Divination, even carrots can do it

For discussion and questions about divination techniques including runes, crystal ball gazing, psychic readings, dowsing, etc. Questions, answers, and talk about Divination.
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dangel angello

Divination, even carrots can do it

Post by dangel angello »

Divination is the form of reading energy. I was hoping to share with you the things I've learnt to help you visualise this practice and then project it for yourself.

What is divination?

Divination is the act of reading energy for purposes not limited to -fortune telling -energy raising -wisdom gaining etc.

Divination is used by many different types of people, with many different tools for many different things. Familiar scenes of Divination can come from Tarot Cards, Scrying, rune work and so on.

Perception in Divination?

To Divinate, you simply must know how to perceive and luckily, most of us can.

Perception is as unique as someone's own finger print. How one person sees something will be different to another, maybe even vastly so. So, if one person reads a rune scattering one way and someone else reads it another way, it's quite easy to assume that both perceptions are as real as each others and it would be down to your own judgement to gather which one you'd wish to go with.

What tools can I use?

Any. Like most things within a practitioner's reach, your altar of working is limited only to what you can get your hands on. Everything can be used for something or another and Divination is as open to it more so.

You needn't reach for shells, stones, sticks or cards to Divinate, history holds a whole wealth of items used through Divination including, but not limited to, animal entrails, clouds, wrinkles, animal births and even sneezes.

Finding what tool will work best for you means you'll need to find what method of Divination your prefer.

Explain Divination for me.

Divination is reading energy and energy is all around us, it is a part of us, it makes us and we affect and change energy with everything we do (from burning wood to digesting food). This energy's movement is what magic is and through the movement of this energy, we can read magic, hence Divination.

How you perceive this energy is what will govern your method of Divination.

personally, I perceive energy as a flowing wind which can be of any strength and it moves much like heat, emanating from everything and spreading out to the world around.

Some people may be more familiar with perceiving energy as electrical sparks that bounce from the skin and trace the floor. Or maybe you believe it to be a fluid, or maybe a fire? No perception is wrong and each perception governs how you read it.

What tools should I use?

any. I, personally, use cards and runes, but, more so, sticks. I have learnt a form of Divination that means, when I drop sticks down onto a map, the sticks will be influenced by the energy that emanates from me and when they land on the floor, the formation and their position will tell me a story that I can judge correct or not.

You, on the other hand, may wish to use whatever you want. Beginners are prompted to keep it simple. Runes are always good, and Tarot cards are much fun, but remember to keep them small. Work with just a few runes or cards at a time. it will still do the job and this way you can learn the meanings faster and with less frustration.

negative aspects of Divination

Divination can't hurt you, nor can it hurt others. it's can be neither good nor evil and it does not open doors into spiritual worlds. It can be believed that Divination does this fallacy because of famous films and stories, but Divination is the reading of energy which, at times, can be done to contact other beings if you so desire. The opening of doorways onto spiritual worlds is done mainly down to an individuals intention or ignorance by inviting a creature in and Divination should not be blamed for this. Divination is a pen, it is just a tool, as long as you use it correctly, all will me fine.

Ouija Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. Ouija board is not evil. it does not bring demons into our world. The Ouija board is a victim to imagination.

Just like Tarot cards, when the Ouija Board was invented, it was intended to be used as a child's play thing and the Tarot Cards were meant to be a simple means of gambling, much like playing cards today.

They were used for many years as normal, every day items. Like you can change an item into a tool for Divination, so was the Ouija board and the Tarot cards, and even runes.

This isn't a bad thing, but never fear something that you control. Ouija boards can be used for evil, just like a pillow can be when smothered over someone's face, but keep your intentions pure and Ouija board is nothing but a board game.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope it helps.
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