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Post by hedge* »

I have been researching all about honey these last few days and I wanted to share with you all that I have found out. Honey really is amazing stuff.
I wonder how many people realise that approximately half of the human diet is derived from crops pollinated by bees. Whether directly or indirectly Honeybees are an essential part of a healthy agriculture economy.
Honey is composed of sugars like glucose and fructose and contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulphur, iron and phosphate as well as small quantities of copper, iodine and zinc. Honey contains the vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3. The amounts of these change according to the qualities of the nectar and pollen and there are a lot of different types of Honey in the world so if you want to know the exact properties, it is best to research that particular type of Honey. For example Manuka Honey, which is native to New Zealand and Australia, comes from the flowers of the Tea Tree. Probably most of us know of the healing properties of Tea Tree and to me it makes perfect sense that the honey derived from the same Tree will have the same or similar healing properties.
Honey is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, among other things.
If you have a sore throat, take some Honey. ( all the pharmaceuticals put it in their cold medicines )
Do you have a cut? Honey contains antimicrobial agents which prevents infections by killing the bacteria in and around the wound. Many types of bacteria can’t survive in Honey, so wounds heal, swelling eases and tissue can grow back. In this respect it is also good for treating burns. Honey prevents infections and also accelerates skin healing. Since the sugar in Honey absorbs water it helps to trap some of the moisture, when Honey comes into contact with body moisture, the glucose oxidase enzyme introduced to the Honey by the bee slowly releases the antiseptic hydrogen peroxide at a sufficient level to be effective against bacteria but not tissue damage. Honey draws body fluids and nutrients to the burnt area and in so doing assists cell growth and prevents a scar forming.
It is effective as a laxative as the high amounts of fructose cause the Honey to arrive in the large intestine undigested which then begins fermentation and draws fluid into the bowel. Honey when mixed with warm water and drank is brilliant for fatigue. You can add Honey to your bath water if you suffer from dry skin. Put Honey on coldsores and acne and to treat chapped lips ( yum!)
If you suffer from hayfever eat the local Honey as this will make symptoms less severe. Honey is also low in calories compared to the same amount of sugar, it gives great energy to the body without adding weight.

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Post by Starwitch »

Very interesting info Hedge! I never knew honey could do so much. Thanks for posting that!

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Post by Orion »

I remember what you said about local honey is good in spring for allergies...

Well apparantly the bees think that's a good idea too. Half an hour ago I was on my little balcony (second floor) and saw a bee go by... then heard something. I looked down at the basement under me (south side of basement isnt underground) and there was a bloody swarm of bees going in and out of a hole. I need to upload a picture if I can get a good one. Went down into the basement, you can hear them in the ceiling of it near the outer wall. Several spiders have already got their fill in the webbing, lol.
This isn't exactly what I think you had in mind when you said to get some local honey :oops:
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Post by hedge* »

Well you can't get more local than that! :D

Someone in your building will probably call pest control. Do they exterminate bees or is it just wasps and hornets?
I'm not sure, it would be a shame to kill the bees, though I do know they don't sting like wasps do, after they have stung they die, they've figured out it's bad for their health to sting people so they tend to leave well alone unless threatened.

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Post by Orion »

My mom is alergic to them, and she's the only one where most of the time. My dad and I are only around on weekends. She isn't too worried about them yet, we stopped using that part of the house at the beginning of spring (basement was a nursery until the weather warmed up and we rebuilt the greenhouse). She does like the fact that having bees there is great for the garden.
If they don't become a problem for her, she might just leave them there. If they start getting into other parts of the house, we'll have to borrow some sprays from an uncle. But they haven't been hostile or even been that noticable... so I have hope it'll work out.
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Post by hedge* »

Orion - I don't know why but I presumed you were in a block of apartments. My mistake.

An allergy to bee stings is very serious, but like I said, bees will only sting if threatened.
Hope it all works out for man and bees :D

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Post by Orion »

Randomly I have to mention this, lol
Posted a pic of our basement window, home of the bees :P
Used to there was just one occasionally in the window....
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Post by 5moons »

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Post by Starwitch »

It took me a minute, but I think I see the bees on the inside of the window. That's pretty creepy. I'd call an exterminator, or have my husband KILL EM ALL! Yeah, I know bees are good, but they are better OUTSIDE, not in my house! lol.

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Post by Orion »

Yeah, our house seems to like animals, lol. A random stray puppy that sleeps by the door came up recently (poor girl was skittish, someone must've beat her :(), birds managed to get into a tiny little space in the roof of our workshop (part of the house on the otherside of our car port), and the bees living in the basement. Plus the flocks of turkey that come around or the half dozen deer bounding about at night....

The bees just happened to be the critters that kind of worry us, lol. Yet they're also the ones that are helpful with the garden... But it is looking like they've taken over the basement, and that means they're going to become a problem we have to take care of... maybe we can pull down some sheetrock where their hive is and see if they've got any gifts :P.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." -Einstein

There are always facts, the best most of us can do is try to continuously adjust our opinions to become closer to those facts. For that, there is Science and Philosophy. One to argue facts and one to argue opinions. The result: The big bang is some sort of sexual innuendo resulting from your subconscious.
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