Unity & Love

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Unity & Love

Post by Y0m »

My book of shadows!!!! YEA :)

All I know is I love you.
That's about all I can do.
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Re: Unity & Love

Post by Y0m »

Unity Potion by IridescentMoonChild

1. Take a gallon of water from the nearest magical creek and pour it into a large cauldron (yeah, I know it’s cliché but I don’t know of any other traditional bowls large enough for this potion).
2. In this water, soak out the blood stains from the shirt you wore the last time you had your heart on your sleeve. This enhances the consumer’s vulnerability to the potion. The water should now have a light pink tint to it.
3. Add two feathers from a single dove to the potion. One should be from its left wing and one from its right. This is to bring co-operation amongst opposing consumers under the common goal of global peace.
4. Pluck the three stars of Orion’s belt (moon marks) from the sky and add to the potion. This is one of the most important steps as these stars were originally created by Father Sky as a guide for all Moon Children. As the Book of Job states, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?”, indicating the spiritual strength of these stars. Also, it is believed that Orion’s descendants are all the Nephilim and they will notice the absence of their father’s belt which will attract them to the potion so that they can watch over our progress. Don’t worry about upsetting their usual routines for they will be glad to help.
5. Take the tear-soaked pillow from a widow upon which she wept on the eve of her husband’s death. Extract the tears through a fire and add to the potion. This is to inspire support within society for those who have experienced loss, as all will feel this pain and heal it with love.
6. Leave the potion at the base of the nearest fairy shrine overnight. In the morning you should discover things you had once believed to be lost. This will be because the fairies wish to repay you for your attempts to bring unity to the world. Although they are not here to specifically serve humans, they will be extremely grateful for the harmonious change in their surrounding environment that unity will bring.
7. Once the potion has been blessed by fairies, it needs to be blessed by the Guardian Angels of the Zodiac. For this to happen, you need twelve Moon Children (all born under different constellations) to surround the potion, seated in order of birth. All are to recite the following incantation and to contribute a single drop of blood each to the potion.

Haniel of Capricorn, Barchiel of Pisces, Gabriel of Aquarius,
Machidiel of Aries, Ambriel of Gemini, Asmodel of Taurus,
Muriel of Cancer, Adnachiel of Sagittarius, Barbiel of Scorpio,
Uriel of Libra, Verchiel of Leo, Hamaliel of Virgo,
We call on thee to reach out and bless this remedy
And to protect their charges from opposition if any
Fulfil your promises and show us the truth and light
So that we may come together as children of the night

8. Once all this is done, take the potion and distribute it to the world through all sources of drinking water. Once infected, each consumer will pass the essence of unity on to his or her descendants. Don’t be surprised to see moon marks everywhere, in every adult and child. The twelve Moon Children will become the chosen protectors of Unity. However, once their human bodies die, the responsibility will carry on with their spirits and will possess whatever their spirit possesses, so be prepared to protect global Unity for the rest of your soul’s existence. This infection of Unity should last as long as the constellation of Orion is observable to those on Earth. This will be for the next 1 to 2 million years so these steps will not need to be repeated for a very long time. Still, remember to keep these instructions for the future (and to find a replacement for the three stars of Orion’s belt!). In the meantime, the magical protection of Angels, Fairies, and Orion should keep the effects of this potion from fading.
All I know is I love you.
That's about all I can do.
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