Are guides internal or external?

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.

Are guides internal or external?

Post by AirSpirit »

Where do they come from?

Does a guide come from a part of ones soul or are they an autonomous separate entity
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Re: Are guides internal or external?

Post by Symandinome »

That is a really good question.

Most people will say that a Spirit Guide is first and foremost of a spirit that belonged to a human that has already passed and is "helping" the living while they wait for their next incarnation or possibly they will not reincarnate at all inwhich they would stay with you always *possibly* There are guides that are only meant to be with you for a short time and not forever which is why I said possibly before because what happens with them after we really do not know.

Some people use the term spirit guide to refer to animal spirits/ angels and so on also. This is a horse of a whole different color though.

Most commonly people accept these guides as outside entities there to help but it could also be argued that they are nothing more than a astral materialization of your "higher self" created to help the mundane you get through the things you need to get through.

Either way if its there to help its there to help enjoy it and make use of it!!!
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Re: Are guides internal or external?

Post by Greek_Male_Witch »

My personal opinion is that they are seperate entities, its just the feeling I have for them, I don't want to sound wannabe or showoff but I think I start to have medium-kind abilities, there are stuff that I just know them, without obvious reason, I just know them, so yes spirit guides-at my opinion-are spirits from humans that have passed ans chose to stay spirits instead of being reincarnated, so they can help us.
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