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Ember Nightwolf
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Post by Ember Nightwolf »

Hi guys! I was just wondering what everyones doing for Beltane? I know it's pretty early, but still. I'm hosting a picnic and inviting just about everyone, but I'm not too sure what other things to do. So what are you guys doing?
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Re: Beltane!

Post by witchmoon21 »

last year i had a midnight picnic inviting the Gods & Goddesses. This year i am not so sure what i will be doing.
pretty much the same i guess!
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Re: Beltane!

Post by Evanthe »

Oh, I love Beltane! I prefer daytime activities for Beltane but this year I have a baby shower to attend out of town. Lots of driving involved. I'm sure I'll spend some time in the kitchen and I'd like to get the kids involved.
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Re: Beltane!

Post by Tylluan »

I love Beltane though last year it was very rainy and miserable. We went to a Celtic Harmony camp but it was pretty poor attempt at a fire festival. There was a weeny maypole and a miserable fire.

This year we are having a big get together with lots of friends all making and bringing food and drink. We are allowed to use a farmers field which is great and as the evening rolls on we will light a massive bonfire and dance around it or tell stories and just be together. I feel blessed that I have an understanding partner and pagan friends who I can share these events with.

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Re: Beltane!

Post by Zili »

Last year our plans for Beltane didn't happen we were going to have a bonfire, maypole, a bbq cook out, home made mead, and a ceremony, but my teachers couldn't get enough people to attend and then they got sick anyhow. So I went to see my boyfriend. (It was my birthday weekend anyhow)

I can see how its a bit different for the kids who's birthdays are celebrated on a major holiday now that I'm activly celebrating our pagan feasts. My birthday is April 28th, so the preparations for beltane start the day after my birthday and of course Beltane the day after that.

I forsee that Beltane this year will go pretty much like it did last year, At least this time I do not have to work the local civil war festival before going to see my boyfriend. Next year's Beltane is going to be very different as we will be in the middle of a renaissance festival.
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Re: Beltane!

Post by Thistle »

I'm not really sure what I'll be doing. It's my first one, but Beltane is also the day I met my s/o...oddly enough. lol This year will be 5 years, so I imagine we'll do something for that. :-) Plus mine and my mom's birthdays are the first week of we'll have a week of celebration going on. :D
Ember Nightwolf
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Re: Beltane!

Post by Ember Nightwolf »

Wow! That sounds pretty cool - especially the midnight picnic! Good Luck too you all!
I think I'll probably try to do a Beltane fire the night before... though I doubt I'll get all the (nine) woods :? ah well, it should be fun! Blessed Be :)
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Kawaii Deathcake

Re: Beltane!

Post by Kawaii Deathcake »

:D That's today! blue_dozey Unfortunety I don't know very many pagans so I just did a ritual and went on a bike ride by myself. Oh well, next year will be better, I'm sure!
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