Empathic projection

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Empathic projection

Post by p3nathan »

I've been going through a very stressful period in my life recently, quite possibly the most stressful so far. I've been an empath since I was very young and have developed a good control over it. But recently something weird has been happening. When I get angry or upset, particularly when it's at one person specifically, they feel whatever I'm feeling. It's very sudden and has happened too many times recently for me to should shrug it off as coincidence. The main reason I'm telling you this is because the reason I am stressed is because I am ill and there is one person inparticular who really pushes my buttons. I love him deep down, but holy moley he makes me mad sometimes... more so recently because I have a lower tolerance. I literally can't seem to be near him these days without him getting sick. Fatigue comes over him, he feels sick, I don't mean to be doing it and I don't want to. Is it possible for empaths to project emotions when greatly stressed? And if so... how do I get a handle on it??? I know how to work with other people's emotions so that they don't send me looney tunes but this is new and I currently don't like it :(
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Re: Empathic projection

Post by Tylluan »

Yeah this is totally possible, I was taught that the energy we use connects us with that action, feeling. It acts as a two way mode of communication. Try visulising these strings between you and severing them. As you do it ask that this communciation stops for both your sake and allow peace to heal the rift.

Alternatively ground everytime you see him and only say nice things to him, no matter how hard it is.
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Re: Empathic projection

Post by Black_Tail »

There is another explanation too. It happens with people. Certain people can sympathize so much they actually mimic your symptoms and emotions. Not a metaphysical thing, but a psychological. It most often happens when a woman is pregnant. Her husband will begin feeling the symptoms of pregnancy with her (sensitive breasts, morning sickness, back pain, etc). I forget what its called but its mind over matter type of thing.

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