What Am I?

Discussion of the different types of witchcraft and pagan paths.
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Moonlit Orchid

What Am I?

Post by Moonlit Orchid »

I've done all my homework and know that what I believe in is Wicca- mostly eclectic now. However, I also believe in Jesus - but not in a traditional sense. I believe he was sent from God to liberate people from the religious leaders of the time who were keeping people from knowing God. He came to show people they can reach God themselves and find God within themselves. I believe he was a savior in a metaphorical way - not saving from original sin or damnation which do not exist. I believe that church leaders decided to capitalize on this and use his name to regain power over the masses instead of accepting defeat leading to modern Christianity. I've only been going down this path for a short time and reading all I can. There are so many labels out there! I'm trying to define myself in my own mind and I'm finding the Jesus thing causing confusion. Any thoughts and opinions that I can add to my thought process would be a blessing. Thank you.
Miss Pixie
Posts: 60
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:56 pm

Re: What Am I?

Post by Miss Pixie »

I would say that your beliefs on Jesus would contribute further to your eclectic Wiccan status. If you were not into Wicca, I would say you are a Christian witch, or perhaps a New Age witch with an affinity for Jesus.

I hope this helps!

Blessed Be! <3
Moonlit Orchid

Re: What Am I?

Post by Moonlit Orchid »

Yes it does help. I've only been going down this path for about a month or so. The more I study the more Wiccan I feel. I just have a deep reverence and love for Jesus that will never change. I just didn't want to leave Jesus behind as I go forward. I'm starting to see that I don't have to. Thank you. Blessed Be : )

Re: What Am I?

Post by x_stormysky_x »

i feel the same way... im also on the path of finding and wiccan is the path i chose.

Re: What Am I?

Post by x_stormysky_x »

x_stormysky_x wrote:i feel the same way... im also on the path of finding and wiccan is the path i chose.
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