wait until you can get the heck outta there.
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