Scott Cunningham's Self-Dedication Ritual

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Scott Cunningham's Self-Dedication Ritual

Post by JBRaven »

Items needed: A bottle of scented oil such as Frankincense, Sandalwood, Cinnamon or any other scent.

Place: Outside where you can sit on the ground and feel the earth. Find a spot that calls to you.

Go to your spot, sit down and breath. Make a connection to the Earth. Feel the energies around you.

Call the Goddess and God in any words your chose or use the following invocation (memorize it first):

O Mother Goddess, O Father God,
Answers to all mysteries and yet mysteries unanswered;
In this place of power I open myself to your essence.
In this place and in this time I am changed;
From henceforth, I walk the Wiccan path.
"I dedicate myself to you, Mother Goddess and Father God.

Rest for a moment

I breathe your energies into my body, commingling,
blending, mixing them with mine,
that I may see the divine in nature, nature in the divine,
and divinity within myself and all else.
O Great Goddess, O Great God,
Make me one with your essence
Make me one with your essence
Make me one with your essence

You may feel a difference, subtle or strong. Whatever happens, know that you have opened yourself and that the Goddess and God have heard you. You should feel different inside.

Wet your fingers with the oil and anoint yourself with the symbols of the Goddess and God somewhere on your body. As you anoint, visualize these symbols sinking into your flesh, glowing as they enter your body and then dispersing innate millions of tiny points of light.

Thank the goddess and God for their attention. Once home celebrate in some special way.
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