Birds, birds, and more birds...

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Birds, birds, and more birds...

Post by Indigo_Pheonix »

Lately there have been a bunch of black birds (Grackles) flying around my home.
I live in a trailor park that is surrounded by fields and trees so I see the attraction for the birds. But I have never seen so many at once, I mean hundreds of thousands, the noise is so loud I can't hear my t.v.!!! :D
I see them fly by the window and it looks like a black cloud. Its sunny today. They are so thick!
I was wondering if there was an other explanation, is it a sign?
I like watching them, the noise makes me smile. It sounds like one is telling a joke and then they all laugh!
Anyway, thought I'd share!
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Re: Birds, birds, and more birds...

Post by AutumnMaidens »

I see them everywhere too, I feel like they are a sign that spring is comming. Birds are very spiritual because they are able to fly through the veil. I am sure these birds bring nothing but good wishes and if they make you smile than that is all the more reason to enjoy them.

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soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone.
Our bible IS the wind and the rain."

Re: Birds, birds, and more birds...

Post by Indigo_Pheonix »

Things have been hard for awhile, I asked the universe to give me a sign that it will get better, I guess that was a big fat YES! I love nature! The birds are gone now. And snow is supposed to move in later. I can't wait! It hasn't rained or snowed much this year, being a water sign, I need it!
Blessings to all!
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