Need Experienced Help

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Need Experienced Help

Post by MoonKatt »

I have been trying to learn about witchcraft for about the past year and I have finally decided this is truly what I want. I'm doing this on my own and the one who supports me (by what I think) thinks it's just a silly stage I'm going through in life. I need help with: 1) Knowing what paths there are and how will I know which one to take? 2) Learning about the Gods and Godess'. 3) Ways to setup and altar. 4) Dedications to the Gods and Godess'.
Thank you for all help I get!
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Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by JBRaven »

I am sorry that your support system feels that way. Knowing the path you're to go on is a life long journey. A path is what you make it. It will come in time. The rest; well all of that information is in this forum. Study and find your answers.
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Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by Kitty »

I would suggest buying a few '101' style books if you're able to, from there if you find anything that particularly appeals to you I would get a more in depth, specialized book
for gods and goddesses it is probably best to look online as there are so many in different paths
I'm not a wiccan and I don't firmly believe altars should be set up in certain ways, this, again is something that can be found in a '101' book or online ... i adore this site people post their altars there and it's really good for inspiration
as for dedications, they can be found online or in books which deal with deities but I believe it is good to write your own
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Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by FireQueen »

In relation to choosing a path, the one that I have chosen to follow is the Path of Fire.

Strictly speaking, this path is more of an esoteric school of mysteries path than witchcraft based, however, the the Path of Fire is very spiritual, grounded in strong morals, ethics and the quest for enlightenment, and focuses on healing and energy work, which aligns with Wiccan, witchcraft and broader pagan healing traditions.

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Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by Ula »

There is a podcast called The Witch's Primer it's very helpful for very new practitioners.
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Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by AutumnMaidens »

MoonKatt wrote:1) Knowing what paths there are and how will I know which one to take? 2) Learning about the Gods and Godess'. 3) Ways to setup and altar. 4) Dedications to the Gods and Godess'.
1. In Paganism there are so many paths that include some form of witchcraft I could not possible begin to mention them all. It all depends where your interest lays. Since you reffer to the Gods makes me think you might be interested in Wicca but since this is not the only pagan path that follows gods I don't know what to tell you. When concidering Wicca there are still a lot of different paths to follow. You have Gardnarians who follow the teachings of Gerald Gardner, Alexandrians who follow the teachings of Alex Sanders, Dianics who follow the teachings of Z Budapest etc, and those are just three of the bigger names. I will be able to give more thorough advice if I know more about your interst. :)

2. Learning about the gods is pretty easy actually, there are so many books dedicated to different pantheons, and the internet is as good a place as any to start your search.

3. The big blue book (complete book of witchcraft) by Raymond Buckland has great info on setting up an altar but the basic things that most people keep to is that a round altar symbolises the goddess, and a square the god, and the wind direction that it is pointed at also means different things, it not only reffers to the element that is strongest within it but also which star sign, god/dess fits it best etc. One side is usually for the goddess, usually the working (right) or sending hand and the god usually the recieving (left) hand (when talking about energy). They usually have an idol or image or candle to represent them, there are other tools (if you use tools) that represent either deities that find their place on either side of the altar. The most basic way to start and alter is with two candles, mind the colours to see which one means what in refference to the gods and a small bowl in the ce nter where you can place water and salt or other simmilair tools.

4. As far as Dedications go there are so ma ny ways of going about that and it usually is a very personal practice. This can be done with a specific god/dess or the symbol of the matriach and the patriach in wicca being the mother goddess/lady/gaia/great mother and the horned god/lord/Cernunnos/father. These dedications can be as complicated or as simple as you want them to be. I know people who plan an entire day to dedicate their body and mind to the lord and lady, others do a simple dedication with a single candle, others go into the forest to meditate, others choose their name and dedicate through their name etc. Again this depends on your interest, pantheon, path, prefference etc.

Hope this helped!
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Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by WolfWitch »

First and formost, in regards to your decision to follow the paths; Welcome dear brother/sister (sorry, I could not dicern which you are. No offense is meant.) I pray you find that which you seek.

Secondly, if you need support, you will find it here. I've been a member for quite some time and it has been a place, more than once, where I have sought solice.(Especially while I was in overseas or underway.)

And finally, as for advice; To find your path, look to what is available. Look at any path that you have the oprotunity too, search online, whatever you can. When you find the one right for you, you will know. The rest of your questions are easily answered. First, there are a great number of books that can help with dedications, set-up, etc. Not all are reputable and a few are down right laughable. But there are many that are very informative and well written. From my personal experiance, "Wicca: A guide to the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham was one of the best books I utilized. Not everyone uses it but I know a lot who have. Even if you do not go the way of the Solitary, it is still a good general primer to the fundamentals. AutumnMaidens mentioned Raymond Buckland and I have to agree. "Uncle Bucky's big blue book" was a book I had recomended to me a hundred times as an initiate and it was rightly done so. It is a very good primer and has provided much advice over the years. I recomend his encyclopedia as well. It covers just about every word used by Pagans that most people outside the faiths are unfamiliar with.

The best way to know the Goddess or God is simply to sit down and communicate with them. Find a quiet spot, relax, meditate if you feel the need, but open yourself to the greater universe and simply ask them politly to come and speak with you. Look to the world arond you. Look at nature, the plants, the animals. Watch a quiet day in a meadow or even your back yard. But look for the divine in what you see. Contemplate the wind in the tree or seriously think about the hows and why's of a squirrel as it goes about it's day. You'll be surprised at what you see that has always been in front of you. You'll be amazed at just how loud the voice of the Divine is in just the everyday.

Good luck and good questing. If you have more questions, feel free to ask any of us.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.

Re: Need Experienced Help

Post by MoonKatt »

I take no offense, as a fellow sister. I wish to thank you all for your help it is very greatly appreciated.
Many Blessings to all,
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