Cora's BOS

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Cora's BOS

Post by Tylluan »

I think this is a great idea I have so many 'online' pieces that are all over the place, keeping them here in one place is a cool idea. I have my own BOS too but I like the idea of online sharing ideas with people.

So without further ado, here is my BOS

My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
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Re: Cora's BOS

Post by Tylluan »

This is a poem I wrote many years ago when I was involved in more Wiccan circles. I know offically the year starts with Samhaim however to me personally my spirit feels Winter first so I started with Yule. It just sums up the year to me.

Yule is here
Send good cheer
Presents by the fireplace
Evergreen with lights in place

Imbolc comes and shines the way
Shows us that the spring awakes
Young goddess sheds the old crone
Candle lights brings Imbolc home

Ostara comes with the Jasmine and Rose
Subtle scents for a witchy nose
Vernal Equinox is here at last
Brighter days but snows forecast

Beltane come with May pole dance
Whirling, twirling in a trance
Lilac scents and belfire jumps
Bringing us the warmer months

Litha the longest day
Summer Solstice, we roll in hay
Feast and fire, wine and food
Gets us in the dancing mood

Lummas is a precious time
The wheat is cut and ground with rhyme
The first loaf made and left to cool
Food gathered now to be used at Yule

Mabon hears the last harvest blade
Autumnal cascade in the glade
Overlooked by heavy harvest moon
Casting out magic golden hue

On Samhaim the years near complete
Fields now fallow rest in peace
The spirits come to dine with us
We fed them well and miss them much

And on to Yule and give our thanks
The fires high, the heart relaxed
Wiccan ways the best for sure
The wheel turns forever more.
My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
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Re: Cora's BOS

Post by Tylluan »

My page dedicated to Imbolc:

Imbolc happens at the beginning of February. It is when the first lambs are born and ewe's milk is available again after the long winter. The year is beginning to stir and wake-up. This is the time of year when we say goodbye to winter and welcome the coming spring. If the winter has been particulary difficult this celebration is a most wonderful occasion of hope.

Where I live the bulbs are already forcing their way through the defrosting soil, the birds are getting ready for this year's fledglings and us human beings are coming out of 'hibernation'!

The Celtic festival of Imbolc is thought to mean 'in the belly' in Gaelic. The world is about to be born and there is an air of celebration.

The land is like a foetus getting ready to be re-born at the spring equinox in March. The soil is softening and warming. Hopefully the only carpet of white to be seen will be the gentle bobbing heads of snowdrops.

This time is also known as Oi-melg, which means 'ewes-milk' as it's the time when lambs are born and the milk starts to flow again. To our ancestors watching the stocks from the previous harvest diminise Imbolc brought a huge sigh of relief that their provisions had lasted this long.

This holiday is dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigit. She comes in her maiden form at this time of year and brings purification, light and renewal. You can see her above the South West door of the tower on Glastonbury Tor, milking a cow.

Imbolc is a great time to get your home, finances and relationships in order to make way for the new. Its time to let go of what no longer serves you in your life and start to focus on what 'seeds' within you may now want to grow.

Its also a great time to plan for what you want to happen over the next year or remind yourself of the New Year resolutions you made for yourself.

As with the other pagan festivals, Imbolc too has been Christianised.

In the Catholic Church, this time is the feast of Candlemas, when the candles are blessed and the churches are filled with tiers of candles to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary after giving birth to Jesus.

Whatever your spiritual persuasion if you step outside its hard to resist revealing in the new life that is appearing now.

Happy Imbolc everyone.
My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
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Re: Cora's BOS

Post by Tylluan »

Herbal recipe: Nettle vinegar hair rinse

A nettle vinegar hair rinse is quick to make and can be used regularly in conjunction with a nettle shampoo. It will provide your hair and scalp with all the benefits of nettle, plus the cleansing and softening effects of apple cider vinegar.


Approx 500ml boiling water
Approx 250ml apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons dried nettles (or 6 tablespoons chopped fresh nettles – don’t forget to wear gloves!)
Pour the boiling water over the nettles and leave to brew for at least 10 minutes, but longer if possible. Strain off the liquid and add the apple cider vinegar. That’s all there is to it! Use this as a final rinse after washing your hair with a a herbal shampoo. Surprisingly you won’t be left with a vinegar smell on your hair once it dries. Remember, herbal remedies and preparations don’t work in an instant, and need to be used regularly over time to benefit from their properties.
My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
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Re: Cora's BOS

Post by Tylluan »

Week days and their associations - for guidelines only as there are many other herbs, plants suitable etc


Ruled by the Sun.
Colour – Yellow
Metal – Gold
Stones – Amber, Ruby, Topaz
Scent – Frankincense
Food - Honey, Grapes, Oranges, Cinnamon, Saffron
Herbs – St Johns Wort
Flower – Sunflower, Daffodils
Essential Oils – Cedarwood, Neroli, Rosemary

Ruled by – the Moon
Colour – White
Metal – Silver
Stones – Moonstone
Scent – Camphor
Food – Nutmeg, Lettuce
Herbs – Lemon Balm
Flower – Lilies
Essential Oils – Jasmine, Lemon. Sandalwood

Ruled by – Mars
Colour – Red
Metal – Iron
Stones – Malachite, Red Hematite
Scent –Hyacinth, Basil, Garlic
Food – Ginger, Onions, Mustard
Herbs – Bryony, Nettle
Flower – Primrose,
Essential Oils – Basil, Coriander, Ginger

Ruled by – Mercury
Colour – Multicoloured
Metal – Mercury
Stones – Chalcedony, Saronyx
Scent –Marjoram
Food – Celery, Dill, Fennel
Herbs – Valerian, Cinqefoil
Flower – Jasmine, Lavendar
Essential Oils – Eucalyptus, Lavendar

Ruled by – Jupiter
Colour – Blue, Purple
Metal – Tin
Stones – Topaz, Amethyst, turquoise
Scent –Myrrh
Food – Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets, Chicory
Herbs – Betony, Borage
Flower – Daisies, Carnations
Essential Oils – Clove, Melisa, Anise

Ruled by – Venus
Colour – Green
Metal – Silver
Stones – Jade, Emeralds
Scent – Rose, Sandalwood
Food – Apples, Beans
Herbs – Burdock, Vervain
Flower – Roses
Essential Oils – Cardamon, Rose

Ruled by – Saturn
Colour – Black
Metal – Lead
Stones – Hematite, Onyx, Garnet
Scent – Patchouli
Food – Barley, Cereals
Herbs – Mullein, Nettle
Flower – Solomon’s Seal,
Essential Oils – Cypress, Patchouli
My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring. And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze. For above and around me the wild wind is roaring. Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
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