Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Post by Truthseeker »

I hope someone may be able to give me some insight. I beleive I will know and recognize the answer when it comes.
I dreamed of three white birds the other night. The only thing I remember about the dream (and I remember it very vividly) was that I had living in my house three white birds. They were very important to me and they were mine personally. In some way they were indicitive of who and what I am (meaning a witch?) and had some meaning as to my (for lack of a better word) status as such. I don't understand but I felt this dream very strongly and it is staying with me. The three were: a white dove, white hawk and a white cockatoo.
Help anyone?
C u l a i n


Post by C u l a i n »

You may have answered your own question in a way. Since it's staying with you so intensely, though all you can remember is the one aspect, you're nurturing (or seeking to nurture) something that is pure. What other details do you recall about this scene? Was there any interaction between the birds? What were they doing, or you? There may be something to the fact that you recognized each of the three by type. Do any of them have some significance to you outside of the dream? Perhaps most importantly, is there any event or lingering thought/mood that comes to mind along with the memory of this dream?

I don't necessarily agree with the "one-size-fits-all" approach to dream themes, but there are common themes, so I've copied below some of these, just in case they do help. Just keep in mind that ultimately we imbue dream symbols with our own meaning, which may or may not coincide with the common ones.

Symbolizes peace, tranquility, harmony, affection and innocence. In particular, to see a white dove in your dream, represents loyalty, love, simplicity, gentleness and friendships. It may also signify a message and blessing from Spirit. You have let go of your thoughts of hate and revenge.

Represents some message or gossip that is being conveyed to you. You need to think twice about repeating or sharing certain information. Alternatively, it can denote a person in your waking life who is eccentric or obnoxious. It may also mean that you or someone is being repetitive or even mocking you.

Denotes that suspicions are lurking around you and your activities. You need to proceed with caution. Alternatively, it symbolizes insight. Consider the phrase "hawk's eye" to mean that you need to keep a close watch on someone or some situation.
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Post by Truthseeker »

I don't know but for some reason it makes me feel protected, taken care of?
The dove I can see as peace, something I've been needing for a while now, and also the Holy Spirit.(Which I have feared left me when I turned my back on the church,and even more so since I began exploring my "witch-ness"- lol, for lack of a better term).
The hawk I even felt was specifically [protecting me, I don't know why that either, but...
The cockatoo- well that one baffles me but I feel it is important, too, although I get this ridiculous 'clown' feeling when I try to think of what it could mean-Mockery???
All of them were in my living room. their perches in a row in the middle of the room and I was putting one of them back on it's perch from my arm. It was in a house I lived in twenty-some years ago with my former husband, who was a very abusive man, a minister and whom I divorced 7 years ago. My doughter, who is like a soul-mate to me, was there. A child again, as she would have been at the time we lived there. I felt very glad they were mine and very , I can't think of the right words- very much like they were a part of who I am and connected somehow to my being a witch, and associated with my 'powers' as such, ( I know that sounds corny, but that's how it was)
And for somew reason this is making me cry?????? WHY????? What is it????
C u l a i n


Post by C u l a i n »

OK, so are the birds you and your daughter and former husband? If so, which one were you putting on its perch? If the dove, then that's your daughter under the protection of YOU the hawk, and your ex is the cockatoo (even considering that the hawk was a separate being from you). I don't want to seem definitive about that, just trying to help you figure it out and that's how it appears. I stand by the "nurturing" and "purity" (white color shared by each) that I originally gleaned from what you said. Maybe you were (or are) refining your memories of that time? I say that because if each bird was a personification of you three, then the ex being white and loved just as the others would have to mean you accept his presence too on some level, even if only as lessons learned and/or amounting to a new perspective. Involvement or interest in witchcraft, if there's indeed a direct relation, could be part of that refining process. I am just thinking aloud now.
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Post by Truthseeker »

Hmm... that's deep. I can see the correlation of the three. He was an ugly man in spirit. A christian minister who was always trying to control and manipulate. Very psychologically and spiritually abusive, and very derisive of my own christianity. He even made the comment that without him I couldn't make it to heaven, when I told him I was divorcing him. He made my life a living hell.He subsequently brainwashed my youngest child, telling him I was a drug addict (never done any!) and a lot of other horrible things. I haven't seen or heard from this child in 5 years. :( He took him and moved away and no one knows where he lives, not even our other three kids, who are all grown and married now. I don't know about accepting him although I WILL ponder this and try to figure it out. In the past two or so years this daughter and i have been having some pretty strange and disturbing dreams,and always he is some figure in them causing the bad things in them in some way..This bird dream took me very much by surprise in it's nature. I'm still working at it.We have even considered the possibility that he is sending MAJOR bad energy our way. It is the kind of thing he would do - either purposely or unknowingly.He was the type to always be chasing demons in one way or another. Needless to say once I became free of him I broke away from the 'church' such that it is. I still believe in God, although I am trying to define my beliefs now, they are nothing like I was taught. I just don't cotton much to what passes for christianity for the biggest part. Thank you for your insight, Culaine. I appreciate it.

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