Shadow Person

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Shadow Person

Post by EyeOfIsis »

I was driving to my cousin's house tonight and I believe I came into contact with a shadow person. As I was driving on my residential street, a man's waved his hand at my car, right as I was about to hit him. I swerved just in time and stopped my car. I got out to see if he was okay, and absolutely no one was there. I looked all around me and up and down the street and even called out to see if anyone would call back, and I got no reply. I've researched a bit about shadow people before posting this, but none of the sites have told me what I really want to know; what it wants and how I can get rid of it. I've read some opinons that they're guardians, but I felt a completly malevolent and dark vibe from the figure. Also, my greatest fear in the entire world is to hit someone with my car. So, I'm wonderring if there is a way to find out what it wants, or if it's possible that someone, a witch, shaman etc., can send a shadow person to harm you. I'm basically ignorant on the subject, so any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Shadow Person

Post by Black_Tail »

It could really have been anything. From the mundane "eyes playing tricks" to a malevolent spirit. It just depends on what it did and what it's intention was. I've known neutral spirits to "protect" a specific geographic location in favor or service to magically inclined person or group. Other spirits can literally be attached to specific areas. But most spirits start paying attention to people when a person starts getting into magic.
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Re: Shadow Person

Post by Tylluan »

It does sound like shadow person to me. They do mainly seem dark and malevolent.

I've posted this link before as I found the information there helpful. Hopefully you will too

A friend of mine has one that just randomly jumps in front of her eyes. They are strange beings and apprently sightings of them are on the increase.
My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.

Re: Shadow Person

Post by EyeOfIsis »

I've decided to cast protection and banishment spells, just to be safe. I'll make sure to post the spells when I've finished them :)
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Re: Shadow Person

Post by Black_Tail »

I'd like to interject that not all shadow people are bad. Or shadow people at all. I've seen shadow people that ended up being spirit guides for me that were finally making themselves known. Shadow doesn't always mean darker or violent, we just can't see into the astral or spirit word.

Re: Shadow Person

Post by EyeOfIsis »

I realize that, but I did feel a malevolent presence. If it was a good spirit, I made sure my spell only banished negativity, so if it still needs to contact me, it can.
Moonlit Orchid

Re: Shadow Person

Post by Moonlit Orchid »

I'm a bit freaked out after reading all of this. Nine years ago I was living in a really bad place (bad people doing bad things). I was sitting on the couch and a shadow moved across the wall slowly. It even bent with the corner as it moved into the bedroom. I was in shock. I was not sleepy or intoxicated. I attributed it to being under stress. I moved out shortly afterward. Recently, I've been seeing a shadow out of the corner of my eye or a glimpse in another room. I attributed it to my eyes playing tricks on me and never associated the two experiences. I had never heard of shadow people until today. There has been some strange goings on in my house. My toddler looking up and holding a toy up in the air saying, 'Here...YOU' when there was nobody there. My husband hearing footsteps in the hall at night. This has all been very recent - just before I accepted being a witch. Since I began my journey only a few weeks ago I cleansed my house. Nothing has happened since but I do feel an strange energy in the center of the hallway. I also feel compelled to get out. The hallway is the area of the house where my children would often erupt in some form of outburst or chaos. Not sure what to make of all of this. I just wanted to share after reading the post.

Re: Shadow Person

Post by Aura_Guru »

Be cautious it does appear to be shadow people and said entities are near-inscrutible.No origin, no mention in folklore and sightings are increasing in severity in late years.Sometimes it just a light-trick just beyong the range of vision but some accounts have the ordinary 2 dimentional shadows literaly ripping themselves off the walls to full blown 3D apparitions.All we know is they may be deavas-malicious lesser shadow demons- from zoroastrian mythology and that they apperantly mean harm although they actualy rarely cause said harm.Psychic shielding,cleansing&possible basnishing and/or warding can neutralise this -possible- threat.Some also attribute them the quality or heralding chaos.Whatever that means.

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