Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Questions and posts about love spells.
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Victoria Mnemosyne
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Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

Spell to Heal Wounds from Love
I wish thee to forget thy woe
As I regret what love did sow
Forgive me for anguish rent
I ne’er did bear thee ill intent
May hurt and anger leave thy heart
And acordaunce, if thou will it, start
I accept my share of pain inflicted
Let thy affliction now be lifted!

Light a red candle, representing the love that caused the pain. From that one candle, light two candles, to represent the two of you. In a small bowl, cover basil, coriander (for reconciliation), willow leaves (for forgiveness) and clover (for mental healing) with water. After the spell is repeated once, burn a paper with the object’s name written on it with the flame from the red candle. Blow that candle out. Repeat the spell again, and extinguish the candle that represents the caster in the bowl of water. Finally, repeat it a third time, and extinguish the last candle in the bowl of water.
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by ebenb84 »

very nice, i rather like this spell. the only question i can think of would be is there a certain time to do this spell or are there certain astrological correspondesences that you would recommend?

this is one of those spells that i think we could all use at some point in our lives
Victoria Mnemosyne
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

If you're into Moon phases I would suggest the New Moon for healing...
im not sure what you mean by astrological, how do you use astrology in spells?
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by ebenb84 »

ok well i'll begin with the days of the week, each day is ruled by a planet (sunday=sun, monday=moon, tuesday=mars, wednesday=mercury, thursday=jupiter, friday=venus, saturday=saturn). each planet gives off a certain energy that can be used to give extra power to a spell.

to go along with this, the sun travels through each zodiac sign in a year, well the moon travels through the 12 signs of the zodiac as well but instead of it taking a year the moon will pass through all 12 signs in 28.5 days. each zodiac sign is ruled by a planet as well and when the moon travels through that sign it kind of amplifies the energy of that planet. we can use this energy to boost a spell. (i apologize if i'm not making much sense)

heres an example, ok lets say that i want to cast a love spell. i will start off by checking which moon phase we are in, an i would wait untill the moon is waxing. well once the moon is waxing i would wait untill a friday to cast this spell since friday is ruled by venus. (love is one of venus' energies) or i could wait untill the waxing moon is in taurus (taurus is ruled by venus as well). once i've found out either when the waxing moon is in taurus or on a friday when the moon is waxing, i would go ahead and cast my spell.

these are really just things that can help give your magick a boost. you really don't have to go far beyond the waxing and waning moon if that's what works for you but they sure can help.

maybe this site will help, http://www.moonsmuses.com/moonphases.html
Victoria Mnemosyne
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

how interesting. I've used days of the week but I've never heard of the moon's zodiac phases.
I have however heard of zodiac signs having colors associated with them. It might be helpful to match the candles relating to each person to the two people's zodiac signs. For example, I am a virgo, so my primary color is gold and my secondary is black. The person I had in mind when I wrote the spell is a Pisces, with a primary white and secondary green. Therefore, I could use a gold and black candle to represent me and a white and green to represent the other person.

I will look into the website, thank you for the tip
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by ebenb84 »

no problem, there is so much out there that it can seem a little complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's not too hard.
A new found power
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by A new found power »

It may seem quite abit late to post, but I think you have a way with the written word. Your spell flows beautifully, and reflects a true meaning behind these words. I could not think of a single thing to change in the way you have written your spell, not one thing!

And with the spell itself, it does appear that is fine to. The best spell is personal, and you use things that represent and mean things to you, that is relevant to the spell. Using a red candle to symbolise love is good. But have you considered other colours aswell? White can symbolise love and sincerity, something that rings strong through your spell, and would equally compliment it nicely I feel. Also, pink signifies true love, friendship, and banishing hatred. I feel both the white and pink candles could work just aswell as red. Infact, the only issue *I* personally would suggest against using red in this situation is that it suggests love, usually moreso than a seperation or healing. But then again, a colour is upto the owner as to it's interpretation and significance, so I cannot fault you there if you naturally feel drawn to red to aid this situation.

Regardless, I do hope it went, or if not cast yet, will go well!
Victoria Mnemosyne
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Re: Healing Wounds from Love Spell

Post by Victoria Mnemosyne »

Thank you for the compliment :)

I definintely agree with you that the symbols used in a spell have to have meaning for the caster. If I borrow a spell from someone else I never hesitate to adjust the symbols so that they are more relevent- and I would never have a problem with someone doing the same to one of my spells. That being said, I decided to use a red candle because to me, red can mean a passionate love (as was the relationship in question) but has negative associations of anger ("seeing red") and pain (I would color pain red, but others might not)

As for whether the spell worked or not- it had some effect definitely, but it turned out kind of funny (as is wont to happen) and didn't quite follow expectations. The ex (from a very tumultuous relationship) reached out to me to "hang out" shortly afterwards, but his feelings for me are still obviously conflicted. He ended up doing a 180 and seems to have his mind set to forget me entirely. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that healing didn't take place or isn't taking place. If it is, I consider the spell effective.
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