Just a playful spirit or something more?

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.

Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by ashuriixinfallible »

I've always believed in the paranormal, and even moreso after I began to study ghosts and spirits.

There seems to be at least one entity in my house; when I actually sleep in my bedroom, it likes to touch or poke me right when I'm about to fall asleep, and I'll sometimes get these jarring sensations of falling even when I'm sitting still, always in that room but nowhere else.

Recently I've been staying out in the living room, and I guess the entity came out here with me. The past week, I've been woken up at three in the morning when the TV suddenly starts making this screeching noise. It's never happened to anyone else in the house or any other TV we have, so no one believes me. And last night the spirit even hid the remote- I put it in the same place on the table every night, and this time it was under the board in the couch.

I spent about half an hour trying to talk to it last night, asking it if it would leave- and if it wouldn't or couldn't leave, to at least stop pulling pranks and messing with me. It's more annoying than scary, and I'm not convinced that it's out to get me or anything, but it's preventing me from sleeping through the night.

Posts: 91
Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:58 am

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by skyslide »

I'm not so sure about this one. Could be playful but I'd say sage the house anyway. My beliefs, which stem from those of the Lakota Native Americans belief system, are that since sage purifies it only rids the house of spirits with bad intentions. If this spirit does not, it will still be there and then you can go from there.

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by ashuriixinfallible »

Alright, thank you. =)
Posts: 91
Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:58 am

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by skyslide »

Any time =)
I'd love to hear an update after you sage. Just telling us if it stayed or was still there after saging. =)

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by AzaleaMoon »

When I do house blessings I like to use White sage. but I also like to use Copa resin . Copal is excellent for protection, purification and excorcism.
Dragons blood and frankincence and juniper, myrrh, rosemary and sandalwood also have those qualities.

Try different things.

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by ashuriixinfallible »

I finally got a chance to smudge, and I can tell you that I feel a lot better now.

I wanted to try rosemary, since I had some laying around, as well as incense. I used a chant I found on EUTM, walked counter clockwise in a circle around the room three times with my smudge stick, and I lit some of the incense- I'm letting it burn until only ashes remain, in this case signifying the spirit's departure, and I'm going to take them outside when it's windy and let them blow away.

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by Highlander »

salt is also supposed to help with a spirit and so is garlic i think. not sure about your situation but the ghost here just seems to pull pranks on me. maybe it's trying to get your attention

Re: Just a playful spirit or something more?

Post by AzaleaMoon »


Forgot to mention, you should do three smudgings on 3 separate days, (power of 3) they don't have to be consecutive days. How is it going after the first smudging?

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