Truth Spell

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Truth Spell

Post by Malati »

Truth Spell

This spell is to get someone to tell you the truth, of course, but out of guiltiness. Only used if someone has done you wrong and will not tell you why he/she did it. Like you know they will not tell you and it is accually important i mean important like betrayal or something close to that.

You need:
3 white candles= for Truth Patience & Purity.
1 black candle= for Guiltiness.
A pin

Take the pin and carve into each candle from the top down: First black, Guiltiness. Then 1 white, Truth. Next 2 white candle, Patience. And finally the last white candle, Purity.

Place the candles on a windowsill with the blackcandle in the middle, the truth candle to its upper left, the patience candle bhind it, and purity to its upper right.

Light the candles in the order you set them. Meditate on what you want to know and why.Do this for seven days and the truth should come soon after, if not confront them. sometimes its best just to talk to em, ^-^

Forever and ever the stars will remain.. <3
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