Need help with my cat desperately!

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Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by absynthe17 »

I have a cat who is almost a year old who has been getting increasingly naughtier! We got her when she was 8 weeks old and we have always lived in the same house.

She scratches things, knocks things over, takes food out of the bin and the cupboards (you’d think we were starving her!), climbs the curtains, goes to the toilet where she shouldn’t, jumps and plays on top of us while we’re sleeping all night so I can’t get a good night’s sleep… the list goes on. If we try to put her out of the room so we can have a good night’s sleep she just cries and carries on all night and is so loud that that ends up keeping us awake anyway.

She is not allowed outside because the neighbour has 2 dogs that have killed a lot of cats (they are trained to kill rabbits – we live next to farms), but she is always trying to get out and has pushed the screen out of the windows, or sits at the doors so she can run out when you open it. We used to be able to take her outside for a bit and she would sit with us in the grass and not run away, but now she keeps getting out and running away when we try and get her, so we can’t even leave windows open just in case. We worry because we don’t want her to get killed or hurt.

She also tries to jump on top of doors and windows and ends up leaving scratches on everything, or climbs the curtains to get to the top of windows. We’re in a rental property so we have to keep fixing everything all the time. Yesterday she ripped down an entire curtain trying to jump up on top of the window. We don’t want to have to get rid of her because she is our baby, but we may have to if we can’t get her to behave. We have done absolutely everything “training” wise, and nothing has helped. We have had many cats in the past and they had always behaved.

We desperately need something that will calm her down and help her settle and behave. It has only been recently that she has gotten really crazy. Even when she was younger she didn’t have this much energy!

Does anyone have any ideas that could help?
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Re: Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by JBRaven »

Have you taken her to the vet? Maybe he or she has some advice.

Re: Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by absynthe17 »

Yeah she has been fixed.
We can't really afford to go to the vet for every little thing though, that's the problem!
Maybe she's just insane! Haha. I'm hoping as she gets older she might grow out of it a bit.
phoenix syrin

Re: Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by phoenix syrin »

I have a cat shes about a year old. Sometime when I dont give her enough attention or play with her. she acts out.
Im not saying ur not giving your cat enough attention. Or your cat could be an outside cat. I cant count the number of times my cat has tried to get out.
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Re: Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by AutumnMaidens »

She has been helped you say? Because it sounds like she is in heat, the wanting to go outside and mewing loudly. Did you change her diet recently? Because if cats don't get enough veggies they also tend to want to go outside more. Or did something else change, is the atmosphere tense at home, did someone leave who used to be around a lot?
Does she have enough high places to climb?

Do you notice she has been trying to keep to high places or to low places? Cats who hide in low places usually suffer from low self esteem and will try to run off every once in a while.

Hope this helps a bit,
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Re: Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by Althara »

You could try a pheramone diffuser like Feliway. Or exercise your cat more, give her things to play with an explore - I recommend a cat tower. Indoor cats' biggest problem is BOREDOM. Make sure she's on a diet suitable for indoor cats, too.
phoenix syrin

Re: Need help with my cat desperately!

Post by phoenix syrin »

i know about boredom about cats My lil kitty sleeps most of the day and when i am about to go to sleep thats when she decides to get really active. Luckly shes sooo cute that i cant stay mad at her. She is learning though when im about to sleep she will pokes me and if i dont move she goes play somewhere else.
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