How far can a Familiar go?

Discussion about pets, familiars, animal totems, animal spirits, pet ghosts, and more. All animal talk, crazy and normal, is welcome here.
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How far can a Familiar go?

Post by BoyWitch123 »

Ok I have known my familiar ever since I found him outside my house when I was three. He is a very large black wolf named Keneth and he has been protecting me but he has also sorta gone inside my very soul itself. He changed alot of my physical features when I was younger because my teeth became sharp and I mean all of them and my canines curved like that of a dogs. My hair got a dark black and my ears point up a bit. I have gotten stronger without having to do anything and my senses are crazy good Hearing,Taste,Smell,etc. Even my spiritual and mental capabilities have increased dramatically over the years since he "joined" with me. He speaks to me inside myself and I become him whenever I become a wolf with him whenever I astral project. Can anyone help me explain this?
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